Anatomy of the Neck Flashcards
What fascia covers the thyroid, trachea and esophagus (visceral compartment)?
Pretracheal fascia
What are the fascia of the neck?
- Superficial fascia
- Investing fascia
- Pretracheal fascia
- Prevertebral fascia
- Carotid sheath
What is the anterior triangle bound by?
- Inferior border of the mandible
- Anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
- Midline of neck
What is on the roof of the anterior triangle?
Deep investing fascia around muscles
What is on the floor of the anterior triangle?
- Pretracheal fascia
- Carotid sheath (posterolaterally)
What are the 4 sub-triangles in the anterior triangle of the neck?
- Submandibular (digastric) triangle
- Submental triangle
- Carotid triangle
- Muscular (omotracheal) triangle
What are the 2 sub-triangles in the posterior triangle of the neck?
- Omoclavicular (supraclavicular) triangle
- Occipital triangle
What is the submandibular triangle bound by?
- Anterior and posterior bellies of digastric
- Body of mandible
What is located within the submandibular triangle?
- Submandibular gland
- Submandibular lymph nodes
- Facial artery (pulse) and vein
- (part of) CN XII
What is the submental triangle bound by?
- Anterior belly of diagastric
- Hyoid
- Midline
What is found within the submental triangle?
Submental lymph nodes
Where can you feel the pulse of the facial artery?
Anteroinferior angle of the masseter muscle against inferior surface of mandible
What are the 2 bellies of the digastric muscle?
- Anterior belly
- Posterior belly
Where does the anterior belly of the digastric muscle originate?
Digastric / Submandibular fossa on lower medial aspect of mandible
Where does the posterior belly of the digastric muscle originate?
Mastoid notch on medial side of mastoid process
Where do both bellies of the digastric muscle insert?
Attachement of their intermediate tendon at hyoid
What are the actions of the digastric muscle?
- Anterior belly raises hyoid and opens mouth by lowering mandible
- Posterior belly elevates and retracts hyoid bone
What is the anterior belly of the digastric innervated by?
Nerve to mylohyoid (V3)
What is the posterior belly of the digastric innervated by?
Digastric branch of VII
What is the mylohyoid derived from?
- Anterior = 1st pharyngeal arch
- Posterior = 2nd pharyngeal arch
What borders the carotid triangle?
- Posterior belly of digastric
- Superior belly of omohyoid and sternocleidomastoid
What are found in the carotid triangle?
- Thyroid gland
- Larynx
- Pharynx
- Carotid sheath (and contents)
- Branches of cervical plexus
- Ansa cervicalis
What is the ansa cervicalis?
- Loop between branches of cervical plexus and hypoglossal nerve
- Superficial to IJV
What are the borders of the omotracheal / muscular triangle?
Superior - hyoid bone
Lateral - superior belly of omohyoid and anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
Medial - midline of neck
What are the borders of the omotracheal / muscular triangle?
- Superior: Hyoid bone
- Lateral: Superior belly of omohyoid and anterior border of SCM
- Medial: Midline of neck
What is contained within the omotracheal triangle?
“Muscular triangle”
- Sternohyoid muscle
- Sternothyroid muscle
- Thyroid gland (part of)
- 1 parathyroid gland
What is the only bone in the body that does not articulate with another bone?
Where are the suprahyoid muscles located?
- Above hyoid
- Connect to skull or mandible
Where are the infrahyoid muscles located?
- Below hyoid
- Connect to inferior structures (sternum, scapula, thyroid cartilage)
When does the hyoid bone move up and own?
Name the suprahyoid muscles
- Mylohyoid
- Digastric
- Stylohyoid
- Geniohyoid
Name the infrahyoid muscles
- Sternohyoid
- Omohyoid
- Thyrohyoid
- Sternothyroid
What is the action of the infrahyoid (strap) muscles?
Depress the hyoid (in actuallity this is mostly done by gravity)
What is the innervation of the infrahyoid (strap) muscles?
- Sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid by anterior rami of C1-3 (branches of cervical plexus)
- Thyrohyoid by C1, hitchhiking hypoglossal nerve
What is the purpose of the thyroid gland?
- Endocrine gland
- Required for metabolism and growth/development
- Thyroid hormones: T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)
- Calcitonin
WHat does the hypothalamus secrete when the thyroid hormone levels become too low?
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
What does TRH cause the production of?
Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from pituitary
What is T3?
What is T4?
What is more potent T3 or T4?
What thyroid hormone is produced more?
T3 (Triiodothyronine) (80%)
What is characteristic of patients with an overactive thyroid?
- Anxious
- Irritable
- High HR
- Loss of weight
- Hot
What produce calcitonin?
Parafollicular C cells of the thyroid
What is calcitonin involved in?
Regulation of blood calcium levels
- Lowers blood calcium - causes deposit of calcium to bone from blood
Where does the thyroid gland lie?
- Within visceral compartment of the neck
- Extends from thyroid cartilage to 5th tracheal ring
- Isthmus at level of 3rd tracheal ring
What is the pyramidal lobe?
