Aikido Flashcards
What was the purpose of martial arts training during the Sengoku Jidai period?
To train men to fight and kill the enemy for war
What is the difference between Bujutsu and Budo?
Bujutsu focuses on warrior skill, while Budo focuses on the way of the warrior, including character development.
What historical event marked the beginning of Budo?
The unification of Japan under Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Who is considered the founder of Aikido?
Ueshiba Morihei
What was Ueshiba Morihei’s vision for Aikido?
To create a martial art that allows self-defense without harming others.
What title is Ueshiba Morihei often referred to by Aikido practitioners?
O-Sensei, meaning “the great teacher.”
What does Maskatsu Agatsu mean?
True victory is over the self
What is the significance of bowing at the start of Aikido practice?
It shows respect to the dojo, others, and the tradition
What phrase do students say to each other when starting or working together?
Onegaishimasu (“Please” or “Let’s work together”).
Why do students clean the dojo before class?
To show mindfulness, respect for the training space, and awareness of others.
What is the meaning of Arigatou Gozaimasu in Aikido practice?
“Thank you (very much)” — used to formally conclude training.
What is Aisatsu?
Greetings or formal phrases used at the beginning and end of interactions to show respect.
What does Teinei mean?
Neatness, politeness, and care in actions.
How is Teinei demonstrated when entering the dojo?
By placing sandals neatly at the edge of the mat and bowing with care.
What does the seven pleats of the Hakama represent?
The seven virtues of Bushido, such as integrity, respect, courage, honesty, honour, compassion, duty and loyalty.