Anatomy High Yield Flashcards
Surgical neck fracture of humerus: risk?
Axillary nerve and posterior humeral circumflex artery
Midshaft humerus fracture: risk?
Radial nerve and deep brachial artery
Supracondylar fracture: risk?
Brachial artery and median nerve
Medial epicondyle fracture: risk?
Ulnar nerve
In a colles fracture, which way is the distal fragment displaced? What can often happen to the ulnar styloid process?
Colles fracture results from forced extension, FOOSH. Distal fragment is displaced dorsally resulting in a dinner fork deformity. Often the ulnar stylid process is avulced.
Cubital fossa structures lateral to medial?
BAN: Biceps brachii tendon, brachial Artery, median Nerve
What are the findings of an Upper Brachial Palsy (aka Erb-Duchenne, aka waiter tip)?
Combination lesion of axillary, suprascapular, and musculocutaneous nerve injury.
Will see adducted shoulder, medially rotated arm, extended elbow, and loss of sensation in the lateral aspect of the upper limb
How would breast cancer spread to the spine?
Posterior intercostal, to azygous system to superior vena cava or vertebral venous plexus.
Blockage of the subclavian or axillary artery can be bypassed by anastomoses between the thyrocervical trunk and subscapular artery.
- What are the anastomotic branches off the Thyrocervical trunk?
- What are the anastomotic branches off the subscapular artery?
Thyrocervical trunk comes off the subclavian artery proximal to scapula. Gives off *transverse cervical and *Suprascapular artery
The subscapular artery comes off the axillary artery and gives off the *thoracodorsal artery and the *circumflex scapular artery
** arteries contribute to anastomosis
What is more lateral, the cephalic vein or the basilic vein?
Cephalic vein—>median cubital vein (joins cephalic/basilic)—> basilic vein
In order of lateral to medial
So Cephalic vein is more lateral
Although the thenar eminence atrophies in CTS, what is spared and why?
Sensation is spared in carpal tunnel syndrome because palmar cutaneous branch enters hand external to carpal tunnel
Dislocation of the lunate bone can cause
Acute carpal tunnel syndrome
What branch of the median nerve innervates the opponens pollicis?
Recurrent branch of the median nerve
What joints are affected in Rheumatoid arthritis?
Traction or tear injury of the upper trunk causes?
Erbs palsy (C5-C6 roots)
The deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and biceps brachii are affected by the Upper trunk injury (C5-C6) known as Erb’s palsy. What are the functional deficits as a result of these muscles being affected?
Deltoid, supraspinatus: deficit in abduction so arm will be adducted by side
Infraspinatus: deficit in external rotation, so arm will be medially rotated
Biceps brachii: deficit in flexion and supination, so arm will be extended and pronated
Erb’s palsy is a combination lesion of which three nerves?
Axillary, suprascapular, and musculocutaneous
Klumpke palsy occurs during tree grabbing/ delivering newborns and is a nerve root injury in which roots
Klumpke palsy is a lesion of which trunk of the brachial plexus
Which nerves are lesioned in Klumpke palsy?
Combination of ulnar nerve (claw hand) and median nerve (ape hand) so you get total claw hand
C8 dermatome vs ulnar neuropathy
Dermatome will be dorsal and ventral
Ulnar will be just ventral
What nerve innervates the deep head of the Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Deep branch of the ulnar nerve
Which muscles adduct the fingers at the MCP joint?
Palmar interossei, innervated by ulnar nerve
Which muscles abduct the fingers at the MCP joint
Dorsal interossei PAD DAB
Thumb dermatome
Loss of forearm flexion and supination.
Loss of sensation over lateral forearm
What cord and nerve is damaged?
Lateral cord, musculocutaneous (C5-C7)
Patellar reflex levels Achilles reflex levels Biceps reflex levels Triceps levels Cremasteric Anal wink
L3,L4 S1,S2 C5,C6 C7, C8 L1, L2 S3, S4
Difficulty rising from a seated position (weakened hip extension) is injury to what nerve
Inferior gluteal nerve injury, which supplies Gluteus Maximus
The hamstings (biceps femoris, semitendinosis, semimembranosus) are all hip extenders and knee flexors. They are supplied by the tibial head except for?
The short head of the biceps femoris is supplied by the common fibular nerve
What three muscles are part of the triceps surae and will be affected by an achilles tendon injury?
Gastros, soleus, plantaris
Sciatic nerve levels
Tibal nerve levels
Where does the lateral breast drain
Axillary nodes (pectoral)
What is the lymph drainage of the medial breast?
Parasternal lymph nodes OR opposite breast
What is the venous drainage of the breast? (3)
Internal thoracic, axillary, and intercostal veins
Paralysis of diaphragm, which side is elevated?
The paralyzed side is elevated