When was Yalta
Feburary 1945
When was Potsdam
July 1945
When was Hiroshima / Nagasaki
August 1945
When did Japan surrender WW2
September 1945
When was the Long Telegram
Feburary 1946
When was the Iron Curtain speech?
March 1946 (Missouri)
When was the Truman doctrine?
March 1947
When was the Marshall plan?
June 1947
When was the Berlin blockade
June 1948 - May 1949
When was NATO formed?
April 1949
When was FDR created
May 1949
When did the USSR detonate the first atomic bomb
August 1949
When did Mao win in China / formation of PRC
October 1949
When was NSC - 68
April 1950
When did North Korea invade South Korea
June 1950
When did China intervene in the Korean war after western forces got to the border.
November 1950
When was Eisenhower elected president
November 1952
When was MacArthur fired
When does Stalin die
March 1953
When was the Korean War armistice signed?
July 1953
When was Beria executed?
December 1953
When did the VietMinh defeat French colonial forces at Dien Bien Phu - splitting Vietnam
March/May 1954
When was the Geneva conference
April 1954
When was the Sanfrancisco treaty
September 1951
When was SEATO formed
September 1954
When does McCarthyism reach its peak
When is the Warsaw Pack formed?
When did Comecon form
Janurary 1949
When was cominform set up?
October 1947
When does Khrushchev properly consolidate power
When is the Secret Speech
Feburary 1956
When is the Polish uprising
June - October 1956
When was the Hungarian uprising
October - November 1956
When was the Anti Party group attempted coup
June 1957 - (Malenkov,Molotov)
What had happened regarding Gulags by 1958?
Khrushchev released 8 million political prisoners
When was the Berlin crisis / Ultimatum
November 1958
When did Fidel Castro take power in Cuba
Janurary 1959
When was the U2 spy plane incident
May 1960
When was JFK elected
November 1960
When is JFK assassinated / LBJ (VP) becomes president
November 1963