Ainsworth- Strange Situation Flashcards
A01 Procedure
- A Structured observation in a laboratory/controlled situation is set up with chairs for adults and toys for the child.
- Tinted glass is used so the researchers can observe the child whilst not being seen by the child/parent.
- 3m play sessions with middle class American families
- Mother and child are together in the room playing together with toys.
- A stranger comes into the room, talks to the mother and attempts engagement with the child in the mothers presence.
- Mother leaves the room leaving the child and stranger together, the stranger tries to engage and console the child, stranger anxiety is measured.
- The mother returns according to the distress shown by the child, if the distress is high the mother returns quickly, and the stranger leaves the room. The mother consoles the child.
- The mother then leaves the child alone in the room, separation anxiety is measured..
- The stranger enters the room with the child alone and attempts to play with the child.
- The mother returns and reunion behaviour is measured.
AO1 Results- Secure
70% Responsive Parenting Use parents as SB to explore Stranger Anxiey- Fine with parent but distress when alone and not comforted by stranger Separation anxiety Easily comforted on reunion
AO1 Results- Insecure Avoidant
20% Neglectful Parenting Don’t use SB, explore without comfort No stranger anxiety Little/No separation anxiety No comfort needed
AO1 Results- Insecure Resistant
10% Inconsistent Parenting No SB, clingy and don’t explore Stranger anxiety Lots of separation anxiety Difficult to comfort and lashes out on reuoin
AO1 Conclusions
There are different types of attachment which show differences in behaviour.
These are caused by the relative sensitivity/responsiveness of the parent (parental sensitivity hypothesis).
+AO3 Low EVs
The behaviour being measured is controlled in a laboratory setting, so extraneous variables that might alter the behaviour of the child are controlled or eliminated
+AO3 Standardised
The procedure is highly standardised so is replicable and found to be reliable
-AO3 Low EcoV
The situation is staged so natural behaviour is not measured in a realistic way (low ecological validity), this limits the generalisability of the research method to real life situations
AO3 Ethics
The strange situation procedure may be temporarily distressing for children as they are separated from their caregiver/exposed to a stranger.
The strange situation is more distressing for Japanese children who are not used to being left alone
the parent is empowered to curtail any period and/or abandon the procedure if the childs distress is untenable
+AO3 Low DC
Low chance of demand characteristics from the children since they were being observed covertly (and young children are less likely to understand the study and so change their behaviour)
Many observers are used to judge the behaviour of the child during the episodes of the procedure, so inter-rater reliability can be established
-AO3 Individual Difference
The whole method does not account for the individual differences of children, particularly the strange situation may be a measure of temperament rather than attachment (Kagan’s temperament hypothesis)
-AO3 Main & Solomon
Possibly a 4 type which wasn’t accounted for here
-AO3 Method
The strange situation may not be an appropriate tool for measuring the behaviour of children already used to separation (through daycare)
The strange situation is unfamiliar for the child and different findings would be found in the child’s own home so might lead to inconsistent results