All Biological studies Flashcards
Phineas Gage (1948)
railway pole destroyed most of his left frontal lobe, completely altering his personality.
van den oever (2008)
AMPA receptors in medial prefrontal cortex
Li et al (2013)
human heroin users have significantly different connectivity between the posterior cingulate cortex and adjacent areas.heroin use = more damage
Mazur (1983)
strong positive correlation between increased testosterone in teenage years and increased inter-male fighting.
Coccaro et al (2006)
using fmri People with IED had increased amygdala activity and decreased prefrontal cortex/orbitofrontal activity.
Grafman et al (1996)
Vietnam war veterans with damage to the PFC were more aggressive.
Raine et al (1997)
PET scans showed violent murderers had dysfunction in the amygdala and PFC
Ferrari et al (2003)
Rats serotonin levels decreased in anticipation of a fight.
Maccoby and Jacklin (1974)
Boys were consistently more aggressive than girls.
Dabbs et al (1995)
Testosterone levels were high in both male and female prisoners who had been convicted of violent crimes.
Olweus (1980)
Boys who had high testosterone levels were more impatient and irritable.
Wagner et al (1979)
Mice who were castrated were less aggressive and became aggressive again when injected with testosterone.
Alan Turing
Chemical castration using medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA)
Buss et al (1997)
Aggression was developed though evolution to pass on genes, get food, and survive.
Wilson and Daly (1985)
Males tend to take part in risky behaviour to attract females.