Anaesthetics Flashcards
anaesthetics are either delivered…
IV or inhalational
what anaesthetics are the fastest in inducing anaesthesia?
propofol and etomidate ~ 30 secs
what is unique about propofol as an induction anaesthetic?
Of the available induction agents, propofol has a unique ability to suppress airway reflexes and to produce apnea
How might we clarify correct airway placement of the endotracheal tube?
- Effective manual ventilation.
●Symmetrical chest rise.
●Visible condensation in mask or tube of airway device.
●End-tidal CO2 waveform on gas analyzer.
●If endotracheal tube placed, right mainstem bronchus intubation and esophageal intubation must be ruled out with bilateral breath sounds and lack of sounds of air entry into stomach, and CO2 wave form detection. Especially in thin patients, air entry into the stomach may be heard in the chest and mistaken for breath sounds.
●If a SGA is used, air leak should occur at high enough peak pressure to allow adequate tidal volume, 18 to 20 cm H2O.
another name for suxamethonium?
3 stages of anaesthesia
- Induction
- Maintenance
- Reversal
what are the 2 forms of GA?
- Spontaneous ventilation (Laryngeal mask airway- supraglottis airway)
- Assisted ventilation with NM blocking agent (endotracheal tube)
what are the 3 types of anaesthesia?
- General Anaesthesia
- Regional anaesthesia
- Local anaesthesia
what are 2 forms of regional anaesthesia?
when would we consider Assisted ventilation with NM blocking agent and ETT for GA?
Would use assisted ventilation for Neurosurgery, Major cavity surgery, Long surgery and for special anaesthetic indications such as: • Non fasting- trauma • GORD • Pregnancy > 20 weeks • Obesity • OSA etc
complications of anaesthesia?
• Allergy/anaphylaxis • Malignant hypertension • Risk of respiratory depression • Aspiration risk • Damage to spinal nerve (regional) • BLEEDING • INFECTION \+ PONV
where is a spinal anaesthesia injected?
Injected into the Subarachnoid space below L1-L2
what drugs can we use for induction of anaesthesia with spontaneous ventilation?
IV Midazolam
IV Fentanyl
IV Propofol ( the main one)
Or Etomidate
what neuromuscular blocking drugs are there?
describe the procedure of induction of anaesthesia?
- Place oxygen mask on patient
- Ask the patient to take nice deep breaths to fill lungs with oxygen. = PRE-OXYGENATION
- If spontaneous ventilation- laryngeal mask airway- insert and inflate. Attach mask to it.
OR - NM blockers= AcH R competitive antagonists. Non depolarising. If used, must ventilate the patient with endotracheal tube!!
- Intubate with laryngoscope and inflate ETT. Attach mask to it
- Listen to the left hand side bc most likely go down R main bronchus.
- Check CO2 levels