Angiogenesis Petronini Flashcards
importances and dangers of Formation of new blood vessels:
essential in physiological processes such as embryonic development, wound repair,
endometrial growth.
It is critical in pathological processes such as diabetes, arthritis, psoriasis, endometriosis,
tumor growth and metastases.
On the contrary, we can have a disease related to the deficiency of functional blood vessels
that contributes to a variety of ischemic symptoms in cardio and cerebrovascular diseases.
Examples related to angiogenesis:
- Angiogenesis by mobilisation of EPCs (endothelial precursor cells) from the bone marrow,
They move from the bone marrow and reach the site where vasculogenesis is important.
There is the formation of the capillary plexus. - Angiogenesis from pre-existing vessels.
The formation of blood vessels occurs through 2 processes:
1) VASCULOGENESIS - characteristic of embryonic development
2) ANGIOGENESIS - important during reparative processes, in connective reintegration and
in tumour growth.
Stages of the angiogenesis process:
5 stages are important:
1. Proteolytic degradation of the basal membrane and capillary bud formation
2. Migration of endothelial cells
3. These endothelial cells will undergo proliferation
4. Maturation
5. Recruitment of periendothelial cells
Here is represented the process of physiological angiogenesis during the repair of a wound
Tumour angiogenesis is very similar in its stages to a physiological angiogenesis but unlike
physiological angiogenesis, the tumour vessels are ___________________________
irregular, tortuous, less stable, and less
In the normal case, the vessels, and the mature network is stable, and the structure and
the function of the wall are appropriate to the location.
In the case of tumor, the evolving network is unstable, has an abnormal structure and
function and is inappropriate for location.
While arterioles, capillaries, and venules are clearly distinguishable in the normal vascular
system, in a tumour the vessels are disorganized and unidentifiable
the tumour stops
growing when it reaches a diameter of 1mm. For a tumour to continue to grow, it must
develop onside the _____________________
network of blood vessels.
HIF target genes:
When a tumor has a high level of HIF-1α, that is not very good, on the contrary, it’s very
bad because you have chemoresistance. You have influenced metabolism, so you increase
glucose uptake and glycolytic enzymes.
The activation of β catenin induces cell proliferation. Β Catenin is degraded when an
oncosuppressor gene called APC is present.
When APC is absent you have a disease called familial polyposis of the colon.
HIF is also able to induce EMT, epithelial to mesenchymal transition (very important in
HIF induces angiogenesis, endothelial cells migration, proliferation, maturation so it induces
tumour vascularisation. (a very important factor in cancer)
Tumour cells release___________ and these factors
are able to induce the vascularisation of the tumour, so that the tumour starts to grow very
1 mm of capillaries can feed 10,000 neoplastic cells
TAF (tumor angiogenesis factors)
Many years ago, Judah Folkman studied this process in detail. These experiments were
performed on the rabbit cornea.
A small piece of tumour was placed in the anterior chamber of the rabbit but the tumour did
not grow, it was alive though, until a signal ________ produced by the tumour induced the iris to
produce new vessels. Then what happens is that the tumour grows so fast. (So, tumors release tumour angiogenetic factors)
tumour angiogenesis is actually controlled by an imbalance between __________________
factors of angiogenesis.
(TAF), promoter and inhibitory
Growth factors and receptors involved in angiogenesis:
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor, is also called VPF, vascular permeability factor
because new vessels have a higher permeability than all the other vessels.
VEGFR2: VEGF (growth factor) binds to these tyrosine kinase receptors (VEGFR2) auto
phosphorylation of the receptor happens and then activation of the signal transduction
pathway, which culminates with the activation of transcription factors.
HIF: hypoxia inducible factor
Hypoxia activates HIF-1 or HIF-2
Just for a reminder: this factor is composed of 2 subunits α and β and in normoxia the α
subunit is hydroxylated and degraded by proteasomes.
