Anemia in Childhood Flashcards
Factors to consider in anaemia evaluation?
- Hb
- Reticulocyte count
- Red cell morphology (film)
Microcytic anaemia causes?
TAILS - Thalassemia - Anaemia of chronic disease - Iron deficiency -
Normocytic anaemia in childhood?
- Chronic inflamm
- Blood loss
- Transient erythroblastis of childhood
- bone marrow disorders
Macrocytic anaemia of childhood?
- B12
- Folate
- Liver disease
- Diamond-Blackfan
- Hypothyroidism
- Bone marrow failure
How do foetal RBCs compare to adult wrt size?
Foetal RBCs are macrocytic compared to adults
Which form of anaemia may bone marrow disorders present with?
Can be:
- Normochromic
- Normocytic
- Macrocytic
What are the types of bone marrow disorder?
- Infiltration: (malignant i.e. leukemia or non-malignant i.e. storage disorder)
- Myelodysplasia (not making more)
- Fanconi anaemia
- Rarer: aplastic, Pearson syndrome, CDE
What are the causes of haemolysis causing anaemia?
INTRINSIC -Enzymopathy (G6PD) - Membranopathy (HS, HE) - Haemoglobinopathy - Immune HA (autoimmune, isoimmune) EXTRINSIC - DIC - HUS -Burns
Ix for haemolysis causing anaemia
- Blood film (spherocytes, elliptocytes etc)
- Reticulocytosis
- Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
- +/- haptoglobin, LDH
Hx features anaemia?
- Perinatal Hx
- Blood loss (GI, GU)
- Naematode infestation
- Chronic infective / inflammatory conditions
- Drug / toxin exposure
- Dietary Hx (vegan, iron etc)
- Race and ethnicity (G6PD, sickle cell, thalassemia)
- Previous anaemia, exchange transfusion, FHx etc
What does RDW indicate?
RBC distribution width
Indicates spread of size of RBCs. Increased in virtually all cases of iron deficiency anaemia (if 20+ likely iron deficiency).
What must be done prior to Hb electrophoresis? Why?
Ferritin. Falsely negative Hb electrophoresis result if ferritin low. Always do ferritin first.
What should be ordered in setting of reasonable clinical suspicion of iron deficiency anaemia?
Ferritin; not necessarily “iron studies”. Iron deficiency is diagnosed on serum ferritin: low serum iron does not necessarily indicate low total iron body stores.
How does thalassemia differ from iron deficiency on blood results?
- MCV usually lower
- RBC higher
than thalassemia than iron deficiency
Why are premis at risk of iron deficiency?
Incomplete iron replacement (missed X weeks of iron supplementation via placenta). Need to supplement iron (i.e. fortifier etc)