Act 5 + Faustus Epilogue Quotes Flashcards
break heart…
drop blood, and mingle it with tears
with greatest…
torments that hell affords
Mephistopheles gives…
him a dagger
her lips…
suck forth my soul
for heaven…
be in these lips
I will combat…
with weak Menelaus
as in this furnace…
God shall try my faith
tis but a…
O, he stays…
my tongue
O, I’ll leap up to my God…
who pulls me down?
clock strikes…
stand still…
you ever-moving spheres of heaven
mountains and hills, come…
come and fall on me, and hide me from the heavy wrath of God
offense can never…
be pardoned
nothing can…
resolve me
this soul should fly from me…
and I be changed into some brutish beast
curse be the parents…
that endangered me
curse Lucifer, that hath…
deprived thee of the joys of heaven
I’ll burn…
my books
cut is the branch…
that might have grown full straight
burned is…
Apollo’s laurel bough
his hellish fall
whose deepness doth entice such forward wits…
to practise more than heavenly power permits