all of Act 4 Hamlet Quotes Flashcards
mad as…
the sea and wind
lov’d of the…
distracted multitude
we fat all…
creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for maggots
I have cause,…
and will, and strength, and means
examples gross…
as earth exhort me
led by a…
delicate and tender prince
exposing what is mortal and unsure to all that fortune, death, and danger dare…
even for an eggshell
my thoughts be…
bloody or be nothing worth
she may strew…
dangerous conjectures in ill-breeding minds
you mark
Laertes is described as…
the ocean
you speak like…
a good child and a true gentleman
what flowers do Ophelia mention?
columbines, rue, violets
the great love…
the general gender bear him
will you be rul’d by me?
ay, my lord
gem of…
all the nation
was your father dear to you?…
or are you like the painting of sorrow?
to cut his…
throat i’th’church
fell in the…
weeping brook