Anaesthetics Flashcards
ASA Grades
1: Normal healthy patient
2: Mild diseases (smoker, pregnant, controlled DM, BMI 30-40)
3: Severe (DM, BMI over 40, HTN)
4: Severe threat to life
5: not expected to survive without operation e.g. AAA
6: declared brain dead
Which anaesthetic has anti-emetic properties
Malignant hyperthermia inheritance
Autosomal dominant
VTE propjylaxis in hip replacement
TED stockings and dalteparin 6 hrs AFTER surgery
Depolarising muscle relaxant MOA and example
fasiculations - not reversible
What is malignant hyperthermia
tachycardia, fever and muscle rigidity
often caused by suxamethonium
Contraindication for suxamethonium
increased intra-ocular pressure so not in glaucoma or eye injury
burns patients as it causes hyperkalaemia
Calcium channel blockers during surgery
Side effect of etomidate
Adrenal suppression
Caution with nitrous oxide
Oral intake before surgery
Food/solids > 6 hours beforehand and clear fluids > 2 hours beforehand
Risk of excessive infusions - abg
hyperchloraemic acidosis
Surgery and insulin
once-daily insulin dose should generally be reduced by 20% on the day before and the day of surgery
Imaging for anastomotic leak
CT abdo
muscle relaxant of choice for rapid sequence induction for intubation
TPN vein
Central e..g subclavian
Hypothermia during an operation can lead to excess bleeding
Ileus occurs in the few days following surgery and can cause hypovolaemia and electrolyte disturbances BEFORE nausea and vomiting becomes apparent
Intraosseous access
Proximal tibia
All oral antidiabetic medications should be taken as normal the day before surgery
Isolated fever in well patient in first 24 hours following surgery?
Think physiological reaction to operation
Loop ileostomy
Normal feeding
Feeding jejunostomy
ICU feeding
NG tube
Pneumonia can be a complication of poor post-operative pain management
Laparoscopic approach reduces adhesions
Right upper quadrant tenderness and bilious fluid in the intra-abdominal drain would suggest a bile leak following the cholecystectomy
Hydrocortisone supplementation is required prior to surgery for patients taking prednisolone
metformin on day of surgery:
OD or BD: take as normal
TDS: miss lunchtime dose
assumes only one meal will be missed during surgery, eGFR > 60 and no contrast during procedure
Risk of halothane
Which agent reverses midazzolam
OD or BD: take as normal
TDS: miss lunchtime dose
assumes only one meal will be missed during surgery, eGFR > 60 and no contrast during procedure
Skin mottling and diaphoresis
What medication slows bone healing
Long term chemo - access
hickman line
Anaesthetic with the strongest analgesic effect
Nasopharyngeal airways are contraindicated in suspected are known base of skull fractures