Aggression Flashcards
SLT of Aggression
Observe aggressive behaviour from role model
Store aggressive behaviour in memory
Imitate aggressive behaviour.
3 Factors affecting imitation of aggression
Reinforcement: vicarious-watching others. Direct-rewarded for repeating aggression
Characteristic of model: High status model more likely to be imitated (identification)
Self Efficacy: Belief that they have ability to perform aggressive behaviour.
Key SLT study?
Banduras doll.
• 3 groups witness behaviour
• G2 witness aggression
• All groups imitated and boys more likely if model was male
AO3: SLT of aggression
• Cultural diff. !Kung San norms don’t encourage aggression (no aggressive role models). Still aggression so low cultural validity
• Lab. Artificial tasks. Not applicable to real life. Low eco validity
• oversimp. Bio factors like MAOA gene/hormones(test)
• Prac app. Promote pro social behaviour and limit aggression in vids. Applied psych.
Frustration Aggression Hypothesis
Frustration = aggression
Aggression is cathartic (relieving), reduces frustration (get feeling off chest)
Which approach is frustration aggression hyp from
Psychodynamic approach
(Aggression is psychological drive)
Aggression expressed ______ if cause is:
Leads to…
• Abstract(government)
• Too powerful and risk punishment(teacher giving bad grade)
• Unavailable (teacher leaves)
Displaced aggression to alternative, weaker, concrete, available subject
Weapon Effect?
Frustration creates readiness for aggression. Then cue is env makes aggression more likely.
Research for frustration aggression model
Male uni students complete jigsaw puzzle.
G1 : Impossible puzzle
G2 : run out of time as confed interferes.
G3 : insulted by confed
Ptsp gave shock to confed for mistake
Findings of research in frustration aggression model
G3 gave strongest shocks, then G2.
All 3 groups stronger shocks than control group.
Implications of frustration aggression research
Parents, teachers, doctors etc shouldn’t insult or interfere.
Carefully think about language use
AO3 of frustration
• Oversimp. Ignore bio factors(MAOA/hormones)
• Deterministic. No free will. Some may be frustrated without being aggressive
• Contradict research. Bushman found people who use punching bag more aggressive.(not cathartic)
• Prac app. Weapon = aggression (influence gun control) conceal weapon reduce violence.
What is deindividualisation theory?
Reduced sense of personal responsibility due to group setting. Causes irrational, impulsive behaviour
Anonymities role in deindividualisation?
Increase’s deindividualisation due to us being unidentifiable, less private and public self-awareness (due to focus around us rather than on us)
Who studied deindividualisation into aggression?
How did _____ study deindividualisation into aggression
2 groups of women
1) White coats & hoods. Addressed as group
2) Wore normal clothes. Addressed as individuals.
Ptsps told it’s a conditioning study where they electrocute patients.
Findings of deindividualisation study of aggression
Group 1 (White coats) shocked for twice as long as group 2(Normal clothes).
Deindividualisation study link to Stanford prison exp
Proof of deindividualisation
Uniforms : Jumpsuits for prisoners with numbers
Uniform and reflective glasses for guards
AO3 for deindividualisation of aggression
• Oversimplified. Doesn’t consider other factors (MAOA/hormones). ____ removed those with drug use and trauma.
• Real life app & supp. London riots & Watson studied tribes that use war paint to deindividualise.
• Deterministic. Removes individual diff.
• Contradict research. Gergen at al put strangers in dark room ( to deindividualise). They touched and kissed. Lower internal valid & relia.
• ___ uniform similar to KKK. Normative cues associated with aggression = demand characteristic. Reduced eco valid.
What is institutional aggression?
Aggression due to dispositional attributes or situational context.
What is the dispositional explanation for aggression
Aggression due to individual characteristics e.g trauma or upbringing.
Proposed by Irwin & Cressey
The situational explanation of aggression.
Environmental factors that influence aggression e.g reduced access to goods or deprived of freedom.
Suggested by Clemmer
AO3 of dispositional explanation
• Research supp. Camp & Gaes ptsps put in high security and low security prison show no difference in aggression. Shows prison env is minimal on aggression.
• Ignores roles of prison officials. ACM states poorly managed prison more likely to be aggressive. Shows bad prisons more aggressive.
AO3 for situational explanation
• Prac app. Cox found reducing inmate population by 30%, aggression reduce 60%. Used to reduce institutional aggression.
• Oversimp. Argue env alone does cause aggression. Requires both dis and sit. Multidimensional.
• Contradict research. Model say lack of freedom and heterosexual contact cause aggression. However inmates who have conjugal visits show no change in aggression. Low eco validity.
Evolutionary explanation to aggression
Aggression is an adaptive, unconscious psychological mechanism due to infidelity
What is an unconscious psychological mechanism
Defense mechanism that reduces anxiety from harmful stimuli.
Mate retention strategies
Behaviours intended to reduce likelihood of infidelity or break up.
Male aggression toward females
Jealousy due to infidelity ~> Parental uncertainty & fear of cuckoldry ~> Aggression to prevent infidelity. Men competing for high value women. Low value men aggressive due to lack of resources.
Female aggression toward males
Jealous due to emotional infidelity ~> Rely on males for resources ~> Mainly verbal not physical. Most aggressive after children. Females compete for high value men
Study of evolutionary aggression
461 men & 560 women.
Men asked about their mate retention strats & women asked about partners mate retention strats.
Pos correlation of males using mate retention of guarding (restricting movement) and negative inducements (financial control) and actual violence.
Women’s results show positive correlation of jealousy and violence
Ao3 of evolutionary explanation
•Deterministic. Aggression due to unconscious survival tactics. Aggression is inevitable. Ignore free W.
