Animal Identification Methods Flashcards
Why do we identify animals?
-Correct procedure on the correct animal
-Indicate procedures done
-Lost pets can be returned
-Indicate breeding status
What kind of identification can large animals/cattle have?
-Ear tags
-Ear Tattoos
-Number Tagging
What does crayon and kamar signify?
The animal is in heat
What does paint signify?
Has been bred
What color ear tags signify what?
Orange- brucellosis vaccination
Silver- ID and use for TB test ID
What kind of identification can horses have?
-Lip Tattoos
What are the different kinds of branding?
-Hot branding
-Cold branding
What kind of identification can swine have?
-Ear notching
-Ear tagging
What kind of identification can lab animals have?
-Toe or tail clipping
-Ear punching
What differs between ear clippings?
Location and number of holes
What kind of identification can ferrets have?
Over what % of ferrets come from the same place?
Where do most of the U.S.’s ferrets come from?
Marshal Farms
What does the ferret distributor do to their ferrets?
-Tattoos 2 dots in the right ear
What kinds of tags do small animals wear?
-Collar tags
-Rabies tag
What is on a collar tag?
Owner’s contact info if the animal gets lost
What is on the rabies tag?
Tag number and the vet who vaccinated
Is the rabies tag legal documentation of the vaccine?
What must be on the cage card for animals in cages/runs?
Patient name, owner’s name, procedures to be done, who their vet is, etc.
What animals must have a cage card?
-Hospital patients
-Shelter animals
-Lab animals
-Breeding facility animals
How much wiggle room should a neckband have?
2 fingers
How do you put on a neckband?
Peel and stick
Why do shelters/ fixing programs tattoo dogs and cats?
-Placed at spay incision to make it noticeable
-Signifies they’re fixed
-Identify individual animals with a number
Who most often gets ear-clipped?
Feral cats
Why should something get ear-clipped?
To see if it’s been fixed without handling the animal
Describe what an ear clipping is
Distal 1/4” of the right ear is cut off
What can also look like ear clipping?
When should you ear clip something?
If they can be monitored closely to know if the clipping actually happened
Microchipping Pros
-Can be done w/o anesthesia
-Can be read without restraining and shaving
Microchipping Cons
-Expensive compared to tattooing
-Lack of a scanner
-Scanner not compatible
-Company not notified of a change of ownership
-May migrate
Brands of microchips
-Home again
-Bayer ResQ
-AKC Trovan
Microchipping procedure
-Scanner is used to confirm no pre-existing chip
-Chip is injected subcutaneously between shoulder blades (scruff) using a large bore needle
-Chip is scanned again
-Registration paperwork completed and sent in