Agency Theory Flashcards
What is the autonomous state?
Perceive ourselves to be responsible for our own behaviour so we feel guilty for what we do
What is the agentic state?
Perceive ourselves to be the agent of someone else’s will so we don’t feel guilt
Moral strain goes away when you begin to obey
What is moral strain?
Feeling of guilt/anxiety you get for going against your conscience
What is the agentic shift?
An order from an authority figure which triggers you to go into an agentic state
Why does Milgram think we obey?
Due to evolution and the way we are socialised to obey hierarchy
How does Milgram support agency theory (moral strain)?
Participants experienced moral strain (e.g. biting finger nails) when being ordered to shock
How does Milgram support agency theory (agentic state)?
65% went to 450V when ordered by an authority figure so placed responsibility on experimenter
How is agency theory useful?
Allows us to better understand atrocities like Holocaust so we can make people aware of their own personal responsibility to avoid going into an agentic state
What is an issue with using Milgram to support agency theory in regards to the sample?
Small, androcentric so results aren’t generalisable to the wider population
Why is agency theory not a complete explanation for obedience?
Ignores individual differences, only looks at situational factors
Why are there problems with empiricism in agency theory?
Agentic and autonomous are states of mind that are very difficult to see and measure - little brain scan evidence showing these are true states which exist
Why is social impact theory a better explanation for obedience than agency theory?
Agency theory is too focused on the person obeying rather than the authority figure
Why does House conflict agency theory?
Suggests that the traits of the leader are important in gaining obedience so autonomy may be a result of authority figure lacking charisma