Anatomy Flashcards
lamina cribrosa is:
cornea is supplied by what nerve and artery :
is the pierced area of the sclera for optic nerve
long ciliary nerve from the ophthalmic division of trigeminal (same one innervates the iris muscles)
no blood supply
ciliary muscles consist of; supplied by what fibers and whats the action
- meridonal fibers (extend to corneoscleral junction) and circular fibers
- supplied by the parasympathetic fibers from oculomotor nerve > postganglionic fibers > short ciliary fibers
- contraction causes relive of tension making the lens more convex increasing the refractive power (when looking far)
muscles of the iris names and their innervation and action
sphincter muscles : parasympathetic innervation from the oculomotor nerve (constricts in the presence of light and when accommodation)
dilator muscles: sympathetic muscles of the long ciliary nerve (low light and sympathetic acitvity)
ora serrata, macula lutea and fovae centralis are:
wavy the end of nervous tissue in retina its anterior will be columnar epthelium
in the center of retina
central to the macular lutea
retina cell layers:
superior to inf.
-photoreceptors (rod that are for dim then cones for bright light)
- bipolar cells companied by horizontal cells and amarcine cells
- ganglion cell layers
- optic nerve
- aqueous humor is secreted form_____ and drained away by_____
-vitrous body has the ____ canal that functions as ___
ciliary processes , schlemm canal
hyaloid canal, magnifying power of eye and support lens and hold the retinal layers against each other
lens consists of :
cuboidal epithelium anteriorly
lens fibers in the equator that are developed from the cuboidal epi.
elastic capsule
when we say the long ciliary nerve, where does it come from
trigeminal > opthalamic > nasociliary > long ciliary nerve
the 1/4 area of the retina called the ora serrata
what kind of epithelium it has
columnar epithelium
the aqueous hummor is drained by:
space called the iridoocorneal angle into the canal of schlemm
all of the extraocular muscles are innervated by ____ but ____ and ____ that are innervated by ____ and ____
oculomotor nerve
abducent n. for the lateral rectus
trochlear n. for the superior oblique
- all of the extrocular muscles origins are_____
- superior and inferior obliques insertions
tendinous ring
inferior oblique > floor of orbital cavity - lateral surface of the eye ball
superior oblique > posterior wall of orbital cavity - superior surface of eyeball beneath the superior rectus
the upper visual field projects into the _____ and lower projects to ____
above the calcarine is the:
below the calcarine is the:
the macuula luutea, in:
peripheral part in:
below the calcarine ( lingual)
above the. calcarine (cuneus)
post. part
ant. part
the auricle. contains two muscle which are ____ and innervated by _____
extinsic and intrinsic muscles
facial nerve
the outer 1\3 of the external auditory meatus is composed of ___ mean while the rest 2/3 is made of
elastic cartilage
the lining skin of the external ear is supplied by what nerves
vagus nerve > auricular nerve
brachial plexus > great auricular nerve
trigeminal > mandibular > auriculotemporal
middle ear roof is formed by :
tegmen tympani part of the petrous part of temporal bone
above it is the meningies and brain cortex
middle ear floor is formed by :
bony plate separating it from the internal jugular vein
lateral wall of the middle ear is formed by the tympanic membrane, whats it?
diameter of 1cm and has umbo is a depression made by the malleus handle, notch of rinvius
** anterior and posterior malleolar folds**
pars falcida continuation of pars tensa
innervated by auricular nerve and auriculotemporal nerves from outside, tympanic branch from the glossopharyngeal nerve for inside
medial wall of the middle ear is formed by:
promontory from the first turn of cochlea
fenestra vestibuli (oval window)
fenestra cochleae > secondary tympanic membrane
prominence of the facial nerve canal
anterior wall of the middle ear is formed by
internal carotid artery
two canals:
auditory canal (larger and lower)
tensor timpani muscle (smaller and upper)
posterior wall of the middle ear is formed by:
mastoid antrum
stapidus muscle
malleus, incus and stapes are all made of
- head lateral anterior precesses and handle
- head , short limb, long limb binding to stapes
- neck has the stapidus insertion, ant and pst limbs and base attached by the annular lig.
auditory tube posterior third is made of ____ while its anterior two thirds are made of____
bony , cartliginous
relations of the mastoid antrum
ant: middle ear
post: sigmoid venous sinus
lat: supramreatal triangle
mid: post. semicircular canal
sup: tegmen tympani
inf: perforated with holes
tensor tympani m. insertion, origin , innervation and action
stapidus muscle:
anterior wall, handle of malleus , mandibular of trigeminal, reduces vibrations of tympanic membrane
apex of pyramid , neck of. stapes, facial nerve , diminish vibrations of stapes
cochlea spirals around the _____ about _____ times
it has three channels which are:
central modiolus /. two and a half
cochlear duct(endo),
scala vistibuli - oval window - and scala tympani -round window- (peri)
The vestibular membrane separates the cochlear duct from the_______, while the basilar membrane separates the cochlear duct from the______.
scala vestibuli
scala tympani
ductus utriculosaccularis links
and ductus reuniens and Inside it forms the spiral organ of
utricle (larger) and saccule of the vestibuli
respond to gravity and acceleration forces
ductus endolymphaticus
auditory pathway
peripheral processes synapse with corti , central processes synapses with cochlear nerve
starts by descending to branching to post and ant cochlear nerves in pons > travel medially to superior olivary and trapizoid > ascends to lateral leminiscus which consists of third orders > medial geniculate > acoustic radiation
CN 1 is the ______ and to test it you can ____
components ______.
origin in skull ______
olfactory nerve \ place coffee, vanilla and peppermint on each nostril.
cribriform plate
CN 2 is the ______ origins in skull ______
components ______
and to test it you can ____
optic nerve, optic canal
finger about one foot from the patients ear and ask if its moving (visual field test)