Anemia 2 - Tests to memorize Flashcards
What does a CBC test measure?
RBC’s, WBC’s Hct, Hemoglobin and other tests.
What test determines whether or not RBC’s are mature when they are released into the body?
Reticulocyte count
What test detects abnormal forms of hemoglobin?
Hemoglobin electrophoresis test
Which test detects antibodies created to attack a persons own RBC’s?
Direct Coomb’s test
Which test is used to determine whether a patient has serum antibodies to the type of RBCs that he or she is about to receive by blood transfusion?
Indirect Coomb’s test
Which test measures iron levels?
TIBC. Serum ferritin, transferrin and total iron-binding capacity test.
What could a decreased CBC count indicate?
Possible anemia or hemorrhage
What could an increased CBC count indicate?
Chronic hypoxia or polycythemia vera.
What could an increased or decreast Hct or Hcb indicate?
Same findings that a CBC could indicate
What could an increased reticulocyte count indicate?
Chronic blood loss
What could a decreased reticulocyte count indicate?
Inadequate RBC production
What could an increased TIBC test indicate?
Iron Deficiency
What could a decreased TIBC test indicate?
Anemia or hemorrhage or hemolysis
What could a positive finding on a Direct or Indirect Coomb’s test indicate?
That a patient has antibodies to RBCs.
What could increased iron levels indicate?
Iron excess, liver disorders, hemochromocytosis, megaloblastic anemia.
What could decreased iron levels indicate?
Iron deficiency anemia, hemorrhage.
What does an increased time on a PT test indicate?
possible deficiency of clotting factors V and VII
What does a decreased time on a PT test indicate?
possible Vitamin K excess.
True or False: Liver disease can prolong PTT test results.
Which test is used to monitor heparin therapy?
PTT test OR the anti-factor Xa Test.
Which test is used to monitor Warfarin therapy?
INR Test
What is a desirable INR result?
Between 2.0 and 3.0