Anatomy & Physiology Flashcards
Cells are made up of a colorless, jellylike substance called _______ in which food elements such as protein, fats, carbohydrates, mineral sales and water are present.
The principle parts of the cell are the nucleus, cytoplasm, and _________.
Cell membrane
The center of the cell contains the _______, which plays an important role in the cell reproduction.
Cells will continue to grow and thrive as long as they are favored with the proper temperature, they eliminate waste products, and have an adequate supply of _________.
The complex chemical process whereby body cells are nourished & supplied with energy needed to carry on their many activities is called _______.
The process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones, during which the body stores water, food, and oxygen for the time when they are needed for cell growth and repair.
The process of breaking down of larger substances or molecules into smaller ones, during which energy can be stored by special molecules and used for muscle contraction, secretion, or heat production, is called ________.
Group of cells of the same kind are called ________.
Tissues that Carrie’s food, waste products, and hormones by means of the blood and lymph is __________.
Liquid Tissue
The protective covering on body surfaces, such as the skin, mucous membranes, linings of the heart, digestive and respiratory organs and glands is _______.
That which Carrie’s messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all body functions is known as _______.
Nerve tissues
That which supports, protects, and binds together other tissues of the body is known as _________.
Connective tissue
Structures of the body that are designed to accomplish a specific function are _______.
Groups of organs that cooperate for a common purpose, namely the welfare of the entire body, are known as __________.
Another name for integumentary system is __________.
Another name for skeletal system is _________.
Another name for the circulatory system is the __________ system.
Blood supply
The stomach and intestines are called the _________ system.
The skull is divided into two parts known as the _________.
Cranium and facial skeleton
The bones that form the sides and top of the cranium are called _________.
The bones that form the sides of the head in the ear region are called ________.
Small, thin bones located at the front inner wall of the eye sockets are called ________.
The uppermost and largest bone of the arm is the _________.
The study of the structures, functions and diseases of the muscles is called ________.
The three parts of a muscle are the ________.
Origin, insertion, belly
The broad muscle that covers the top of the skull is called _________.
The muscle that enables you to close your eyes is the _________.
Orbicularis occuli
Another name for voluntary muscles that can be controlled by the will is _______.
The lower jawbone, which is the largest and strongest bone of the face and forms the lower jaw, is called the ________.
The muscle that covers the bridge of the nose is the __________.
The muscle that compresses the cheeks and expels air between the lips, as I’m blowing, is the ________.
The muscle that raises the lower lip, causing wrinkling of the chin, is called _________.
The muscle that forms a flat band around the upper and lower lips that compresses, contracts, and puckers and wrinkles the lips, as in kissing or whistling, is called __________.
Orbicularis oris
The muscle that draws the corner of the mouth out and back, as in grinning, is called ________.
The muscle that elevates the lips as in laughing is called ______.
The broad muscle that extends from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin and depresses the lower jaw and lip, as in the expression of sadness, is called _________.
The muscle of the neck that rotates and bends the head, as in nodding, is called the ______________.
The large, thick, triangular-shaped muscle that covers the shoulder and lifts and turns the arm is called the _________.
The muscle found in the forearm that turns the hand inward, so the palm faces downward is called the _________.
The muscle that turns the hand outward and the palm upward is the ________.
The muscles that straighten the wrist, hand, and the fingers to form a straight line are called the _________.
The muscles located at the base of each digit that separate the fingers are called _______.
The muscles in the palm of the hand that bring the thumb toward the fingers are called ________.
The chest muscle that assists in breathing and in raising the arm is called ________.
Serratus anterior