Anatomy of the kidney Flashcards
Kidneys start and end retroperitoneally, which means that they form behind the ________________.
Peritoneal sac
Upper limb muscle posterior to the kidney, connected to the thoracolumbar aponeurosis
Latissimus dorsi
Stomach, spleen, and liver are all surrounded by
peritoneal sac
Deepest abdominal muscle beneath internal oblique. Extensive origin from the posterior side of the thoracolumbar aponeurosis
transversus abdominis
Large muscle forming a good deal of the posterior abdominal wall and extending from the iliac crest to the 12th rib. The kidney sits on this muscle.
quadratus lumborum
Which kidney is usually lower?
Right (due to liver)
Extension of outer covering of renal vessels
Renal fascia
A layer of renal fascia slips in between the kidney and the
adrenal gland
The kidneys develop in the pelvis and ultimately ___________
Main arteries to the kidney come off of the
The arteries then divide into anterior and posterior branches with ________ segmental branches.
Renal artery is longer on which side?
Renal vein is longer on which side?
Right; left
All vessels leaving the kidney and the ureter leave via this structure
the hilum
Fat filled cavity in the center of the kidney where arteries begin branching
renal sinus
The left renal vein is located posterior to the _______ and crosses the aorta to get to the _____.
superior mesenteric artery; IVC
The left vein also drains blood from the ________ and has a connection to the ____________.
Left gonadal vein; azygos system
The right renal vein goes straight into the
3 narrowings of ureter
- where the ureter leaves the pelvis of the kidney
- where the ureter passes out of the abdominal cavity and courses over the pelvic brim
- where the ureter enters the bladder at an oblique angle
Ureter has at least 3 blood supplies
renal, gonadal, vesicular arteries
- aorta
- renal artery
- small vessels off of artery to the bladder
Sympathetics to the kidneys come from the _________ and synapse in the __________ and on ganglia near the renal artery. There are also contributions from the first lumbar splanchnic nerve.
lesser (T10-11) and least (T12) thoracic splanchnics
aortico-renal ganglion
Pain referring from the kidneys and upper ureters can refer to dermatomes from _______. The location of referred pain form a kidney stone can descend as the stone passes lower in the system.
Adrenal gland has a rich blood supply
Superior suprarenal off inferior phrenic Middle suprarenal directly off the aorta Inferior suprarenal off the renal Single vein Goes to the IVC on the right To the renal vein on the left
Adrenal gland receives __________ sympathetic fibers
The renal arteries come off of the aorta near the superior mesenteric artery and divide into anterior and posterior segmental branches as they reach the __________.
Segmental branches supply a _____________ area. There may be polar branches on either pole. Why?
resectable; during development, establishment of new blood supply as the kidneys ascend
Sympathetics traveling on the lesser thoracic splanchnics synapse where?
Aorticorenal ganglion
Sympathetics traveling on the least thoracic splanchnics synapse where?
Renal artery, plexus, and ganglion
Parasympathetics can come from the vagus all the way down, and travel back up via the ______________. Or they can come from _______ and synapse in the plexus.
Hypogastric plexus
Are the aorta and IVC within the peritoneal sac?
What lies in the space between the organs and the peritoneal sac?
Nothing, maybe some serous fluid
The visceral layer of the peritoneal sac surrounds the spleen, liver, and stomach, while the parietal layer reflects onto
the body wall
The kidney lies right over this muscle
quadratus lumborum
The lower part of the right kidney lies just at the
iliac crest
3 layers of abdominal muscles that must be cut through to get to the kidney
- external oblique
- internal oblique
- transversus abdominis
Where do the kidneys develop?
In the pelvis
What are polar arteries?
Arteries that have grown out to kidney thinking that the kidneys were going to continue to ascend.
What does it mean that areas of the kidney are resectable?
You could cut off a segment of the blood supply, and a small chunk of the kidney would lose color!
What happens in the renal sinus?
Arteries continue to branch and ureter branches into major calyces, etc
The renal artery gives blood supply to the ______ on both sides
Possible sites of ectopic uretal orifices in females and males
trigone, bladder neck, urethra, vestibule (less common = vagina, cervix, uterus)
Right ureter compressed between IVC and spine leading to right sided hydroureter and hydronephrosis
Retrocaval ureter
Purpose of intravenous pyelogram?
Visualize the renal parenchyma
Purpose of retrograde pyelogram?
Visualize the renal collecting system
Purpose of intracorporal/peritoneal dialysis?
Reduce BUN, serum creatinin, and serum uric acid
Purpose of extracorporal dialysis?
Reduce BUN, serum creatinin, and serum uric acid.
Also eliminate drugs and poisons in overdose patients
Layers of musculature over the kidney (from superior to deep)
Latissimus dorsi
External oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominus