Alyssa Bellochi Personality Vocab 1 And 2 Flashcards
Founder of psychoanalytic theory of personality
The region of the mind that is beyond awareness, especially impulses and desires not directly known to a person
Emphasizes the use of free association, dream interpretation, resistances and transference to uncover unconscious conflicts
The primitive part of personality that remains unconscious, supplied energy, and demands pleasure
Pleasure principle
A desire for immediate satisfaction of wishes, desires, or needs
The executive part of personality that directs rational bx
Reality principle
Delaying action or pleasure until it is appropriate
A judge or censor for thoughts and actions
Ego ideal
The part of the superego representing ideal bx; a source of pride when its standards are met
The force, primarily pleasure oriented, that energizes the personality
A lasting conflict developed as a result of frustration or overindulgence
- unresolved issues in a stage of development will make you preoccupied with bx associated with stage of development
Oral stage
The period when infants are preoccupied with the mouth as an erogenous zone
Anal stage
The psychosexual stage corresponding roughly to the period of toilet training
Phallic stage
The psychosexual stage when a child is preoccupied with genitals
Oedipus complex
A boys sexual attraction to his mother, and feelings of rivalry with his father
Electra complex
A girls sexual attraction to her father and feelings of rivalry with her mother
Latency period
A period in childhood when psychosexual development is more or less interrupted
Genital stage
Period of full psychosexual development, marked by the attainment of mature adult sexuality
Neo-Freudian, focuses heavily on the unconscious
Personal unconscious
A mental storehouse for a single individuals conscious thoughts
Collective unconscious
A mental storehouse for unconscious ideas and images shared by all humans
A universal idea, image, or pattern, found in the collective unconscious
The “mask” or public self presented to others
An archetype representing the female principle
An archetype representing the male principle
Ego attitude in which energy is mainly directed outward
Ego attitude in which energy is mainly directed inward
Rational individuals
One who is characterized by having good sense
Irrational individuals
One who is characterized by not having good sense
Neo Freudian who believes that we are governed by social issues not biological issues
Any attempt to overcome feelings of inadequacy or inferiority
Inferiority complex
Intense feelings of inadequacy
Humanist, believed all humans seek love from others
Distress or uneasiness of the mind
Neurotic trends
Apprehension felt when the ego struggles to control Id impulses
Psychosocial theorist, organized social development into 8 stages
Humanist theorist, proposes self theory
Self actualization
When we reach our full potential and become what we are capable of being
Fully functioning individual
When we combine what we should be with what we are
Unconditional positive regard
A blanket acceptance in which parents make their children feel as if they are loved no matter what
Conditional positive regard
When parents make their children feel as if they will only be loved if they attain something of importance
Maslows hiearchy Of needs
Biological needs must be satisfied before psychological ones
Trait theories
Theory that classifies, analyzes, and interrelating traits to understand personality
Personality traits
A stable, enduring quality that a person shows in most situations
Factor analysis
A statistical technique used to correlate multiple measurements and identify general underlying factors
Big 5
Five broad domains of personality that are used to describe personality; openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Being helpful, cooperative, and sympathetic towards others
Exemplified by being disciplined, organized, and achievement oriented
Reflected in a strong intellectual curiosity and a preference for novelty and variety
Refers to degree of emotional stability, impulse control, and anxiety
An anticipation concerning future events, relationships or about the effect a response will have, especially regarding reinforcement
Locus of control
The extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them
Self- efficiency
Belief in your capacity to produce a desired result
Performance standards
Measured by solving puzzles, assembling objects, completing pictures and other non verbal tasks
Personality assessment
The measurement of personal characteristics
Objective tests
A test that gives the same score when different people correct it
Sixteen personality factor questionnaire
A multiple choice questionnaire that attempts to try to discover and measure the fundamental traits of human personality
Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
One of the most frequently used personality tests in mental health. The test is used by trained professionals to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology
Projective tests
A psychological test in which subjects perceptions of ink blots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex algorithms, or both
Thematic apperception test
A projective psychological test. It taps a subjects unconscious to reveal repressed aspects of personality, motives and needs for achievement, power and intimacy, and problem solving abilities