American Government Flashcards
an informal power
used to manage executive operation
requires no approval form congress
executive orders
when following the constitution president orders are likely
when following statues congress can adjust
fedral powers
fewer in number more. substantial in
an individual with expansive power
his ability to interpret and enforce law
federal government supremacy over states
the importance of electing the president
considered following the english model
congress would choose the president
an important separation of powers
the philidelphia convention
elector would be chosen by each state
method of selection left open
number of electors per state: house representative and senent
electors vote in their state send result to the senate
the elector college
state laws allow political parties to cohose electors
electors are often loyal party members
a states popular vote is actually for electors
many states prevent “faithless” electors
winner takes all
contemporary practice
both metion beuracracy is the government
artcile 1 and article 2 section 2
key clauses
necessary proper
carrying into. execution other federal powers
the constitution could not prescribe all points of government organization
establishign executive departmetns
set number of supreme court justice
create thefedral system
among congress first foal was organize the federal government
maintain control through constitutional restraints
ensure proper separation of powers
president was in charge of most departments
congress president
prevent tyranny
the people indirectly control unelected official
elected officials ensure the fedral government is wholly proper
interior navigation
increased communication methods
the fedrla government wil make immediate improvement
some national issues may require
fedral response
limited in its functions
under the peoples control
a slow moving leviation
remember the fedrall government is
anything practical for congress can be delegated to an
administration function
conducted every ten years
count every person in the united states
the census
power of an office (desk)
a historical definitoin of burracracy
management of public affairs
a historical term fo administration
no mention fo beuracracu exist
no indication the government will be smal
congress could control government expansion
constituions is silenon thfunction of bureaucracy
state treasue war
futrue deparments would act similarly
executive deparment had apurpose expected to function appropriately
no expectations of bureacractic policy making departments had little power to act
no tyranny of buracracy
the presidentwould manae and direct executive departments
departmetn of interior
department of agriculture
westard expansion
departmetn of justice
war between the state
department of commerce department of labor
industrial revolution
the consitition focused on growth of nation
separation of powers would remain amogninstitutions
minimal staff ensured few bureacruatic function
a limited fedral government required management tools
no more fear of mans sel interested nature
overcome social political economic ills
an american “enlightenment” reason and ratinality take center stage
an american enlightenment reason adn rationality take center stage
theprogressive era
a plannned society recognizes no divin purpose
imorality exist when poverty pestilence and war contnue unabated
administratin ensure just security emplymen tand better living
th egood lif e achieved torugh adminsitration
scientific principle lead to efficiency and industraism
the essense ofliberty lies in equality
liberty meand the ability to do and enjoy something
the urban life is part of good life
governmetn and administration seek to achieve human flourishing
administratin should not be a branch of government
it must be an active agent in pursuign democracy
modern tools of administration ensure democracy works for all people
the executive and his officials express the will of the state
expertness and objectivly overtake legislative deliberation and action
the philosphicla purpose of progressive is touse administration to achieve positive liberty
gather evidence
pursue truth
exercise foresight anddiscretion
engage in constant planning
fedral bureacurats must be free form politcal control
nonelceted officials who independently make polciy and exert power
put to actoi bills passed by congress
translate politcal into what citizen see each day
the fedral bureacracy
modified bytheir environmetn
necessitated by task
shaped bu the pressure of life
the constituin is a living document
growth of hte fedral buraucracy
legal authorites granted by congress and the president
size and ocntinuity of its budge t
deference gained from expierence
sources of bureaucratic power
ruel making interpt staturtory law and make rules
implemention put statutory law and bureacratic rule sinto effect (policy output)
adjudication prosecute an dsettel dispute over applicabe rules
the power of bureaucracies
earned a phd in history and politicla science
had aprolific career in acadmeia
wrote extensively and politics and administration
woodro wilson
a philosphical examinaiotn on freeign administratin form constituional law
supposrt civil service reform
the study of administrationwoodrow wilson phd
organization of governemtn
support civil service refomr
purpose of governmetn
instituions and power
controlign abuse of power
historically people focused on constituional government
the most visible part of governemtn
government in aciotn
required knowledge and experience
moer thought shoudl be give to adminstration
departmetn minstireis menat ot engergize government
managed by a prime minster
whitehall and english example proper adminstration
service of state removed from peopel political life
bureaucratic are responsibel for th eobjectispolicies an dstandards fo governemtn
guided by public opinion
a separtaion of politics adn adminsitratio n
much of its tasks ar eincongnitor to the world
it shoudl execute public law
administrations can choose (independtly) how to act
establsihpermanence in government
the goal of adminstration
document of negativ eelibeites
protect individual freedom
prevent governemtn action
focused on positive liberty
what governmetn can do for indivials
may guarantee or benefits
suspended bubeaus carpas
jailed peopel for disloyalty
acted without congress consent
expadned army
blackade southern parts
abraham lincon
actively submitted legislationto congress
developed admisntrative ureacracy
asserted foreign policy influence
woodrow wislon
ne eal economic nationalism
expansion foriegn policy
created the office of hte presidnet
frankling d roosevelt
allows future president sto expand powers
congress overtime slowly accepted ne executive pwoers
tow action from congress
grant broad directive to president
ratify presidential decison afte rth efact
each presidnte has th epwoer to create now precendent
congrses held much power
the president cabinet include dpeartmetn heads
execute staff kept to a minmum
no personal assistants to the president
the constittuion envisoned a small executive branch
three toatl presidents
talta staff size less than 150 memebers
executive staff size 1924 thorugh 1936
commissions brownlow committee
BC famously claism the president needs help
fdr looks to increase exectuvie adminstraiton
created the executive offic of the presidnte
placed expnasive pwoer an dcontrol in teh presidnetal
reorganization plan
six high executive assitant for hte
budget fuction directly ocntorlled by
create merit based system adminstirative
consoldiate bureacracy into 12
executive departmetns
executive branch financially accoutbatl to