AE - Themodynamics Flashcards
Stability in an atmospheric layer increases by advection of __- air in the lower part of the layer
Hvað gerist fyrir relative humidity ef a parcel of air rises?
Kólnar -> RH eykst
Absolutely instable = ___ ELR
What happens to actual mixing ratio if you lift unsaturated air until it reaches condensation level?
Þegar efni þéttist, hvort gefur það frá sér eða tekur hita?
gefur frá sér latent hita (hitar þá væntanlega umhverfið)
Hvað er aðalatriðið sem þú skoðar ef þú vilt vita hversu stable umhverfið er?
RH ___ if water is cooled and the vapor pressure is ___.
An isothermal layer, how is it’s stability?
absolutely stable
What is the DALR? How about the SALR?
DALR: 3°C SALR: 1.8°C ELR: 2°C
hvað gerist þegar þú descendar through inversion layer?
Kemst í kaldara loft = more thrust.
A layer is absolutely unstable if the temperature decrease is _°C/100m or less/more
1° or more
Ef airmass er með Lapse rate sem er greater than saturated adiabatic lapse rate but less than dry adiabatic lapse rate þá er sá airmass kallaður..
conditionally unstable
Ratio between actual mixing ratio and the saturation mixing ratio is called..
Relative humidity
The height of the lifting condensation level is determined by ___ and dew point at the surface.
a moist but unsaturated parcel of air becomes saturated by moving the parcel higher/lower?
Trikkið er að þú þarft að fá kuldann til að að fá fram saturation. Færð hann með því að hækka “hæðina” vegna adiabatic cooling.