Antepartum: ABO Blood Type Compatibility & Incompatibility Flashcards
Type A is incompatible with…?Type A cannot be donated to…?
B and ABType A cannot be donated to Type B because Type B will produce antibodies against Type A antigens
Type B is incompatible with Type …?Type B cannot be donated to Type …?
A and AB and OBecause the antigens on Type B will cause Type A and O to produce antibodies against Type B
Type AB is incompatible with Type …?Type AB cannot be donated to Type…?
Type AB cannot be donated to Type O because Type O will produce antibodies against Type AB antigens
Type O is incompatible with Type O cannot be donated to Type ….?
Type O does not have ANY antigens so it can be donated to all blood groups. UNIVERSAL DONORA, B, AB cannot be donated to O because O does not have any A, B, AB antigens and will produce antibodies against A,B,AB
Universal Donor?Why?
O can be donated to any blood group because it does not have any antigens on it RBC’s
Universal Recipient? Why?
AB, can receive blood from any blood group because it has A & B antigens
ABO Incompatibility Reactions: BBCFFY
Back painBlood in urineChillsFeeling “impending doom”FeverYellow Skin/Jaundice
Blood Types are based on __________?
AntigensType A has A antigenType B has B antigenType AB has AB antigenType O has no antigens
Antibodies are found in blood PLASMA, and are the ____of the blood type.
In addition to universal blood cell donors, there are people who are universal blood plasma donors. Antibodies are found in blood plasma, and are the opposite of the blood type. Someone with type A blood has B antibodies in his or her plasma. Type AB blood plasma has no antibodies, and therefore can safely be donated to anyone.
Rh incompatibility occurs when _______?
Rh incompatibility occurs when a mother who is type Rh - (and has naturally occuring anti-Rh antibodies in her serum) gives birth to an infant who is Rh+. If any mixing of maternal and fetal blood occurs during pregnancy or the birth process, the mother’s anti-Rh antibodies will vigorously attack the baby’s Rh+ rbcs by adhering to, and then lysing, the cells.
ABO incompatibility occurs by the same general mechanism. Type O mothers are most commonly impacted, since they carry both anti-A and anti-B antibodies. What is the result of this incompatibility? (3)
If the infant is type A, type B, or type AB, risk for incompatibility exists. This is frequently referred to as a “set-up”. If mixing of maternal and fetal blood occurs during pregnancy or the birth process, these antibodies can also attack the baby’s rbcs and cause hemolysis. In general, this reaction is less serious than Rh incompatibility (which can be fatal if severe and untreated), and usually only results in jaundice and mild anemia.RESULT: Hemolysis, Jaundice and mild anemia
1) Indirect Coombs Test aka?2) Is done when?
1) Test for Rh antibodies screening2) Part of prenatal labs(MedlinePlus)
1) What medication is administered to Rh- women if fetus is Rh+?2) What is the purpose of this medication?
1) RhoGAM2) These injections prevent the development of antibodies against Rh-positive blood. (MedlinePlus)
Rh- women protocol during pregnancyWhen is first RhoGAM administered?When is the second RhoGAM administered?
If the father of the infant is Rh-positive or if his blood type cannot be confirmed, the mother is given an injection of RhoGAM during the second trimester. If the baby is Rh-positive, the mother will get a second injection within a few days after delivery.(Medlineplus)
Women with Rh-negative blood type must receive injections: (4)
Women with Rh-negative blood type must receive injections:During every pregnancyIf they have a miscarriage or abortionAfter prenatal tests such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus biopsyAfter injury to the abdomen during pregnancy