•Oversimp. Doesn’t consider other explanations (imitation or de-in). Agg too complex, require multidimensional
•Unethical. Suggest agg is adaptive response for increase reproduction. Used to justify. Socially sense.
•low cultural val. !Kung San people are non-aggressive. Therefor not innate.
•Prac app. Used to prevent domestic violence. Plan anti-domestic violence campaigns. Applied psych.
Ethological explanation of aggression
Aggression is adaptive & beneficial to survive
Series of unchanging behaviours carried out in a set order.
Adaptive behaviour
Behaviour that enhances individual survival & reproduction. Likely naturally selected
2 reasons for aggression
1) Reduces competition as defeated animal rarely killed but forced elsewhere, reducing competition for mates & resources
2) Establishes dominance hierarchy E.g chimps have hierarchy for mate choice
Related study to 2nd reason of ethological aggression
Lorenz’ geese study.
Ritualistic aggression
Intraspecies (same species) aggression is ritualistic and unlikely to get physical
Usually ends in appeasement display, preventing damage to loser.
Adaptive as aggression getting physical = risk of extinction
Inate Releasing Mechanisms
Built in physiological process identifies threatening stimuli.
Environmental stimuli activates IRM and triggers fixed action pattern
Fixed Action Pattern
Sequence of ritualistic behaviour that occurs due to IRM
E.g Lion chasing hyena away while cubs are around
Aggression in play groups study
Petit et al
Aggression in play group plays important role in dominance over others
Study of FAP
Stickleback fish get red bellies when ready to mate.
Tinbergen used artificial fish to model male, red male and red female.
Male stickelback responded with FAP, attacking red male imitation and flirting with red female
Ao3 of ethological explanation of aggression
•Research supp. Tinbergen study. High face validity.
•Animal bias. Animals and humans not the same. Not app generalisable.
•Bio determinism. Aggression image and inevitable (proven otherwise by. !Kung San) and ignores free will.
•Low cultural val. in US, insult cause aggression (learnt behaviour of social norm) proves not innate. Not appropriate for all cultures.
Biological Explanations of aggression
Hormones & neuroscience
Orbit/Prefrontal Cortex & serotonin
Normal level of serotonin inhibits amygdala firing(intense, emotional response).
Decreased serotonin reduces self-control leading to aggression
Hormonal Mechanisms In Aggression
Testosterone regulates social behaviour. High testosterone levels linked to aggression.
2 prison studies of testosterone on aggression
Dolan et al. Pos corr between test and aggression in male offenders in max UK security hospitals.
Dabbs. Found high levels of test in those convicted of violent offence.
Animal studies of hormonal mechanisms
- Increase in test linked to aggression
- Decreased test = Decreased aggression
Progesterone in aggression
Negative correlation of progesterone and aggression
Lower P = higher A
Ao3 of Biological Explanation of aggression
•Bio Reduc. More T and less Sero = Aggression. Ignore other factors. Multidimensional needed.
•Bio Deter. More T and less S = Aggression (inevitable) ignore free will.
•Unethical. Used to justify aggression. Socially sensitive
•Prac app. Knowledge used to treat aggression with SSRI. Area of applied psych.
•High Scien val. brain scans.
Genetic Explaination of aggression
Aggression due to inherited traits.
Physical aggression concordance
50% for MZ and 19% for DZ
Warrior Gene
MAOA gene leads to low MAOA activity linked to aggression.
Dutch family study
Brunner et al
Family where males had mutated MAOA caused a sense of MAOA.
When angry they act aggressively.
Many involved in extreme aggression like rape or arson.
Stuart et al
Men with underactive MAOA most violent perpetrators and inflicted worst injury to partners.
Twin study of Genetic aggression
Johannes Lango
Investigates 13 MZ and 17 DZ
10 of 13 MZ both served time
2 of 17 DZ both served time
Diathesis-stress model & gene-environment interaction
Frazzetto et al.
High antisocial aggression linked to low MAOA.
Was the case for those with significant trauma (sexual and physical) during first 15 years.
Diathesis + Stress = Psych condition
Ao3 of Genetic Explanation
•Bio Red. Doesn’t consider other factors. Multidimensional needed.
•Bio Deter. Aggression innate. No free will.
•High scientific val. empirical methods, genetic testing. Respected by scientific community.
•Unethical. Used to justify aggression in court cases. Social sensitive as removes punishment.
Effects of computer games on Aggression
Craig & Anderson
Playing mortal combat for 10 mins = higher aggression than non-violent games.
Meta-analysis show aggressive games was highly predictive of adult aggression.
Idea that aggression in games leads to aggression in life
2 linking studies of Videa Game aggression
Skinner - Learning Theory
Character movement is rewarded (especially aggression)
SLT Bandura
People imitate in game aggression. They see lack of punishment = more likely to perform.
Ao3 of Video Games on Aggression
•Oversimp. Other factors (MAOA). Multi needed.
•Research correlation. Relationship not cause & effect.
•Lim. Meta-analysis. Publication/Researcher bias. Select what’s wanted.
•Prac app. Media = Aggression. Implement age rating. Applied psych.
•Lab exp. Artificial - Noise. Low eco valid. Not generalisable.
Media Aggression:Desensitisation
Weisz & Earls
Show violent film Straw Dogs (rape scene). Then shown mock rape trial and questioned.
Males less likely to sympathise after watching film.
Repeated exposure = Desensitised
Media Aggression:Disinhibition
Media show social approval of violence. Causes usual psychological restraint to loosen.
Especially when effect on victim minimised.
Media Aggression:Cognitive Priming
Repeated viewing of violence leads to “script” of how violence plays out.
People more likely to be aggressive due to positive script.