In hypoxia the α subunit isn’t hydroxylated, it’s stable as it’s bound to the β subunit and it induces
the transcription of different genes whose products are related to angiogenesis, so VEGF is
related to glucose metabolism (glucose transporter and enzymes involved in glycolytic
processes) and induces cell proliferation
When HIF-1 is activated, it induces the synthesis of erythropoietin. Erythropoietin binds
onto CFU cells and induces the survival and proliferation of CFU, colony forming unit.
These cells have the receptors with the highest affinity for erythropoietin
Inhibitors of angiogenesis:
these can inhibit this process
Angiostatin (fragment of the plasminogen)
Endostatin and Tumstatin (collagen fragments)
RAS MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase - important in the transduction pathway
MYC, transcription factor - this gene is amplified in certain tumors, translocated in other
ex: in the Burkitt lymphoma (chromosome 8 in humans)
P53, the most important onco-suppressor, it’s the garden of the genome
a very important drug! the monoclonal antibody that binds VEGF (binds to the
factor, not the receptor). VEGF blockage induces tumor regression.
* Bevacizumab binds to VEGF by blocking interaction with receptors and activation of
downstream signal transduction
* VEGF blockage induces regression of tumor vascularity
It can block neoangiogenesis, but it’s also able to induce a normalization to these
vessels so that the drugs can reach the tumor and the component of the immune system
(ex. Lymphocytes) can also reach the tumor. Therefore, it improves both the effect of the
immune system on tumor cells and the action of therapeutic drugs.
In vitro, transfection studies have shown since the 1980s that no single oncogene can
completely transform undamaged cells in vitro. It is usually necessary to alter an oncogene
whose product is _________ and an oncogene whose product is __________. So if you want to
obtain a tumor cell from a normal cell, one oncogene is not enough, you need to use 2
oncogenes. 1 localized in the nucleus and the other in the cytoplasm
nuclear, cytoplasmic
For example: myc nuclear oncogene and src cytoplasmic oncogene. (src is present in Rous sarcoma virus)
Myc and ras: the oncogenic versions of myc and ras are easily obtained. You can use a
mutated 1 or, better, you can put these genes under the control of a promoter (this is a better
Promoters are present in the LTR sequence (long terminal repeats)
Other ways of blocking neoangiogenesis:
There’s another possibility to block this process.
VEGFR is a tyrosine kinase receptor.
-Nib endings (different from -mab) are tyrosine kinase inhibitors.
So, these 2 are used as drugs in kidney cancer because they block the angiogenesis
Carcinogenicity is a multi-step process:
A clear example of the multi-facility of carcinogenesis in human pathology is colon cancer
associated with the alteration of the oncosuppressor gene APC.
You have a normal tissue (mucosa, submucosa, muscularis propria) and an inherited
mutation at the germ-line “first hit” (most of the onco-suppressor genes must be inactivated
by “2 hits”, but there is an oncosuppressor that has a dominant behavior which is p53).
P53 is a tetramer, 1 mutated subunit of the tetramer is enough to make p53 not work correctly. APC is located on chromosome 5 (long arm, position 2 1)
“2nd hit”: eg. Methylation of the promoter, inactivating APC.
B catenin is free, it’s a transcription factor that induces the proliferation of these epithelial cells.
The signal transduction pathway is called wnt beta-catenin.
Then we have a proto-oncogene mutation. A typical example is K-ras (this version of ras is
present in the Kirsten virus). The protooncogene ras becomes an oncogene by a point mutation.
Then there’s loss of additional cancer suppressor genes and overexpression of COX-2 (a
chemical mediator of inflammation and it’s produced starting from arachidonic acid. 2
enzymes are involved cox-1 and cox-2, cox 2 produces prostaglandin)
Remember the link between inflammation and cancer, inflammation is an evolved mark of
P53 is mutated or lost, SMAD2 and SMAD4 are molecules involved in the transduction
signal starting from TGF beta (transforming growth factor beta) which is a growth factor that
doesn’t stimulate the proliferation of epithelial cells but it’s able to inhibit the proliferation of
epithelial cells.
