Animal Rights Flashcards
Moral Status
Eligible for moral concern or respect regardless of its relationship to others
Thomas Aquinas
Animals are not eligible for moral consideration, but we shouldn’t harm them cruelly because that could have human consequences
Rene Descartes
Animals are insensible mechanisms that can no more experience pain or pleasure than a clock
Immanuel Kant
Animals are not persons, so we have no moral duties and obligations to them
However, the way we treat animals reflects how we treat other people
And, spirits/immaterial beings are not available for moral consideration. They have negative duties
Discrimination against animals because of their species
Animal Rights
Moral status for animals that cannot be easily overridden
Humans alone have moral status
All living things have some degree of moral status
Singer’s point with speciesism/racism
People who refuse to see humans as moral equals are guilty of speciesism, a cousin of racism
Peter Singer: All Animals are Equal
Main point: we should consider the interests of animals as we do humans; if animal suffering is like human suffering, it deserves equal consideration
-we can assume animal suffering through empathy
-animals have an interest in avoiding pain
-therefore animals have rights
-speciesism appears in food, experiments, and cosmetic testing
-moral vegetarianism
-if we’re not willing to test on humans, why cruelly test on animals?
Singers Utilitarian Inspiration for Animal Rights
Jeremy Bentham
What country prohibits cage systems for chickens?
Types of “Cruel Animal Testing”
Draize Test: dripping concentrated amounts of cosmetics in animal/rabbit eyes
LD50: how much is a lethal dose in 50% of animals given the drug
Singer vs Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson: well fish eat other fish, so why should we not eat them? Natural Order
Singer: Natural does not equal right
Singer and Darwinism
Darwin proved that the “gulf between human and animal” is not so wide
Carl Cohen: The Case for the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research
-animals do not have rights because they do not have moral capacities, so medical research cannot violate them
-animals must withstand certain, if not more, testing for the greater good
-we should not cause undue suffering to animals though
Carl Cohen on Speciesism
Speciesism is an incorrect stance as it places moral standing between a dog and a human to equally
Singer is wrong to compare it to racism because racism is wholly invalid, whereas speciesism is not
Vaughns religious examples
-the book of Genesis in Judeo-Christianity makes a clear distinction between humans and animals
-some eastern religions categorize humans and animals similarly