Anatomy Quiz #3 Flashcards
What are the attachment points of the anterior cruciate ligament? What motion does they check?
- anterior intercondylar area of the tibia ⬄ posterior and medial side of the lateral femoral condyle
- checks anterior translation of the tibia on the femur (or posterior translation of the femur on the tibia) and knee extension
The ACL is taut when the knee is ___________
in full extension
What are the attachment points of the posterior cruciate ligament? What motions does it check?
- anterior and lateral side of the medial femoral condyle to the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia
- checks posterior translation of the tibia on the femur (or anterior translation of the femur on the tibia) and knee flexion
The PCL is taut when the knee is ___________
fully flexed
What is the purpose of the medial and lateral coronary ligaments?
They attach the medial and lateral menisci to their respective tibial plateaus
Where do the menisci of the knee attach?
To the articular surfaces of the tibia
What are two functions of the menisci?
- Shock absorbers
- They deepen and stabilize the articulation between the tibia and the femur.
How are the two menisci connected anteriorly?
By the transverse ligament of the knee.
This bursa of the knee is located between the tendon of the quadriceps muscle and the femur, and is connected to the joint capsule.
The suprapatellar bursa
The the suprapatellar bursa is held in place (and retracted during knee extension) by this muscle.
The articularis genus
Name the bursa between the skin and the anterior part of the patella, and give the layman’s term for its bursitis.
Subcutaneous patellar bursa (housemaid’s knee)
Name the bursa between the skin and the proximal tibia (in the area of the tibial tuberosity), and give the layman’s term for its bursitis.
Subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa (clergyman’s knee or carpet layer’s knee)
Name the bursa between the patellar ligament and the anterior tibia (superior to the tibial tuberosity)
Deep infrapatellar bursa
Name the bursa between the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles, and the medial tibia. Why is it given this name?
Pes anserine bursa (looking at the 3 mm. that attach there, they look like a goose foot (pes anserine)
Name the bursa between the tendons of the medial semimembranosus muscles and the medial gastrocnemius, and give the layman’s term for its bursitis.
Medial semimembranosus bursa (baker’s cyst)
Name the bursa between the iliotibial band and the lateral femoral epicondyle. Give the medical term and the layman’s term for its bursitis.
Bursa deep to the iliotibial band (IT band friction syndrome or runner’s knee)
Name the quadriceps, their prime movement, and their common distal attachment.
- Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis (& VMO), vastus intermedius.
- The prime mover for extension of the knee
- Common distal attachment at the tibial tuberosity (via the patellar ligament.)
Which is the only quadriceps muscle to cross the hip joint?
Rectus femoris (rectus=straight)
What is the superior/proximal attachment of the rectus femoris, and what action does it perform besides knee extension?
- AIIS and superior to acetabular rim.
- action: hip joint flexion
What is the superior/proximal attachment of the vastus lateralis?
The lateral lip of linea aspera
What is the superior/proximal attachment of the vastus medialis?
The medial lip of the linea aspera
What is the superior/proximal attachment of the vastus intermedius?
The proximal 2/3rds of the femur
True or false: Rectus femoris is deep to vastus intermedius.
False. Vastus intermedius is deep to rectus femoris
Which muscle pulls the patella medially to prevent excessive lateral tracking?
Vastus Medialis Obliquus
Name the VMO’s superior/proximal attachments and inferior/distal attachment.
● superior/proximal attachment: medial distal femur, vastus medialis, adductor magnus
● inferior/distal attachment: medial patella
Which muscle pulls the capsule proximally during knee extension to prevent pinching of the capsule?
Articularis genu
Name the superior/proximal attachments and inferior/distal attachments of the articularis genu
● superior/proximal attachment: anterior distal femur
● inferior/distal attachment: proximal articular capsule of the knee joint
Most proximal bone of the foot
Top of the Talus
Trochlea aka Dome of the talus
The medial aspect of the talus is the aspect for the ______________
Medial malleolus
The lateral aspect of the talus is the aspect for the ______________
Lateral malleolus
True or false: the dome of the talus is slightly concave from anterior to posterior
False, it is slightly convex from anterior to posterior
The posterior portion of the talus is the ______
Body of the talus
The anterior portion of the talus is the ______
Head of the talus
The narrowing between the body and the head of the talus is the ____________
Neck of the talus
The largest and strongest of the foot bones is the __________
This part of the calcaneus contacts the ground
Tuberosity of the calcaneus
Medially projecting ‘shelf’ of the calcaneus that supports part of the talus (only the back part of the head).
Sustentaculum tali
A small tubercle on the calcaneus anterior and inferior to the tip of the lateral malleolus
Fibular trochlea
a hollow on the lateral aspect of the foot formed by the groove of the talus and the groove of the calcaneus
sinus tarsi (aka tarsal sinus)
This bone is the medial aspect of the foot
What part of the navicular is palpable on the medial side of the foot.
Navicular tuberosity
The navicular articulates posteriorly with the
The navicular articulates anteriorly with the
Three cuneiforms
These bones are named numerically by the metatarsal they articulate with
The cuneiforms
Bone at the lateral aspect of the foot
The cuboid articulates anteriorally with the
4th and 5th metatarsals
The cuboid articulates posteriorly with the
These bones are numbered 1st – 5th (numbered from the “big toe” moving laterally)
The tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal, located on the lateral side of the base, is called the
styloid process
Two bones on the first metatarsal are called the
Sesamoid bones
Another word for the toe bones
Which toe has two bones instead of three
The 1st (big toe)