Agression Flashcards
What are the two neural mechanisms in aggression
1) Limbic system
2) the role of serotonin
Explain the limbic system as a neural mechanism in aggression
- links to the brain specifically the amygdala
- key structures of the limbic system: hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus and thalamus
- most important: amygdala
- has a key role in human and non human animals in how they respond to environmental threats and challenges
- reactivity of the amygdala in humans is an important predictor of aggressive behaviour
Explain the A01 research by Gospic et al on the limbic system as a neural explanation for aggression
- proposed the Ultimatum game
- 2 players asked to divide a given amount of money, confederate decides how money is split, responder accept/rejects offer, if they reject neither of them get any money
- researchers found that when when ppts rejected an unfair reward (seen as social provocation) fast and heightened response in the amygdala was recorded, implicating this region of this brain as involved in aggression
- when a benzodiazepine drug was taken (calm down) there were 2 effects on responses to unfair offers:
1) halved the number of rejections (reduced aggression)
2) decreased activity in the amygdala
What is a weakness of Gospic’s research on the amygdala associated with aggression
Lab experiment, low ecological validity, aggression may not be displayed in the same ways in real world
- MRI could have confounded the results, ppts brain scans may have been influenced by the unfamiliar situation they are in (low validity)
- researchers equate the perception of unfairness as an operationalised definition of aggression, however are they really the same?
Explain the role of serotonin as neural mechanism in aggression
- inhibitory neurotransmitter (reduces post synaptic membrane activity)
- ‘normal’ levels in the orbitofrontal cortex are linked to reduced firing of neuron’s, associated with a greater degree of behaviour control (self control)
- decreased levels reduce self control leading to an increase in impulsive behaviour such as aggression
Explain research from Virkkunen et al on the role of serotonin in aggression
- compared levels of a serotonin breakdown product (5-HIAA) in the cerebrospinal fluid of violent impulsive and non impulsive offenders
- the levels were significantly lower in the impulsive offenders (means their serotonin levels were lower)
- they suffered more from sleep irregularities (serotonin regulates sleep patterns), disturbance of this pattern implies a disruption of serotonin functioning, further supporting the role of serotonin in reactive aggression
What is the hormonal explanation for agression
Explain testosterone as a hormonal explanation for aggression
- male sex hormone and androgen responsible for the development of masculine features
- also has a role of regulating social behaviours via it’s influence on certain areas in the brain implicated in aggression
- high levels of testosterone = aggression
Explain research by Dolan at al on testosterone as an hormonal explanation of aggression
- found a positive correlation between testosterone levels and aggressive behaviours
- sample of 60 males (high security prison) who suffered from personality disorders and had history of impulsive violent behaviour
What is a weakness of neural explanations of aggression
1) reductionist, specifically the limbic system and role of the amygdala ignores other brain structures
- e.g recent studies suggest the amygdala appears to function in the tandem with the OFC (not part of the limbic system)
- OFC (orbitofrontal cortex) is involved in self control and impulsive regulation linked to aggressive behaviour
- Cocarro et al found that patients with psychiatric disorders that feature aggression, activity in OFC is reduced
- therefore explanation is limited and reduced to only one structure where aggression is far more complex
What are strengths of the neural explanation of aggression
1) research support that increased levels of the serotonin reduces aggressive behaviour
- e.g Berman et al found that ppts who were given paroxetine (drug that enhances serotonin activity) they behaved less aggressively compared to a control group whilst playing a video game, delivering fewer and less intense shocks
2) research is correlation, avoiding ethical implications e.g while looking into activity of the amygdala no harm is done to the ppts by possibly damaging the amygdala to discover cause and effect, instead just a Fmri scan
HOWEVER, findings are still inconclusive, we can only see a link between two variables e.g increased amygdala activity and aggressive behaviours, but unclear which variable causes the other, there may be a third variable involved
What is a weakness of hormonal explanations (testosterone) of aggression
1) reductionist (limited), there may be other hormones such as the stress hormone cortisol that has an influence on aggressive behaviours