Additional mutations, for example, gross alteration in chromosomal number and structure,
activation of telomerase and many other genes.
We start from a normal colon, we move to a mucosa at risk, then to adenomas, and end in
carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma.
In this additional mutation, we can introduce receptor MET that induces motility of the cells.
So, we can associate a molecular alteration to the histology of the tumor.
3 important phases of cancer:
- Initiation
- Promotion
- Progression
Selection factors which promote neoplastic progression:
(hormones) (prostate, breast)
(angiogenesis - Metabolic changes: glycolysis)
(against immune reactions)
(chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, and therapy implementing the immune system)
The selective pressure exerted by the host organism tends to eliminate the less resistant neoplastic clones and to favor those with more competitiveness and therefore more
malignant ones.
During progression there will be selected clones
- Poorly antigenic (recognized by t lymphocytes)
- Independent of the action of physiological signals (cancer cells of the breast need
estrogen to proliferate and survive). Some clones can survive and proliferate
independently of the stimulation of hormones - Able to survive and proliferate in suboptimal conditions (before angiogenesis you
have a supply of nutrients that is not perfect, but some clones have
transporting system with high affinity that can take enough nutrients, like
amino acids, when these substances are present in low concentrations) (true also for
glucose) - Drug and radiation resistant
Hormonal response:
There are tumors, derived from endocrine glands or from normally hormone-controlled
tissues, the growth of which is dependent on the continued presence of the hormone.
(Breast => oestrogen, prostate => testosterone)
In these cases, a therapy that abolishes or inhibits the signal is successful.
The loss of hormone dependence by neoplastic progression makes the cells resistant to
Therapy can be ablative, remove the hormone source, or additive therapy, a drug competing
with the hormone
Antiestrogenic therapy:
Used with success in the therapy of breast carcinomas that express ER (estrogen
receptors) however, are very frequent phenomena of acquired resistance that determine
neoplastic progression
2 types of drugs may be used:
Tamoxifen (in pre-menopausal women):
Antagonist at the breast level
Agonist in endometrium and bone tissue
Tamoxifen: is currently used for the treatment of both early and advanced ER+ (estrogen
receptor positive) breast cancer in pre-and post-menopausal women. In this situation, this
complex is not able to induce gene transcription. Tamoxifen competes with estrogen for the
Aromatase inhibitor
Aromatase: converts testosterone to oestradiol
Endocrine therapy:
Therapy aimed at interfering with hormonal activity.
Mechanisms of action of hormonal therapy in breast cancer: we can either
1. ERα targeting (estrogenic receptor alpha)
2. Inhibit the activity of estrogenic receptors
Deprivation of estrogen:
To inhibit the production of estrogen produced by ovaries in premenopausal women, or To
inhibit the production of estrogen in extra ovarian tissues in postmenopausal women,
blocking the action of the aromatase enzyme, which transforms androgens (testosterone)
into estrogens
Talking about the breast, the tissue whose proliferation and survival is dependent on hormonal stimulation. When we have breast cancer that expresses ER, estrogen receptor, we can use 2 therapeutic strategies:
use of tamoxifen (used in pre and post-menopausal women) it binds onto the ER and
blocks the activity of these receptors.
The other strategy is the use of an aromatase inhibitor (which is currently used in patients)
There are tumor cells that survive and grow even if the action of estrogen is blocked. These drugs
are not free of collateral effects, they aren’t used simultaneously (it’s either on or the other).
When the cells become resistant to the treatment the patient doesn’t die because you have
another possible treatment to use.
If a patient becomes resistant to letrozole you can use inhibitors of CD4 CDK which
phosphorylate RB. Drugs break this kinase.
Aromatase inhibitors:
Aromatase inhibitors (AI) are a class of drugs used in the treatment of breast cancer and
ovarian cancer in postmenopausal women that block the aromatase enzyme.
1) Irreversible steroidal inhibitors such as exemestane form a permanent bond with the
aromatase enzyme complex.
