Anatomy and phys review Flashcards
Genetic sex is determined at conception
Testosterone induces development of male internal genitalia and DHT induces the virilization of external genitalia during fetal development
Male gives you SRY Gene–> SRY protein Differentiates Gonads–> testes
Testes makes testosterone–> Wolfian Ducts–> Male reproductive Tract
DHT–> Genitalia–> Male genitalia
Anitmullerian hormone–> Mulerrian Ducts regress
Female has no SRY gene–> Gonads–> Ovaries
Ovaries dont make testosterone –> Wolfian Ducts Regress, No DHT–Genitalia is female genitalia
No Antimullarian hormone–> Mullerian Ducts–Female Reproductive tract
Prostate/bladder of male
The transition zone is closest to the urethra, Benign prostatic hyperplasia occurs in this zone, and can obstruct urine out flow very early on
The peripheral zone on the outside, where prostatic adenoma occurs, early on might not obstruct the urethra, but very close to the rectum, so thats why you can feel lumps and bumps
Seminal Vesicles (creates semen) connect to the distla urethra where there are sperm and leave via the spermatic ducts
Glans is the tip where the foreskin isremoved during circumcision
the erectile bodies are the 2 corpora cavernosa, fill up with blood against the thick tunica albiginia which make it very hard
The urethra is covered by the corpora spongiosum, not as rigid to allow for ejaculation
Contain semineferous tubules contained within lobules where spermatogenisi occurs,
Spermatazoa are put into the Rete Testes–> epidermidis
Then to seminal vesicles
Urinary tract and reproductive tract are separated but
Urethra, vagina and rectum are very close together
Uterus is held down by caardinal ligaments
Ovaties are kept close, the ovaries are actually behind the uterus by the rectum
Implants of endometriosus implant in there (culdesac/ puch of douglas)
Endometruim- what sheds during a period
Myometrium- thick muscle (what pushes a baby out
Falopian tumes- Cornia/ uterine–> isthmus–> ampula–> infundibulum–> Fimbrae
Eggs fertilize in the fallopian tube- 12 hour emergency
Where millions of eggs live
Primordial follicle-> Preantral follicle-> antral folicle-> Preovulatory follicle-> Ovum is ovulated
Whats left behind is a corpus luteum-> Degenrated or survives and grows to supply it with endocrine
Urinary bladder
Sympathetics control- detruser muscle- Trigone
Pelvic floor muscles under the bladder hold the urine in
Under voluntary control from nicotinic receptors (muscarinic receptor)
Male hormonal physiology
Antimullerian hormone has a very short duration and really is only there in the beginging of pregnancy
Testosterone and DHT has a few peaks the first is in early pregnancy, then right after birth then after puberty and stays high really until you get really old
Testosterone physiologyq
Testosterone goes into the cell
T–> DHT in the plasma
DHT goes into the nucleus
Induces protein translation and cell growth in the target cell
Sex and Growth hormones physiology in a male
GNRH–> FSH and LH in a pulsitile fashion
Prolactin inhibits FSH and LH release
LH–> Testoseterone–> Aguments GH, Spermatogenesis and linear growth–> secondary sex characteristics (external genitalia, pigmentation, facial and body hair, prostate, voice and libido
FSH–> Spermatogenesis–> sperm output
GH–> Spermatogenesis and linear growth and epiphysieal fusion, Body habitus
Male local effects of testosterone
Leydig cell LH stimulates cAMP-> PKA–> Cholesterol–> pregnenolone–> Testosterone–> goes to the Blood
Testosterone–> Spermatogonia in the sertoli cell
Sertoli cell, FSH–> cAMP–> PKA–> Nucleus–> transcription of Growth factor and ABP–> inhibitn, aromatase, other proteins in the lumen and sperm
Feedback loops of Sex steroids
Hypothalamus –> GnRH pulsatile–> Anterior pituitary –>LH –> Leydig cells–> Testosterone–> Aromatase (in brain)–> Estradiol (inhibits Hypothalamus and Anterior Pituitary)
ant pituitatry–> Sertoli cells–> Inhibin ( inhibits anterior pituitary)
Female hormone physiology
Fetal development - Peaks in FSH and LH and HcG, and Oogonia
Right after birth is a mini puberty–> LH and FSH high
Puberty and menarche- LH, FSH and Estradiol is high, oogenia get progresively lowered
Ovaries make lots of aromatase which converts Testosterone into Estrone (e1), and Estradiol (E2)
Placental Aromatase makes estriol (e3)
FSH in a girls peaks before LH to wake up the follicles, onset of menstrual cylcles a year after it
Its easiest to start from menses because thats what you can see, so its day zero
Before the period, Is the secretory phase and before thaat is the proliverative phase
In the days before the menstrual cycle, PROgesterone (promotes gestation) peaks, and that lets the endometrium a nice cushy layer for the egg to implant, in the absence of hCG (The corpus luteum dies) and Progesteron and estrogen plumet–> Sloughs off the endometrium
When estrogen is low it starts to go up, because the follicle start to grow, one of them becomes dominant and autonimous, from negative to positive feedback
How theca and granulos cells make estrogens
The theca cells under the conrol of LH produce androgens that diffuec in the granulosa cell
In mature follicles, FSH acts on the granulosa cells to stimulate aromatase which converts androgens to estrogens
Theca is like lydic (it makes lots of androgenS)
Day 0 is the LH peak
Fertilization occurs typically 24 hours after ovulation–> Blastocyt enter the uterine cavity and HcG rescues the corpus luteum about 10 days after ovulation/fertilization (when a pregnancy test is positive)
Adrenal stuff for mom
Maternal Adrenal gland makes testosterone and DHEA
Testosterone is conve3erted to estradiol, DHEA is converted to Estrone
Fetal adrenals make DHEA-S which is taken to liver and converted to 16 DHEA-s and is made to estriol