Anatomy: The Mouth and Pharynx Flashcards
What binds the tongue to the floor of the mouth
the frenulum
Name the three pairs of salivary glands
What gives the parasympathetic nerve supply to the parotid gland
What is the parasympathetic nerve supply to the submandibular and sublingual glands
chorda typani (branch of facial nerve)
Which salivary gland is not normally palpable
the parotid
Where are the parotid ducts
buccal musosa
Where are the submandibular ducts
in the floor of the mouth in the sublingual papillae
Where are the sublingual ducts
in the sublingual folds on the floor of the mouth
What supplies the general sensory supply to the anterior 2 thirds of the tongue
the lingual nerve
What cranial nerve is the lingual nerve a branch of
What nerve supplies general and special sensory to the posterior third of the tongue
glossopharyngeal (CN IX)
What is the name of the v shaped groove that marks the junction of the anterior and posteror parts of the tongue
the terminal groove
where is the orign on the thyroid gland
foramen caecum
Name the four extrinsic muscles of the tongue
the palatoglossus
What is the motor nerve supply to most of the tongue muscles
the hypoglossal nerve
where does the hypoglossal nerve connect with the CNS
medulla oblongata
Where is the hypoglossal nerves extracranial course
passes anteriorly through the neck lateral to the loop of the lingual nerve
where are the palatine tonsilds
in the tonsillar fossa/sinus
What type of epithelium is the hard palate
keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
What type of epithelium is the soft palate
non keratinised stratified squamous
What exits through the palatine foraminae
branches of V2 and vessels
What two bones make up the hard palate
the maxillae and the palatine bones (posterior)
Name the five pairs of muscles that make up the soft palate
the levator veli palatini the tensor veli palatini the palatoglossus the palatopharyngeus the musculus uvulae
What supplies most of the muscles of the soft palate
the vagus
Which muscle of the soft palate is not supplied by the vagus nerve
tensor veli palatini
what supplies tensor veli palatine
What muscle is the upper oesophageal sphincter
the cricropharyngeus
What vertebral level is the upper oesophageal sphincter
Name the longitudinal muscles of the pharynx
the stylopharyngeus
Where is salpingopharyngeus
from eustachain tube to thyroid
soft palate to thyroid
what innervates Stylopharyngeus
What innervates the other longitudinal muscles of the pharynx
Name the lymphoid tissue of waldeyers ring
pharyngeal tonsils (nasopharynx) tubul tonsils (Eustachian tube) palatine tonsil (tonsillar fossa) lingual tonsil (mucosa of posterior third of the tongue)
what are the regnional nodes that drain the palatine tonsil
the deep cervical nodes
what are the regional nodes for the tip of the otngue