Anatomy PQ’s (Nervous System) Flashcards
Name 3 Nuclei in Tegmentum Mesencephali
- Red Nucleus
- Substantia Nigra
- Nuclei of CN III, IV, V, VIII
Name the Nuclei of the Pons
- Chief nucleus of trigeminal nerve (sensory)
- Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve
- Abducens nucleus
- Facial nerve nucleus
- Vestibulocohlear nuclei
Name the 3 Lobes of the Cerebellum
- Anterior lobe
- Posterior lobe
- Flocculonodular lobe
Name the Nucleus in the Corpus Medullare (Arbor Vitae). What is the Function of that Nucleus?
- Nucleus Fastigi
- Balance and Voluntary Movement
Where is Bulbus Olfactorius located? What Structure does the Olfactory Tract Border?
- In Fossa Ethmoidalis
- Trigonum Olfactorium
Name the structures present in Corpus Striatum?
- Caudate Nucleus
- Claustrum
- Amygdaloid Body
- Putamen
Name the Structures present in Corpus Striatum
- Bulbus Olfactorius
- Tractus Olfactorius
- Olfactory Peduncles
- Trigonum Olfactorium
- Piniform Lobe
- Hippocampus
- Corpus Amygdaloideum
Where do Colliculus Rostralis (Rostral Colliculi) and Colliculus Caudalis (Caudal Colliculi) connect to?
- Rostral Colliculi ~> Corpus Geniculatum Lateralis
- Caudal Colliculi ~> Corpus Geniculatum Medialis
Name the Visual and Hearing Reflex Centres. Where are they located?
- Colliculus Rostralis (Visual)
- Colliculus Caudals (Hearing)
- Located at Lectum Mesencephali
Name the structure of the spinal cord where the motor nuclei are situated
- Cornu Ventrale (Ventral Horn)
- Ventral Column
Name the ventral part of the midbrain
- Pedunculi Cerebri
What are the connections between pons and cerebellum?
- Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
- Branhium Pontis
Name the part of the Spinal Cord where:
A) Parasympathetic Nuclei
B) Sympathetic Nuclei are Located
A) Sacral Spinal Cord
B) Thoracolumbar Spinal Cord
Where can you find the Epidural Cavum?
- Between Dura Mater Spinalis and Periosteum of Canalis Vertebralis
Name 3 structures formed by Substentia Alba in the Medulla Spinalis
- Funiculus Dorsalis
- Funiculus Lateralis
- Funiculus Ventralis
What is the function of the VI Cranial Nerve? Through what Foramen does it pass?
- Innervates Lateral Rectus Bulbi Muscles and Refractor Bulbi Muscle
- Fissura Orbitalis
What is the function of the VII Cranial Nerve? Name the Glands innervated by this
- Motor Fibres to Facial Muscles
- Lacrimal Gland, Sublingual, Mandibular Salivary Glands
What is the function of the IX Cranial Nerve? What Foramen does it pass through?
- Gag Reflex, Taste Mucosa of the Tongue
- Foramen Lacerum/Jugularis
What is the function of the X Cranial Nerve? What Foramen does it pass through?
- Parasympathetic Innervates the Viscera of Thoracic and Abdominal Cardiac Plexus
- Foramen Lacerum/Jugularis
Where is the Hippocampus Located?
- Belongs to Limbic System ~> Memory
- Located under Cerebral Cortex and in Medial Temporal Lobe in Primates
What Nucleus is found in the Corpus Striatum?
- Caudate Nucleus
- Lentiform Nucleus
Name all the Major Structures in Diencephalon
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Pituitary Gland
- Pineal Gland
Name all Parasympathetic Nerves found in the Medulla Oblongata
- N. Glossaphargeus
- N. Vagus
What Structures surround the Subarachnoid Cavity?
- Pia Mater Spinalis
- Arachnoidea Spinalis
What is the thickest nerve in the body? Where does it originate?
- N. Ischiadicus
- Originates from Lumbosacral Plexus
What Nerve Innervates and Controls Internal Organs? Is it associated with the Laryngeal?
- Number X ~> N. Vagus
- Yes
What is the Largest Nerve in the Forelimb? What muscles does it Innervate?
- N. Radialis
- M. Triceps Brachii
- Extensor Muscles of Elbow and Carpal Joint (Name the muscles)
How many nerve pairs of Cervical Nerves are there in the dog?
- 8 Pairs
- 16 Nerves
What nerves make up the Brachial Plexus?
- Ventral Branches of C6, C7, C8, Th1, Th2
- N. Suprascapular
- N. Subscapular
- N. Musculocutaneous
- N. Axillary
- N. Radial
- N. Median
- N. Ulanr
Name the Main Parts of the Encephalon
- Telencephalon
- Diencephalon
- Mesencephalon
- Metencephalon
- Myelencephalon
Cranial and Spinal Nerves are part of which system?
- The Peripheral Nervous System
What does the PNS consist of?
- Nerves and Ganglia outside of the Brain and Spinal Cord
- Cranial Nerves
- Spinal Nerves
- Ganglia
- Autonomic Nerves
What makes up the CNS?
- The CNS is the part of the nervous system containing the brain and spinal cord
- Brain (Encephalon)
- Spinal Cord (Medulla Spinalis)
Give 3 functions of the Nerve System
- Sensory
- Motor
- Communicative
- Integrative
What is the connection between Adjacent Neurons called?
- A Synapse
What are the Meninges of the Spine?
- Dura Mater Spinalis
- Arachnoidea Mater Spinalis
- Pia Mater Spinalis
What are the Meninges of the Encephalon
- Dura Mater Encephali
- Arachnoidea Mater Encephali
- Pia Mater Encephali
Where is the Falx Cerebri Located?
- In Proximity to the Cribriform Plate and to the Frontal and Ethmoid Sinuses
How is the Arachnoidea Encephali connected with Pia Mater?
- Connected by Arachnoid Trabeculae
What fluid fills the Cavum Subarachnoidale?
- Liquor Cerebrospinalis
What Lig. is formed by Pia Mater?
Lig. Denticulatum
In what Cavum is the Encephalon located?
- Cavum Cranii
What is the function of the I Cranial Nerve? Through which Foramen does it pass?
- Sense of smell
- Foramen Ethmoidale
Name all 4 parts of Telencephalon
- Frontal Lobe (Function - Motor)
- Parietal Lobe (Function - Auditory)
- Temporal Lobe (Function - Sensory)
- Occipital Lobe (Function - Sight)
Name the structure within the Fissura Longitudinalis Cerebri
- Falx Cerebri
What Foramen connects Ventriculus Laterale with Tertius
- Interventricular Foramen (Foramina Interventricularis)