AFL 7 Flashcards
A complete hemisection of the brainstem at the level of the closed medulla on the right would lead to which sensory deficits?
Pain and temperature sensation from contralateral body; pain and temperature from head bilaterally
A patient has total loss of sensation (touch, temperature and discriminative touch) from their left hand. Where is a lesion most likely to be located?
Peripheral nerve on left
A patient is unsteady on their feet when the doctor asks them to walk in a room that has low levels of light. Which area of the spinal cord is most likely to be damage:
Gracile fascicle
The gracile fasciculus carries sensory information from the lower half of the body entering the spinal cord at the lumbar level. The cuneate fasciculus carries sensory information from the upper half of the body (upper limbs, trunk, and neck) entering the spinal cord at the cervical level.
This cross section corresponds to which level of the brainstem:

level of rostral medulla

The region of the closed medulla indicted by the blue spot is the:
Cuneate nucleus

The region of the closed medulla indicted by the red spot is the:

Spinal Tract of Trigeminal
The structure indicated by the red pin contains:

Cell bodies of primary somatosensory neurons
Damage to the anterior segmental medullary artery is likely to result in deficits of:
pain and temperature sensation
Hemisection of the spinal cord at the T6 level will result in which sensory deficits?
Contralateral pain and temperature loss; ipsilateral positional sense and discriminative sense loss
Which two of the following statements about the intervertebral discs are correct?
They increase the flexibility of the vertebral column
They stabilise the vertebral column
Primary afferent fibres carrying pain and temperature information enter which part of the trigeminal nucleus?
- Mesencephalic
- Pontine
- Spinal nucleus - caudal
- Spinal nucleus - rostral
Spinal nucleus - caudal
Regarding to the jaw jerk reflex, the cell body of the afferent limb is located in which nucleus?
- Mesencephalic
- Pontine
- Spinal nucleus - caudal
- Spinal nucleus - rostral
Secondary somaesthetic neurons from the head region pass to which nucleus within the thalamus?
- Ventroanterior
- Ventroposterior
- Ventroposteromedial
- Ventroposterolateral
The 8th cervical nerve exits the vertebral column:
- above the C7 vertebra
- below the C7 vertebra
- above the C8 vertebra
- below the C8 vertebra
Below the C7 vertebra
The axons of third order neurons can also be referred to as:
- association
- commissural
- projection
- tract
The cell bodies of primary neurones transmitting touch sensation from the face are located in the:
Trigeminal ganglion
The dorsal column on the left side of the spinal cord will contain:
- contralateral pain and temperature fibres from the right
- ipsilateral pain and temperature fibres from the left
- contralateral joint position and discriminative touch sense from the right
- ipsilateral joint position and discriminative touch sense from the left
Ipsilateral joint position and discriminative touch sense from the left
The medial lemniscus on the left side of the medulla will contain:
- contralateral pain and temperature fibres from the left
- ipsilateral pain and temperature fibres from the left
- contralateral joint position and discriminative touch sense from the right
- ipsilateral joint position and discriminative touch sense from the left
Contralateral joint position and discriminative touch sense from the right
The spinal tract and nucleus of trigeminal are located in which region of the closed medulla?
- Anterior
- Posterior
- Lateral
- Medial
The structures indicated by the black pins support the spinal cord within the vertebral canal; identify them.

Denticulate ligament
Which two of the following statements about typical cervical vertebrae are correct?
- They have a round vertebral foramen
- They have a bifid spinous process
- They are less likely to dislocate than other vertebrae
- They have an oval-shaped body
They have a bifid spinous process
They have an oval-shaped body
Identify the posterior arch of the atlas.

This is a cross section at the level of the L3 IV disc. What would you expect to find in the region indicated by the black arrow?
- Spinal cord segment L3
- Spinal cord segment L4
- Sacral spinal cord
- Spinal nerves

Spinal nerves
Which one of the following statements about ligament A is correct?
- It lies in the vertebral canal
- It resists hyperextension of the vertebral column
- It resists hyperflexion of the vertebral column
- It resists posterior herniation of the intervertebral disc

It resists hyperextension of the vertebral column