- research has found that when cortisol levels were high, this actually blocks testosterone influences. (Antagonist effect)
- the ‘dual- hormone hypothesis’ supports this, combined activity of testosterone and cortisol may be a better predictor of human aggression than either hormone alone
Explains twins as a genetic factor in aggression
- twin studies
- suggest concordance rate for aggression is 50% (DZ twins)
- Coccaro at al collected data from 182 MZ twins, 118 DZ twins and found the concordance rate for physical assault was 50% for MZ twins and 19% for DZ twins
- suggest a genetic component as likelihood id higher for MZ twins
Explain adoption studies as a genetic factor in aggression
- attempts to detangle gene/environment interaction
- if we a greater similarity is found between children and their biological parents (rather than between children and their adapted parents) then the role of genetics can be assumed to be a significant factor in determining behaviour
- Rhee and Waldman carried out meta analysis of adoption studies, direct aggression and antisocial behaviour
- found genetic influences accounted for 41% of the variance in aggression
- supports biological explanation for aggression
Explain the MAOA gene as a genetic factor for aggression
- MAOA gene codes for the enzyme called monoamine oxidase which regulates the neurotransmitter serotonin
- role is to ‘mop up neurotransmitters’ in the brain after nerve impulse has been transmitted from one neuron to another
- does this by breaking down neurotransmitter especially serotonin into smaller parts to be recycled or excreted (process called catabolism)
- production of MAOA enzyme is determined by the MAOA gene
- dysfunction in this gene may lead to abnormal activity of the enzyme, effecting their serotonin levels in brain where low levels are linked to aggression
What are strengths of genetic explanations for aggression
1) Bruner- studied 28 male members of a large Dutch family who were repeatedly involved in impulsively aggressive violent criminal behaviours such as rape, attempted murder and physical assault
- these men had abnormally low levels of MAOA in their brains and the lower-activity version of the MAOA gene
2) Stuart et al- studied 97 men from a treatment programme for domestic abusers, who had inflicted a form of aggression called intimate partner violence
- men with the low activity MAOA gene were found to be the most violent perpetrators of intimate partner violence, engaged in greatest psychological and physical aggression and inflicted the worst injuries on their partners
Explain gene environment interaction as a factor of aggression
- low MAOA gene activity linked to aggression only when combined with early trauma
- Frazetto found an association between antisocial aggression and the low activity MAOA gene variant in adult males but only in those who experienced significant trauma (e.g sexual or physical abuse) during the first 15 years of life
- those who hasn’t experienced such trauma were not especially aggressive as adults even if possessed the low activity MAOA gene variant
- therefore the gene doesn’t function in isolation
What are the 4 factors in genetic explanations of aggression
1) twin studies
2) adoption studies
3) the MAOA gene
4) gene environment interaction
What is a weakness of genetic explanations for aggression
1) reductionist argument, appears they may be more than one gene linked to aggressive behaviour
- Stuart et al studied males involved in IPV (intimate partner violence) and found that the aggression was not linked to low activity MAOA gene variant, but also the 5HHT serotonin gene, therefore genetic explanation may be more complex than we think
What does the ethnological explanation of aggression suggest
- the main function of aggression is adaptive as it aids survival e.g anger, hunger, threat and mate competition
- ethology is the study of animal behaviour in natural settings
What are the two main adaptive functions of aggression in animal species
1) allows a species to survive as a ‘defeated’ animal is forced to establish territory elsewhere, members of species have to spread over a wider area and discover resources in a different places reducing competition pressure
2) to establish dominance in hierarchies,
- aggression would be naturally selected as it increases reproductive fitness
- male chimpanzees use aggression to climb their troop’s social hierarchy, their dominance gives them special status
What is meant by ritualistic aggression
- most aggressive encounters consist of ritualistic signals ( threat displays and appeasement gestures)
- adaptive bc if every aggressive encounter ended with death it could threaten the existence of species
What is meant by threat displays as part of ritualistic aggression and give examples
- intend to make an opponent back down + are there last step before an animal either fights or submits and leaves (shows appeasement)
E.g - vocalisations
- hooting sounds
- pounding chest
What is meant by appeasement gestures
- submission, signalling backing down to a threat display