Anatomy and Surgery Part 2 Flashcards
How long is the esophagus?
25 cm/ 10 inches
Esophagus joins the larynx (cricoid cartilage) at the pharynx at what vertebral level?
Esophagus passes the diaphragm to join the stomach at what vertebral level?
Surgery: Cardia is at T11
Esophageal constrictions are important to notes because
- Site of carcinomas
- Development of strictures
- Difficult to pass esophagoscope
- Foreign bodies commonly lodge
3 esophageal constrictions
- Upper/pharyngoesophageal - cricopharyngeus (1.5 cm)
- Middle/thoracic - left mainstem bronchus (1.6 cm)
- Inferior/diaphragmatic - diaphragmatic hiatus (1.6 -1.9 cm)
Anatomic divisions of the esophagus
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Abdominal
What nerve accompanies the esophagus through the diaphragm?
Vagus n.
L and R vagi lie where in relation to esophagus?
L vagus anterior
R vagus posterior
Blood supply of esophagus
Cervical - inferior thyroid a. from subclavian a.
Thoraxic - esophageal a. from descending thoracic aorta
Abdominal - left gastric from celiac trunk of abdominal aorta and inferior phrenic a.
Venous drainage of esophagus
Cervical - inferior thyroid v.
Thoracic - bronchial, azygous and hemiazygous v.
Abdominal - coronary v. (distal esophagus is left gastric v.)
Lymphatic drainage of esophagus
Cervical/upper: deep cervical
Thoracic/middle: mediastinal (usual site of nodal mets)
Abdominal/lower: celiac
What structure also passes through esophageal hiatus that may also be compressed by a sliding hiatal hernia?
Vagal trunks
Incompetent LES (loss of high pressure zone at the esophagogastric junction), substernal burning that is worse when lying down
*LES is not a true anatomic sphincter
Failure of relaxation of the inferior/lower esophageal sphincter
Abdominal part of esophagus and part of the stomach herniate into the mediastinum causing hearthburn
Sliding hiatal hernia
average distance between external orifices of the nose and stomach
44 cm/17.2 inches
Important for Sengstaken-Blakemore Balloon insertion
Test to detect structural abnormalities in esophagus
Barium swallow
Test to detect functional abnormalities of esophagus
Tests to detect increased exposure to gastric juice in esophagus
24 hour ambulatory pH monitoring - gold standard for GERD diagnosis
Radiographic exposure of GER (barium regurgitates when upright)
Complications of GERD
esophagitis stricture repetitive aspiration progressive pulmonary fibrosis barrett esophagus (30 to 125x increased risk for developing adenoCA) esophageal adenoCA
Barrett esophagus hallmark of intestinal metaplasia
presence of intestinal goblet cells (intestinalization of esophagus)
GERD diagnosis
(+) symptoms - start empiric antacids for 12 weeks
persistent symptoms: endoscopy, 24 hr ambulatory pH monitoring, esophageal manometry
Anti-reflux procedures
Nissen fundoplication Toupet fundoplication Dor fundoplication Belsey Mark IV Hill posterior gastropexy
*T,D,B - partial fundoplication, for patients presenting with dysphagia
Types of diaphragmatic/hiatal hernias and description
Type I (sliding hiatal hernia) - cardia, GERD symptoms - medical tx Type II (rolling/paraesophageal) - fundus, obstruction, dysphagia, ulcers, strangulation, bleeding, volvulus, infarct - surgical tx Type III (combined) Type IV (additional organ herniates aside from stomach)