Advanced Words 3 Flashcards
Warden (n):
- quản ngục
- to persuade sb to do sth that they do not want to do
Prevail on/upon sb:
Formal = coerce = inveigle
Ex: He was eventually prevailed upon to accept the appointment.
- to make someone or something suffer physically or mentally:
Ex: He was afflicted with severe asthma.
- to take a long time to leave or disappear
Ex: It’s impossible to forget such horrific events - they linger (on) in the memory forever.
- to speak angrily to someone because you disapprove of what they have said or done
- the act of…
Ex: I was rebuked by my manager for being late.
- a list of things or things you really want to buy, esp. expensive things to get
Wish list(n):
Ex: A new car would be top of my wish list.
- neglectful, negligent
Ex: you have been remiss in your duties
- to tell sb that you disapprove of their silly or bad behaviour
Ex: The teacher gently reproved the boys for not paying attention.
- to show or state that someone or something is not guilty of something
Formal =exculpate(v): to remove blame from sb
Ex: The report exonerated the crew from all responsibility for the collision.
- to express a quality or feeling through the way you look or behave
Ex: her face emanated sadness
- to show that you have a lot of one particular feeling
Ex: she just exudes confidence
- to catch or become ill with a disease
Ex: he contracted malaria while he was travelling
- a feeling of guilt or anxiety about something you have done or might do
Ex: I would have no compunction about quitting.
- luận văn
Take stock (of sth):
- to examine a situation carefully
Ex: after the storm homeowners came out to take stock of the damage
- to tell sb that doing sth is not a good idea
Caution sb against sth:
Ex: many economists caution against reading too much into one month’s report
- to change the form of sth, or to change an actor in a play/film
Ex: she recast her novel as a musical comedy
In despair, the theatre director recast the leading role
- formal piece of writing that deals with a particular subject
Ex: in the same year he wrote a very popular treatise against drunkenness
Quân xe
- to beat sb/sth by doing or producing sth better
Ex: Their $60 million bid for the company was trumped at the last moment by an offer for almost twice as much from their main competitor.
- existing or continuing at the present time
Ex: a sitting member of parliament
Sneak peek(n):
- an opportunity to see sth before it is officially available
Ex: the company is offering a sneak peek at the new software
- to compete
Ex: several conpanies are vying for the contract to build the new hospital
- allowing a secret to become known
Ex: she found lipstick on his shirts-the telltale sign that he was having an affair
- large size or great importance
Ex: The magnitude of the task would have discouraged an ordinary man.
- shocking
- continuous change
Ex: Our plans are in a state of flux at the moment.
- (esp. of ideas) unclear and having no form, vague
Ex: a nebulous concept
- phả hệ
- a person’s family history, education and experience, or the history of an idea or activity
Ex: his voice and manner suggested an aristocratic pedigree
- under the tongue
Ex: sublingual glands
- not recognized or understood by the conscious mind, but still having an influence on it
Ex: a subliminal message
-(to cause) to make a sudden small movement with a part of the body
Ex: He tried to suppress a smile but felt the corner of his mouth twitch.
You’ll feel something twitch the line when you get a fish.
- to change something slightly
Tweak(v, n):
Ex: You just need to tweak the last paragraph and then it’s done.
- to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them or get more space when you are in a crowd of people
Ex: As we came into the arena, we were jostled by fans pushing their way towards the stage.
- to make continuous, small movements, especially if they do not have a particular purpose and you make them without meaning to
Ex: He cleared his throat and nervously fidgeted with a pencil.
- the most important part of something, providing support for everything else
The mainstay of sth:
Ex: In the early 1900s, farming was the mainstay of the national economy.
- work for which the amount of pay depends on the number of items completed rather than the time spent making them
- temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need
Ex: Thousands of refugees are living in makeshift camps.
- If someone falls by the wayside, they fail to finish an activity, and if something falls by the wayside, people stop doing it, making it, or using it
Fall by the wayside:
Ex: So why does one company survive a recession while its competitors fall by the wayside?
