Anatomy PQ’s (Osteology) Flashcards
All past questions from previous Osteology midterms are here (ones I could find that is ;) )
What two layers does the periosteum consist of?
- Fibrous layer
- Cambium layer
Name the basic structure of the compact bone tissue
Which part of the long bone does compact bone dominate, and which part does spongy bone dominate?
- Diaphysis (shaft)
- Epiphysis
Name the disc of hyaline cartilage that is positioned transversely in the long bone and where it is located
- Epiphyseal growth plate
- Between metaphysis and epiphysis
Name two compartments of maxillary sinus in horse
- Sinus maxillaris caudalis (caudal maxillary sinus)
- Sinus maxillaris rostralis (rostral maxillary sinus)
Which discipline describes similarities and differences in the anatomy?
- Comparative anatomy
Which bone cells are responsible for osteogenesis (formation of bone) and which for bone resorption?
- Osteoblast
- Osteoclast
Name the paired surfaces designed to join with costal head
- Fovea costalis caudalis
- Fovea costalis cranialis
List two vertebrae not having a caput vertebrae
- Atlas
- Axis
Name the structures of atlas that articulates with the subsequent vertebrae
- Fovea articularis caudales (plural)
- Fovea dentis
Name the plane that divides the body into two symmetrical parts and name the plane parallel to it
- Median plane
- Sagittal plane
Which animal has unlocked orbit?
- Dog
- Pig
Which paranasal sinus is the largest in the horse and which in cow?
- Horse - Maxillary sinus
- Cow - Frontal sinus
What types of bone can be distinguished in accordance with its shape?
- Flat bone
- Long bone
- Irregular bone
- Sesamoid bone
- Pneumatic bone
Name the latin name of flat bone and irregular bone
- Ossa plana
- Ossa iregularia
Name the bone on which sulcus extensorius is present, and the one where processus extensorius is present
- Sulcus extensorius - tibia
- Processus extensorius - distal phalanx
Name the two surfaces visible in acetabulum
- Facies lunata (pars major & pars minor in cow)
- Fossa acetabuli
What are the different parts of the hyoid bone?
- Basishyoideum
- Thyrohydoideum
- Ceratohyoideum
- Stylohyoideum
- Tympanohyoideum
List the different types of sutures in the skull
- Sutura plana
- Sutura foliate
- Sutura squamosa
- Sutura serrata
- Gomphosis
Give at least 2 defects of brachiocephalic syndrome
- Stenotic nares
- Elongated soft palate
- Tracheal collapse
- Hypertonic palatine tonsils
- Everted laryngeal ventricles
Name two joints of the vertebrae and ribs
- Art. Capitis costae > costovertebral joint
- Art. Costotransversaria > costotransverse joint
What parts of the temporal bone are visible in newborns?
- Pars Tympanica
- Pars Petrosa
- Pars Squamosa
Name the largest sesamoid bone
- Patella
Name the most distal sesamoid bone
- Os Naviculare
Name the bone that has a) fossa radialis b) fossa extensoria
- Humerus
- Femur
Which type of bone is typical for a a) body of long bones b) epiphysis
- Compact bone
- Spongy bone
What are the two main parts of the skull?
- Ossa faciei
- Ossa cranii
What structure comes out of the external occipital protuberance? What is the structure formed by?
- Lig nuchae
- Lamina nuchae and funiculus nuchae
What 2 structures in the rib touch the vertebrae?
- Caput costae - facies articularis capitis costae caudalis and cranialis
- Tuberculum costae - facies articularis tuberculi costae
Name at least 2 surfaces of the proximal phalanx
- Palmar/plantar surface
- Articular surface
What kind of bone is the proximal phalanx
- Long bone
Name the foramen in the atlas which is replaced with a notch in the dog
- Foramen alare > incisura alaris
Which thoracic vertebrae articulates with the 5th pair of ribs
- 5th and 4th
Name the structure which is formed by the false ribs (costae spuriae)
- Arcus costalis
Which type of bone marrow is typical for flat bone and which one for the medullar cavity of long bones?
- Flat bone - red marrow
- Medullar cavity - yellow marrow
Name 2 processes forming arcus zygomaticus
- Processus temporalis (os zygomaticus)
- Processus zygomaticus (os temporalis)
- Processus zygomaticus (os frontale)
Name two bones forming symphysis pelvina
- Os ischii
- Os pubis
Name the caudal border of os coxae
- Arcus ischiadicus
State the borders that form foramen obturatum
- Ramus cranialis ossis pubis
- Ramus caudalis ossis pubis
- Ramus ossis ischii