anemia study questions Flashcards
Describe what anemia is in two different ways
- Decreased production of RBCs
- either increased loss or destruction
Name at least 4 signs of anemia you might find on physical exam or when taking a medical history.
- Ingestion of toxin
- symptoms of hypothyroidism
- acute or chronic blood loss
- trauma
- parasites
- clotting disorder
- neoplasia
- cystitis
- GI ulceration
Describe at least 3 precautions you should take when caring for or doing procedures on an anemic patient.
Handle carefully
supplemental O2
What are the two main categories of anemia?
Regenerative and Nonregenerative
What would you see on the differential that might indicate a non-regenerative anemia is occurring?
Hypochromasia, microcytes
In non-regenerative anemia would reticulocyte numbers be high or low?
What would you see on the differential if an animal had regenerative anemia? Why do you see this?
Polychromatophils, immature RBCs, increased RBC production; early release of immature cells
What happens to the reticulocyte count and MCV if there is regenerative anemia?
Reticulocyte count and MCV should be elevated MCV=size
Name problems that can cause regenerative anemia.
- Hemolytic - RBC destruction
- Hemorrhagic (blood loss) acute or chronic
Name abnormalities that may be seen on the CBC of an animal with AIHA.
Spherocytes, agglutination, schistocytes, rouleaux
How are spherocytes formed?
RBCs with antibodies attached causes membrane to be torn off. Cell closes around hole – leaving less cell membrane for the same amount of hemoglobin
An occasional Heinz body in cats is normal. What causes increased numbers?
What does the diff of a dog with hypochromic, macrocytic anemia look like?
Macrocytes with decreased central palor
What is the cause of each type of RBC abnormality? (hypochromasia and macrocytes)
Hypochromasia-Reduced hemoglobin concentration
Macrocytes-immature RBCs
Tell whether the MCV and the MCHC of the dog in question 13 would be low, normal or high. (hypochromasia and macrocytic)
MCV=size: high, MCHC=hemoglobin concentration: low
What would they be for a cat with normochromic, microcytic anemia? (MCV and MCHC)
Microcytic-low MCV
Normochromic=normal MCHC
What would the cat’s RBC morphology look like?
Anisocytosis, microcytes, possible spherocytes
What is a reticulocyte? What does it look like on a differential smear?
Immature RBC with DNA/nuclear material; polychromatophils - larger dark staining RBCs
What abnormal CBC finding should prompt you to perform a reticulocyte count?
Anemia-low PCV
What stain is used to do the reticulocyte count? Describe the procedure for making the slide and the microscope settings used to examine it.
- New Methylene Blue: equal amounts of blood to stain
- let sit for 15 minutes
- make a blood smear examine under oil, low light similar to diff
What are the two types of reticulocytes? Which species has both? Which species has only one? If the species has only one, which will it be?
Aggregate, punctate; Cat; dog has aggregate
Explain how to count and calculate the reticulocyte count.
Count reticulocytes in 5 fields
What is the formula for calculating the absolute value of reticulocytes?
number of reticulocytes counted in 5 fields/1,000 RBCs (=200 X 5 fields) X 100*= %retics
What does it mean if the reticulocyte count is high?
Regenerative anemia bone marrow response
What do punctate reticulocytes in cats look like on a regular differential smear?
When doing a reticulocyte count on a cat, which type do you count?
Why is the aggregate reticulocyte count in cats more important information than the punctuate reticulocyte count?
Punctate have been in the system longer
What are erythrocyte indicies?
Help classify anemia - Provide an objective measure of the size and average hemoglobin concentration
Which system for classifying anemias makes the most use of these?
Morphologic classification
What does MCV stand for?
Mean corpuscular volume
what does the MCV measure?
A normal MCV can mean 2 different things. What are they?
chronic and recent acute blood loss (?)
What does MCHC stand for?
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
Using terms we use to describe RBC morphology, what does the MCHC measure?
What does MCH stand for? What is it measuring?
Mean Corpuscular hemoglobin; weight of hemoglobin
Which of the 3 erythrocyte indicies is the least used?