Amblyopia Flashcards
- Vision which is uncorrectable to a normal 20/20 by lenses - reduced vision in one eye, not correctable w glasses as a result of not adequate use in childhood. Most often results from either misalignment of childs eyes or a large difference of image quality seem with the two eyes. Over time the eye with least clear image is ignored or suppressed. Visual condition in which there is a low or reduced central visual acuity that cannot be corrected by refractive means and not attributed to disease or injury _____ is said to exist if there is less than 20/40 or worse or a difference of 2 lines between eyes. One eye has better visual acuity than the other- difficulty w depth perception little or no dev of stereopsis( it is bino dysfunction primarilary that causes mono aquity loss.
Due to high refractive error which was not corrected early on or that even when corrected early is such a high amt of error to that retina is incapable of 100 percent vision ( high myopia)
Refractive Ambyopia-
Due to high refractive error which was not corrected early on or that even when corrected early is such a high amt of error to that retina is incapable of 100 percent vision ( high myopia)
Refractive Ambyopia-
Decreased vision due to suppression or nonuse due to strabismus
Strabismic Amblyopia
Decreased vision due to suppression or nonuse due to strabismus
Strabismic Amblyopia
Due to developing retina not being adequately stimulated in early stages of dev
Deprivation Amblyopia
A monocular anomaly in which central fixation is off of the fovea do not use the center point of their vision to look at stuff they are using a para focus space usually within a few degrees of macula( only issue if worried about visual acuity in mono vision test. - when pt focusing off of fovea - less clear
Eccentric Fixation
Not only visual acuity but reading is impaired in not just the one eye but other as well, latency in saccades and reaction time for eye hand coordination are effected in and descressed accom deceased amplitude accuracy and sustainability poor form disc, crowding ohen visual info proces
Bono problem occurs when the 2 gives do not form a pair of corresponding pts
- correspondence occured between the fovea in the fixating eye and a point in the deviating eye that is not the fovea( often blind spot in other eye) ac is cortical not foveal
This is fusion without alignment
It is an adaptation bino but you can have this only or have co existing EF only mono this bino pheno you can use it only under certain situatons
Anomalous cooredpondsnce