Altemeyer's (2006). The authoritarians Flashcards
What are the three main traits of authoritarian personalities?
Conventionalism: Strong adherence to societal norms and traditions.
Authoritarian Submission: Tendency to submit to authority figures.
Authoritarian Aggression: Hostility toward those seen as deviant or part of outgroups.
How do early socialization experiences influence authoritarian attitudes?
Authoritarian attitudes often stem from strict or punitive family environments during early socialization.
What psychological defense mechanisms are common in authoritarians?
Projection: Projecting their own insecurities onto others.
Rationalization: Justifying aggressive or hostile attitudes.
How do authoritarians perceive in-group and out-group dynamics?
They exhibit a strong in-group bias, valuing loyalty to their own group and displaying hostility toward outsiders.
What psychological factors contribute to authoritarianism?
Fear and insecurity: A fear of change or uncertainty can intensify authoritarian attitudes, leading individuals to seek stability through strong leaders or rigid social structures.
What is the cognitive style of authoritarians?
Authoritarians tend to have a simplistic cognitive style, favoring black-and-white thinking and being less open to complex or nuanced viewpoints.
What is the significance of understanding authoritarian personality traits?
These traits help explain broader social and political implications of authoritarianism in society.