- Lies in midline, continuation of isthmus superiorly
- Remnant of thyroglossal duct
What is the arterial supply of the thyroid gland?
- Superior thyroid artery (1st branch of external carotid artery)
- Inferior thyroid artery (branch of thyrocervical trunk from subclavian)
What is the venous drainage of the thyroid gland?
Thyroid venous plexus
- Superior thyroid vein (into IJV)
- Middle thyroid vein (into IJV)
- Inferior thyroid vein (into brachiocephalic)
What is the arterial supply to the parathyroid glands?
Inferior thyroid arteries (branch of thyrocervical trunk from subclavian)
What is the venous drainage of the parathyroid glands?
Same as thyroid gland
- Superior thyroid vein (into IJV)
- Middle thyroid vein (into IJV)
- Inferior thyroid vein (into brachiocephalic)
What do parathyroid glands regulate?
- Phosphorus / phosphate metabolism
- Calcium metabolism
What does the parathyroid gland secrete?
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
How does parathyroid hormone affect the blood calcium levels?
Elevates (opposite to calcitonin)
What is the nervous innervation of the thyroid and parathyroid glands?
Thyroid branches from the cervical (sympathetic) ganglia
What is the posterior triangle bound by?
- Posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
- Anterior border of trapezius
- Middle 3rd of clavicle
- Occipital bone
What is the roof of the posterior triangle?
- Deep investing fascia
- Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
What is the floor of the posterior triangle?
- Prevertebral fascia
- Splenius capitis, levator scapulae, and scalene muscles
What are the 2 minor triangls located within the posterior triangle?
- Occipital triangle (larger)
- Ommoclavicular (major supraclavicular) triangle
What is located inside the occipital triangle?
- Accessory nerve
- Brachial plexus
What is the occipital triangle bound by?
Anterior: Posterior margin of sternocleidomastoid
Posterior: Anterior margin of trapezius
Inferior: Inferior belly of omohyoid
WHat is the name of the minor triangle which is not located within the posterior or anterior triangle?
Minor supraclavicular triangle (located within 2 heads of SCM)
What is located deep to the minor supraclavicular triangle?
Inferior bulb of the IJV
Where is the retromandibular fossa located?
Posterior to the ramus of the mandible
What is contained within the retromandibular fossa?
- Parotid gland
- Styloglossus, stylohyoid, stylopharyngeal muscles
- Stylomandibular and stylohyoid ligaments
- Retromandibular vein, maxillart and superficial temporal vessels
What is the cervical plexus formed by?
Anterior rami of C1-4, deep to sternocleidomastoid
What are the muscular branches of the cervical plexus?
- Phrenic nerve (C3-5) to the diaphragm
- Ansa cervicalis (C1-3) to the infrahyoid muscles
Where do the cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus become superficial?
Erb’s point
- Halfway on the posterior border of the SCM
What are the cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus?
- Lesser occipital nerve (C2)
- Great auricular nerve (C2-3)
- Transverse cervical nerve (C2-3)
- Supraclavicular nerve (C3-4)
Where does the common carotid artery bifuricate?
- C3/4
- Upper margin of thyroid cartilage
How many branches does the internal carotid artery have in the neck?
What are the common carotid arteries branches of?
- Right: Brachiocephalic trunk
- Left: Aortic arch
Where does the common carotid ascend in the neck?
Either side of larynx and trachea within carotid sheath
What is the name of the slighlty dilated area of the internal carotid artery?
Carotid sinus
What does the carotid sinus contain and what is its function?
Baroreceptors - sensitive to bloop pressure
- If BP too high signals are activated and carried by glossopharyngeal nerve to nucleus of tractus solitarius
- This is connected to dorsal nucleus of vagus and vasomotor receptors in medulla
- Vagus will dilate snmooth muscle of blood vessels
What is the carotid body?
- Small organ which houses chemoreceptors located at posterior wall bifurication of CCA
- Monitors blood O2, CO2, pH and temperature
- Responds in emergency situations by increasing respiration, BP, HR
- Inervated by CN IX
- Nucleus to tractus solitarius to cardioregulatory and vasomotor centres in the medulla then to dorsal nucleus of vagus
What are the primary superficial veins of the neck?
Internal, anterior and external jugular veins
What is the internal jugular vein a continuation of?
Sigmoid sinus
What does the IJV exit the skull via?
Jugular foramen
Where does the IJV lie in relation to the common carotid artery?
Where does the external jugular vein begin?
What is it formed by?
At angle of the mandible
- Joining of retromandibular and posterior auricular veins
What does the external jugular vein pierce through, what is significant about this?
Investing fascia to enter and drain into subclavian
- Investing fascia holds wall of external jugular vein and suspends it (pressure within external jugular is negative), danger of air embolism
What does the anterior jugular vein arise near?
Hyoid bone and run either side of midline
What does the anterior jugular vein drain into?
External jugular
What muscle do the external jugular veins cross over?
What do the left and right anterior jugular veins connect and form?
Jugular venous arch