2) Non-steroidal inhibitors (such as anastrozole, letrozole) inhibit the enzyme by reversible
Metabolic alteration due to cancer:
Cancer cells direct glucose metabolism towards glycolysis. Selective advantage in a hypoxic microenvironment, but also occurs in aerobic conditions:
In normal PO2 concentration, this is called the Warburg effect. Tumour cells prefer to
produce ATP from glycolysis than from oxidative phosphorylation.
Glucose starvation is used to carry out a diagnostic examination (PET, positron emission
tomography) thanks to the use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, which is radioactive.
Cancer is a “metabolic disease” that produces energy with limited resources and promotes
metabolic pathways that can support cell proliferation
Why does the metabolic switch take place?
- Survival in a hypoxic environment
- Possibility of using glycolysis intermediates for biosynthetic purposes through the
pentose phosphate pathway - Exoso-monophosphates shunt (permits the production of ribose and NADPH, which
is important for glutathione)
The importance of this shift, the metabolic phenotype of a cancer cell derives from genetic
mutation a response to the tumour microenvironment. There are alternate transduction
pathways that modify cellular metabolism: p53, mit, ANPK, PA3kinase, and HIF1.
Tumour microenvironment: hypoxia, pH, nutrients and autophagic, bioenergetics,
biosynthesis and redox – this reprogramming is useful for these 3 aspects.
Tumour cells produce a lot of lactic acid, because during the reaction of the glycolytic
pathway you have the production of NADH and it’s very important to re-oxidise these co-enzymes. The passage from pyruvate to lactate is a reduction that is used as a co-enzyme NADH. The pH near the tumour is not 7.4 but it has an acidic pH, which is an advantage for tumour cells because they proliferate better at low pH also there is an activation of enzymes
that have an optimum pH to work lower than neutral
Warburg Effect (from Otto Warburg, Nobel Prize, 1931)
The Warburg Effect is a phenomenon observed in oncology where most cancer cells produce energy predominantly not through the ‘usual’ citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria as observed in normal cells but through a less efficient process of ‘aerobic glycolysis’ consisting of a high level of glucose uptake and glycolysis followed by lactic acid fermentation taking place in the cytosol, not the mitochondria, even in the presence of abundant oxygen.
This effect led Warburg to assume that the fundamental change in cancer was metabolic rather than genetic
The importance of PI3K/AKT in the activation of HIF-1:
HIF-1 and growth factor stimulation (tyrosine kinase activity) are important because they
regulate pyruvate kinase
The importance of myc:
Myc induces the activation of HIF but is very important for the regulation of glutamine
(converted to glutamate that can enter the TCA cycle through a process called
The importance of P53 which CONTROLS CELLULAR METABOLISM:
- Limits glycolysis - transcriptional gene suppression for GLUT1 and GLUT4 glucose transporters
- Promotes the maintenance of mitochondrial integrity and regulates oxidative phosphorylation - promotes the expression of genes for AIF, apoptosis inducible factor, and SCO2, essential factors for e-transport chain assembly
- Regulates the pentose phosphate pathway - promotes the biosynthesis of nucleotides in dividing cells
- Under STRESS conditions - induces transcription of the PTEN gene (PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway inhibitor)
- Induces AMPK, cell energy content sensor, which inhibits anabolic pathways
Positron emission tomography (PET):
Intravenous administration to the patient of molecules marked with radioisotopes that emit positrons; among these, the most widely used is fluoro-deoxyglucose (18F-FDG). Tumour cells have a selective uptake of these radioactive molecules due to glucose starvation and the high
expression of glucose transporter.
What is important during metabolic programming:
Survival of tumor cells that can take up nutrients and transport them to systems with high
affinity, that can produce ATP through glycolysis both in aerobic and anaerobic
the property of having very active glucose transporter and glucose starvation is used in a diagnostic technique called PET.
