Anaesthesia Flashcards
What occurs in the pre-op phase of anaesthesia?
Owner consent and admission to practice Full exam/history, ASA classification and planning stage Set up machine/equipment Prepare meds/drugs/fluids Premed patient
What happens in the induction phase of anaesthesia?
IV catheter placement
Admin of induction agent
Security of airway
What happens in the maintenance phase of anaesthesia?
Maintain anaesthesia - gas/TIVA/injectable
Placement of local/regional blocks
Continue to surgery/diagnostics
What happens in the recovery phase of anaesthesia?
Cessation of gaseous maintenance/CRIs
Antagonism of injectable drugs
Removal of airways device
Move to recovery area
What is the anaesthesia triad?
Muscle relaxation
What did the CEPSAF enquiry discover?
50% of deaths occurred within 3 hours of recovery
Sick animals had higher risk than healthy ones
Risk significantly higher with GA than sedation
Cats had twofold increase in risk
What are the species-specific problems seen?
Extremes of size Hyper-/hypothermia Aggression/risk of injury Drug sensitivities in breeds Obesity
List some breed-specific problems with anaesthetic drug use.
Boxers = ACP / cardiomyopathy
Collies/sheepdogs/shepherds = MDR1 gene
Greyhounds = lack of cytochrome P450 / body fat
Dobermann = Von Willebrand factor / dilated cardiomyopathy
Miniature schnauzer = females sick sinus syndrome
What can VNs do/not do in terms of inducing/maintaining anaesthesia?
Can administer a specific amount of meds directed by VS / act as VS hands to maintain
Cannot admin meds incrementally or to effect
What information needs to be gathered from an owner during the pre-op assessment?
Full history Owner questioning - any concerns? Previous reactions to drugs? Breed/species Confirm pre-op fasting times
What is assessed in the pre-op clinical examination?
MMs/CRT Thoracic auscultation Heart murmur? Pulse quality and effort Ventilatory effort Temperature Swellings/distension Temperament
What is the goal of pre-op fasting?
To reduce the volume of the stomach contents
To prevent GOR/regurgitation and aspiration
What are the recommended guidelines for pre-op fasting?
Cats = 6-8 hours
Dogs = 8-10 hours
Rabbits/small furries = no starvation but may withhold food ~30 mins pre-op
What diagnostic tests may be run prior to anaesthesia induction?
Bloods Urine Radiography ECG Echocardiology Ultrasound
What are the injectable anaesthetic agents and what animals are they licensed for?
Propofol - dogs, cats
Alfaxalone - dogs, cats, rabbits
Ketamine - horses, dogs, cats
Tiletamine / zolazepam - dogs, cats
What are the injectable drugs for euthanasia?
Pentobarbital Secobarbital sodium (quinalbarbital sodium) plus cincocaine hydrochloride = Somulose
What factors affect the effect of anaesthetic injectables?
Blood flow to brain Amount of non-ionised drug Lipid solubility Molecular size Conc. gradient Protein binding Distribution Metabolism Excretion
What makes the ideal injectable anaesthetic agent?
Rapid onset Non-irritant Minimal cardiopulmonary effects Rapid metabolism and elimination Non-cumulative Good analgesia Good muscle relaxation
What are the key points regarding propofol as an injectable anaesthetic?
Rapid onset of action Highly plasma protein bound (96-98%) and lipid soluble Rapidly metabolised and eliminated Non-cumulative in DOGS No analgesia Fair muscle relaxant Non-irritant Post-induction apnoea, hypotension, Heinz body anaemia in cats
What are the key points regarding alfaxalone as an injectable anaesthetic?
Non-irritant (?IM) 20% plasma protein bound Rapid onset Rapid metabolism and elimination Non-cumulative Preserves baroreceptor tone Some respiratory depression
What are some key points regarding ketamine as an injectable anaesthetic?
Poor muscle relaxation (not used as sole agent) Reflexes maintained Maintains CVS/respiraotyr function Analgesia/antihyperalgesia Slow onset Non-cumulative 50% plasma protein bound Increase intraocular-/intracranial pressure
What factors affect recovery from injectable anaesthetics?
Drug factors, e.g. dose
Species, breed and age
Co-morbidities, e.g. CVS/hepatic/renal function
When is TIVA useful and what are its ideal properties?
Used to reduce exposure to inhalants, or “in the field” when machines are not available
Ideal properties = rapid metabolism and elimination, fast onset, high therapeutic index, pharmacokinetics available
In which three ways can anaesthesia be induced by injection and what are the advantages/disadvantages of each?
IV = quickest onset (2-10mins), reliable, less stress BUT relies on IV catheter - IV only for Propofol/Alfaxalone
IM = fairly quick (10-20mins), reliable if actually IM BUT can be painful, slower onset
SC = easy to administer, less painful than IM BUT can cause pain, longer onset (30-45mins), lower efficacy
Which two ways can anaesthesia be induced through inhalation and what are the advantages/disadvantages?
Chamber inductions = easy to set up/use, cheap, no technical skill BUT very stressful, difficult to observe patient, risk of exposure
Face masks = cheap, easy to set up/use, can give oxygen/VAs quickly BUT does not protect airway, increases dead space, risk of exposure
Describe the laryngeal mask airway (LMA).
Easy to use - sits over airway
Reduced complications compared to ETT
Reduced airway pollutants compared to face mask
Not really designed for veterinary species
Describe the supraglottic airway device (V-GEL).
Species specific / weight specific design
Training needed before use
Describe ET tubes.
Allows airway protection
Prevents atmospheric exposure
Allows accurate provision of anaesthetic agents
Some have a cuff system
What is the point of a cuff on an ET tube?
Allows a tight seal in the trachea Prevents gas leaking around tube Prevents contents going into patient lung Allows accurate delivery of VAs/oxygen Allows direct route to lungs
What equipment should you prepare for ET intubation?
Laryngoscope Tubes - range of sizes (length = incisors to shoulder tip) Local anaesthetics (cats) Tie Cuff syringe Swab/suction/mask for preoxygenation
What are the common complications during induction?
Injury - us or them Lack of airway patency Aspiration/regurgitation Hypothermia CVS/respiratory system dysfunction Post-induction apnoea
List the patient safety features on anaesthetic machines.
Pin-index system and NIST for pipelines Colour-coded pressure gauges and flowmeters Oxygen flowmeter "touch coded" Ratio regulators Nitrous oxide cut-out Alarm whistle Air intake valve Reserve oxygen cylinders
What is the difference between active and passive scavenging?
Active = waste gases/anaesthetic agents drawn outside of building by a fan and vent system, requires an air break to prevent negative pressure being applied to patient breathing system
Passive = gas is pushed by patient expiratory effort into tubing either into tubing leading outside of building or into a canister containing activated charcoal