Anaesthetics Flashcards
Why would you do an RSI?
Aspiration risk
What is the score used to assess fitness before surgery?
ASA score
How long do you have to fast the following before surgery
- Foods
- Clear fluids
- > 6 hours
- > 2 hours
*Clear fluids include tea and coffee
Name 4 parts of the checklist of safety (WHO)
- Indeitifcation
- Consent
- Allergies
- Site
- Right operation
- Introduce team
- Ensure equipment ready
In which populations is post-op nausea common?
Patient - non-smoker, female, young
What is the most commonly used post-op fluid?
Haartmans - saline in excessive amounts can result in hyperchloraemic acidosis
What is the mechanism of action of propofol?
GABA-A receptor agonist
Used for induction of analgesia - rapid onset
Rapid onset of analgesia
Pain on IV injection
Milky colour
What are the two most common drugs used for RSI?
What is the mechanism of action of ketamine?
Used for induction of analgesia, mostly in kids
NOTE = hallucinations common
Whats the difference between an incision and an excision?
- Incision = small opening in the skin, make a small cut and go through
- Excision = larger opening in the skin, remove a whole chunk of the skin
What would be the anaesthesia of choice for Bier’s block?
Name some causes of post-op fever
THE 4 ‘W’s’
Day 1-2: ‘Wind’ - Pneumonia, aspiration, pulmonary embolism
Day 3-5: ‘Water’ - Urinary tract infection (especially if the patient was catheterised)
Day 5-7: ‘Wound’ - Infection at the surgical site or abscess formation
Day 5+: ‘Walking’ - Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism
Any time: Drugs, transfusion reactions, sepsis, line contamination.
List one depolarising muscle relaxant and its mechanism of action
Bind to Ach - persistently depolarise it
List one non-depolarising muscle relaxant and its mechanism of action
ANTAGONIST of nicotinic Ach receptors
What is the reversal agent for rocuronium?
Name one mechanical and one pharmacological method of preventing VTE
M: TED stockings
What is the risk of giving someone too much NaCl post op?
Hyperchloraemic acidosis
think about it, you are giving someone lots of Cl- - hyper, also going to increase the H+
What can you treat local anaesthetic toxicity with?
IV 20% lipid emulsion - extracts the hydrophobic local anaesthetic from the plasma and therefore reduces its plasma conc - mad!
What is the reversal agent for BZ’s?
What is the reversal agent for heparin?
Protamine sulphate
What is the reversal agent for opioids?