Alcohol dependence disorders Flashcards
What is F10.1?
Harmful use- a pattern that is causing harm to health (physical or mental)
What is dependence syndrome?
3 or more of…
- Strong desire or compulsion to take alcohol
- Difficulties in controlling use
- Persistent use despite clear evidence of harm
- Preoccupation wth substance use
- Increased tolerance
- Psychological withdrawal state
What is the Child-Pugh score
Assess the prognosis of chronic liver disease, mainly cirrhosis
What is used for MAAW ( Medically assisted alcohol withdrawal)
Supportive treatments-vitamins
Oral thiamine for low risk
IM/IV pabrinex for high risk
What are supportive measures?
Nutrition, Hydration, Anti-emetics, anti-dirrhoels
What is an important intervention to stop permanent brain damage if someone is malnourished
What percentage of people have withdrawn seizures?
What is F10.4
Withdrawal state with delirium
- A severe form of alcohol withdrawal that includes sudden and …
What are Lilliputian hallucination
Objects and people shrunken in size but normal in detail- very suggestive of delirium tremens
What is formication
The sensation of insects of insects crawling under the skin
In which situations does formication occur
Delerium tremens, stimulant intoxication, fever, parasthesia
What is the time frame that the symptoms of DT start to occur in
48-72 h after the last drink and can last 1 week to 1 month
What is the management of DT
Inpatient detox
Benzodiazepine reducing regime
other supportive treatments- anticonvulsants, antiphycotics, antiemetics, fluids etc
Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome ( thiamine deficiency)- reversible/irriversible?
Wernickle - “reversible”
Korsakoff- “irreversible”
What are the three classes of relapse prevention
Social Rehabilitation
Where is Alcoholic Hallucinosis seen?
In chronic drinkers, during or shortly after periods of heavy drinking. Symp include acoustic hallucinations, delusions, mood disturbances
What does Wernicke’s- Korsakoff syndrome?
ocular disturbances, Nystagmus, Ataxia, Mental state changes, Confabulation, Apathy, Indifference, Paucity of speech