A) Acquisition of mutations
B) Presence of multiple initial clones
Survival and Relapse through^
Chemotherapy agents can be classified according to their chemical nature and
mechanism of action into:
Alkylating agents and related compounds: they act by forming covalent bonds with DNA (nitrogen mustards, platinum-based compounds) so the mechanism of function is DNA damage.
they act by interfering with the synthesis of DNA (folic acid antagonists, analogs of purine or pyrimidine bases), acting in the S phase. Specific phase drug.
Substances of plant origin:
they act by interfering with the mitotic spindle (vinca alkaloids, taxols, camptothecin), act in
M phase, specific phase drug.
Cytotoxic antibiotics:
compounds of microbial origin with direct action on DNA (anthracyclines, bleomycin,
Resistance to anticancer chemotherapym
1) Antimetabolites: block the synthesis of DNA.
The resistance mechanism is related to the overexpression of DHFR and TYMS, the mechanism is an amplification of the genes that produce a lot of these proteins so the drug can’t work.
2) Resting drug induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis: the problem is related to cells that don’t have a functional p53. Chemotherapeutics don’t work well when p53 is mutated because they are not able to induce apoptosis.
3) Receptor and tyrosine kinase antagonists:
monoclonal antibodies or drugs that inhibit tyrosine kinase activity. Many of these drugs compete with ATP. In the receptor, there is a site that ATP binds to, necessary for the phosphorylation of the receptor. This molecule competes with ATP. A mutated receptor has a higher affinity for ATP than for a drug.
4) Altered membrane transport-drug efflux:
due to ATP binding cassette transporter, or PGP which is codified by genes that are called MDR (multiple drug resistance). They extrude hydrophobic molecules from the cell, in this case, extrude drugs – a very resistant mechanism.
5) Platinum-based agents: they induce DNA damage. Some cells have an enhanced DNA repair, and cancer stem cells are very often quiescence, they have a pump on the membrane extruding
drugs on a high level, are very able to repair DNA and these conditions make these cells very resistant to these types of drugs.
Studies are trying to find drugs selectively finding these cells and killing them
Resistance to chemotherapy may depend on:
- Slowing the entry of the drug into the cell
- Rapid degradation of the drug by enzymatic induction
- Increased production of the molecule inhibited by the drug (topoisomerase)
- Synthesis of an alternative molecular species
- Increased expression of MDR
Resistance to radiation therapy may depend on: - Increased ability to repair genetic damage
MDR genes:
are responsible for chemotherapy resistance and are amplified in many tumors.
PGP is the product of the MDR genes and it’s able to extradite toxic substrates
to penetrate the cell. For example, drugs.
ATP is necessary which is hydrolyzed into GTP and the strategy to prevent this resistant mechanism could be the use of the competitor of this inhibitor.
- Chronic inflammatory diseases (chronic hepatitis, chronic gastritis)
increase the risk of developing many types of cancer - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer
for example:
COX2 inhibitors in APC, aspirin - Cytokines, chemokines, and inflammatory cells are present in the microenvironment of all
tumours from the early stages of development
Cancer = non-healing wound
Inflammatory and stromal cells produce:
- Growth factors that maintain cell proliferation (VEGF)
- Survival factors that inhibit cell death
- Pro-angiogenic factors that promote the development of new vessels
- Molecules inducing DNA damage: mutagenesis (ROS)
- Enzymatic activity of extracellular matrix alteration (invasion/metastasis)
- Signals that induce tissue plasticity (EMT)
- Signs of immunosuppression
in tumors there are 2 populations of macrophages present:
are useful for a defence mechanism, When you have a tumour rich in M1, favourable
prognostic factor.
Uses apoptosis of cancer cells, and phagocytosis of cancer cells, and promotes immune responses.
M1 has bacterial activity, these macrophages produce inflammatory cytokines, immune
stimulation and tumour suppression, the most important cytokine produced by m1 is
gamma interferon.
are favourable for the tumour, When you have a tumour rich in M2, not a good prognostic
M2 promotes immune suppression, invasion/ metastasis, fibrosis, proliferation and survival
of cancer cells angiogenesis.
These macrophage Metrix remodelling, tissue repair and tumour promotion