AFCS Flashcards
When will the FGCS auto select half-bank and what is the angle?
FL250 and 17º bank angle
What does the TOGA button do for the FGCS?
On ground: Activates Takeoff Guidance Crossbars
In-flight: Activates GA Guidance within 2 miles of FAF and sequences the Missed Approach into the Active Flight Plan
What do the takeoff guidance crossbars do?
- Maintain extended runway centerline
- Maintain pitch guidance according to slap/flap setting and V2
When is the TOGA mode deactivated?
- Another vertical mode is pressed
- AP is activated
- TCS button is pressed
When will the FD automatically display?
- TOGA button is pressed
- AP is activated
- WDSH detection
What is the function of the TCS button?
- Overrides the AP
- When released, airplane maintains new altitude (if ALT was active vertical mode) but will return to previous lateral mode
What will disengage the autopilot?
1. Either AP/TRIM DISC button is pushed
Non-Normal (4)
1. AP button on GP is pushed
2. Manual pitch trim is activated
3. Stick Shaker
4. WDSH Escape Guidance Activated
Abnormal (4)
1. FCs in Direct Mode
2. Aileron or Elevator Controls Disconnected
3. Overpowering the AP
4. Internal System Failures
Can the yaw damp be deactivated if the AP is on?
Yes, it is independent of the AP
When will the ATs engage on the ground or in flight?
On ground: AT TO (GP) is armed & TLA > 50º
In-flight: AT (GP) is armed & airplane > 400’ AGL
Will the ATs compensate for gusty winds?
Yes, up to 5 kts
What will disengage the ATs automatically and manually?
Normal Automatic:
1. After touchdown
2. Thrust lever beyond TOGA
3. Thrust Rev Usage during RTO
Non-Normal Automatic:
1. TLA difference > 8º
2. Internal system failures
1. AT button on GP
2. AT disc button on TLs
What does LIM & OVRD mean on the FMA?
LIM = Selected Vertical Mode requires more or less engine thrust than is available
OVRD = The TLs are being manually moved (no AP disengagement)
When is CRZ automatically selected?
- When within 100 feet of selected altitude for 90 seconds
- Desired airspeed must be achieved or it will remain in CLB Mode until cruise airspeed is achieved
What does the PREV button do?
Allows the capture of ILS/BC while still using FMS as the basic NAV Source provided the AUTO TUNE function is enabled on the MCDU and the approach is loaded in the FMS
What does the red AP/TRIP DISC button do to the AFCS?
- Disconnects the AP
- If pressed and held, stops all trim actuation
Where are FMS 1 and 2 located?
MAU 2 (FMS 1) and MAU 3 (FMS 2)
What does SECT (sector scan) do to the WX Radar?
Goes from the normal sweep of 60º and 12 sweeps/min to 30º and 24 sweeps/min
Can the FD be turned off if your side is the active FMS?
No, only the non-coupled side can turn FD off
How many APs are on the EJET?
1 AP with dual channel config
How can you momentarily disengage the AP to maneuver the aircraft around as you wish?
TCS button (Touch Control Steering)
When does the Yaw Damper power up and shutdown (normal ops)?
When either Hyd 1 OR 3 is powered up and for shutdown is when both Hyd Sys 1 AND 3 are OFF
What color does the APPR 1 or APPR 2 turn if FMA 1 and FMA 2 have a disagreeement?
Yellow. Both Baro-Baro or RA-RA must be set to same value
What can activate ROLL Mode?
- No lateral mode active and vertical mode is selected
- Pressing TOGA on the ground and IAS < 100 kts
- Deselecting active Lateral Mode
- COURSE TO INTERCEPT on the FMS is activated
When does ROLL Mode deactivate?
Anytime a new Lateral Mode is selected
What does the FD limit bank angle to while intercepting the LOC?
When is TRACK Mode activated?
1. When IAS is > 100 kts and
2. Bank angle is ≤ 3º for > 10 secs
1. TOGA is pressed and TRACK Mode activates immediately
What is the basic vertical mode?
Can the Flight Path Reference (FPR) be displayed in other vertical modes besides FPA?
Yes, as long as FPR is active
When does FPA activate?
- AP is engaged and no FD mode is active
- Hitting FPA on GP
- Lateral Mode is active and no Vertical Mode active
- Deselect the current Vertical Mode
While in TO Mode, how many seconds must you wait before FPA will activate or another Vertical Mode is entered?
30 secs or upon engaging the AP at 1000 feet
What is the pitch range that the FD allows while in TO Mode?
Minimum is 8º to Max of 18º
What 2 performance metrics are used to calculate T/O FD Pitch Angle?
- Flap position
- V2 Speed
When does the Speed transition from IAS to Mach?
Approximately FL290
What does the ALT button do on the GP?
It immediately commands the FD to tell the AP to level off and hold at the ALT that was on the altimeter the moment the ALT button was pressed
What is the range for possible selection of vertical speeds?
-8000 fpm to 6000 fpm
How is the GA mode deactivated?
Another vertical mode is selected
How do we automatically transition from FMS Navigation into an ILS approach?
- Automatically through the use of the Preview Mode
- Manually by hitting the V/L button on Display Controller Panel
When FMS is selected as the primary navigation source the system automatically selects the ILS frequency and Localizer course when?
- Within 30 NM of Dest.
- PREV function is used
- AUTO tuning is enabled on MCDU radio page
- ILS or BC is part of active flight plan in FMS
The Thrust Management System (TMS) consists of 3 components, what are they?
- AT
What are the 4 situations in which ATTCS will command RSV thrust?
1. 15% difference of N1 values
2. OEI T/O
4. Windshear
1. Thrust levers to max detent
When does ATTCS go from ARMED (white) to Active (green)?
Thrust Levers set to TOGA
What is TLA trim used for?
Synchronizes Engine N1 when ATs are off
What is the difference between fault and fail EICAS messages?
one channel fail = fault
both channels fail = fail
What are all the functions of green dot? (search Green Dot in CFM)
- DD Speeds (lowest DD angle)
- Best Endurance
- Vx
- Green dot + 50 = Vy
- Stall Protection Ice Speeds Valid up to 20,000’ (not valid above FL20 because GD is wonky above M.50 and brings you danger close to MMO/VMO)
- MCA for stall recovery
- Green Dot + 10, F-Bug for flap extension and retraction
- Green Dot can be used for immediate return to airport when time does not permit to calculate landing performance