Be no skin off my nose/back
- used when you want to say that it makes no difference to you what someone else does or thinks
Ex: It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t take my advice.
- unhappy, annoyed, and unwilling to speak or smile
Ex: Why are you so morose these days?
- unhappy, disappointed
- (of a place) not attractive, uncomfortable
Ex: He’s very glum about the company’s prospects.
They live in one glum little room.
- silent and unpleasant; angry
Ex: The skies looked very sullen (= dark and unpleasant).
His daughters stared back at him with an expression of sullen resentment.
- able to be believed or trusted
Ex: They haven’t produced any credible evidence for convicting him.
- having the habit of talking a lot, esp. about unimportant things
Ex: I had talked too much about myself and felt like a garrulous old fool.
- to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health, etc.
Recuperate (v):
Ex: She spent a month in the country recuperating from/after the operation.
- criticize and belittle sb
Ex: The actor’s work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
- (of an animal) eat a member of the same species
Ex: Female spiders cannibalize courting males
- to not allow sth, to forbid an action or practice officially
Ex: The sale of materials that could be used in making nuclear weapons is proscribed by US law
- cây sung
- phòng tế lễ
- To do sth that has to be done
See to sth:
Ex: Please see to it that no one comes in without identification
- tấm ván
Ex: He laid some planks across the ruined gate to prevent the sheep from wandering away during the night
- nói lẩm bẩm
- The person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another
Ex: A shepherd boy
- The person who owns and usually manages a business
Ex: he is the proprietor of one of the best hotels in Orlando
- to cut the wool off the sheep
Ex: The farmer taught her how to shear sheep
- To have sth taken away from you
Be shorn of something:
Ex: The ex-president although shorn of his official powers still has influence
- A college for training people to become priests or ministers
-A bag or container for small objects
-money or objects that someone gives you when they die
Ex: The large inheritance from his aunt meant that he could buy his own boat
- to contain a slight amount of
Ex: her joy at the birth of her son was tinged with sadness that her father had not lived to see him
The horizon was tinged with red and suddenly the sun appeared
Tire of sth/sb:
- to become bored with sb or sth or to stop enjoying an activity
Ex: if he were to tire of the fields, he could sell his sheep and go to see
- A formal agreement between two people or groups of people
Ex: The US and Canada have signed a free-trade pact
- A building in which horses are kept
Of sb’s own accord:
- of one’s free will
Ex: he did it of his own accord, without being forced to
- eo biển
- A sudden sharp feeling especially of painful emotion
Ex: A pang of jealousy
Hunger pangs
- to have a conversation with sb
Converse with sb:
Ex: she is so shy that conversing with her can be pretty hard
- To give someone a thing or a duty for which they are responsible
Ex: he didn’t look like a sort of man you should entrust your luggage to
- without injuries or damage being caused
Ex: Her husband died in the accident but she amazingly escaped unscathed
- cây bụi
- To decorate an object especially with the letters using special tools that make a raised mark on its surface
Ex: she handed me a business card with her name neatly embossed on it
- Covered with something hard or decorative
Ex: she arrived home with her knees encrusted with mud
- to contain large numbers of animals or people
Teem with sth:
Ex: The shopping center was teeming with shoppers that Saturday
- To think about something carefully and for a long time
Formal =ponder
Ex: I began to muse about/on the possibility of starting my own business
Well heeled(adj):
- rich
Ex: his family was very well heeled
- Weak and possibly does not exist
Ex: The police have only found a tenuous connection between the two robberies
Prognostication (n):
- tiên lượng
Let up:
- To stop doing something that you have been doing continuously or in a determined way
Ex: The police insist that they are not letting up on their campaign against drugs
- a young child who is left by its parents and then found and cared for by sb else
- to ask sb to do or not do sth in a very sincere way
Ex: she implored her parents not to send her away to school
- a curled piece of long hair
Ex: her hair hung down in ringlets
- the leader of a group of people who are doing sth harmful or illegal
Ex: the ringleaders of the pilot were arrested and punished
- to make someone die or suffer from a serious illness
Strike down:
Ex: he was struck down by polio( benh bai liet) when he was a teenager
-Someone who is getting better after a serious illness or injury
Ex: most convalescents prefer to be cared for at home rather than in a hospital
- Very thin and weak, usually because of illness or extreme hunger
Formal /imeisieitid/
= gaunt = haggard = cadaverous
Ex: there were pictures of emaciated children on the cover of the magazine
Kith and kin:
- people you are connected with especially by family relations
- to make something rustic in style
- to expel a student from school/university
Ex: The little town is a sloping jumble of rusticated houses
- A friend or a person who works for sb in authority
Ex: The general and his cronies are now awaiting trial for drug smuggling
Hansom cab(n):
- a two-wheeled carriage pulled by a horse used like a taxi in the past
Rattle through:
- to do or say something very quickly
Ex: i’m going to rattle through my work today so that I can go home early
- To express sympathy to someone about some bad luck
Ex: I began by commiserating with her over the defeat
Go halves:
- to divide the cost of sth with sb
Ex: shall we go halves on a bottle of champagne
I will go halves with you on a bottle of champagne
- Without a clear plan or purpose and showing little effort or interest
Formal /ˈdes.əl.tɔːr.i/
Ex: she made a desultory attempt at conversation
- strong and powerful and therefore difficult to deal with if opposed to you
Ex: there were formidable obstacles to reaching an early settlement of the dispute
- Not brave enough to say what you mean directly and honestly
Ex: A mealy-mouthed spokesperson
-An unwillingness to do something or talk about something
Formal /ret…/
Ex: his reticence about his past made them very suspicious
- to swell or become large, especially because of pressure from inside
Ex: The medication I take causes my lower belly to distend
Feeble (adj):
- Weak and without energy, strength, or power
Ex: he was a feeble helpless old man
- Without an ordinary level of intelligence or unable to act or think in an intelligent way
Ex: these special schools were established and were intended for children who are feeble-minded
Allude sth to sb/sth:
- to mention sb or sth without talking about him, her or it directly
Ex: she mentioned some trouble that she had had at home and I guessed she was alluding to her son
Have your knife into sb:
- to try to upset or harm sb because you dislike them
On the scent:
- Close to discovering
Ex: “We’re on the scent of something big,” said the police chief.
- (esp. of old people) active and able to move quickly and energetically
Ex: He was amazingly spry for a man of almost 80.
- a long and detailed explanation of a particular subject
Ex: I said at last, interrupting Holmes’ musical disquisition
- to get out of a vehicle, especially a train or bus
Ex: The suspect alighted from the train at Euston and proceeded to Heathrow.
- expressing a warning or a threat
Formal /min…tori/
Ex: This minatory approach hasn’t scared children off hard drugs.
- Behavior or speech that is not sincere
Ex: it doesn’t concern me he said with an affectation of nonchalance
- If behavior a quality a feeling borders on sth more extreme it is almost that thing
Border on:
Ex: she possesses a self-confidence that borders on arrogance
- A sudden and uncontrolled expression of strong emotion
Ex: an effusion of anger and despair
- To close or hold something very tightly
Ex: The old man clenched his fist and waved it angrily at us
- The act of twisting or bending violently and unnaturally into a different shape or form; or the shape or form into which something is twisted or bent
Ex:  facial contortions
- (of or like) a monkey
Simian(adj, n):
- To make twisting movements with the body, especially because you are feeling strong emotion
Ex:  He writhed in agony at the thought
- động mạch
- an important road, river or other transportation route
- gót chân
- nhà xác
= morgue = funeral parlour/parlor/home
- Too serious and full of importance
Ex: he can sound a little pompous when he talks about acting
- A condition of greater pleasure or happiness
Formal /egzowltei…/
Ed: The expression on his face was a blend of exultation and hostility
- A shelf above a fireplace
- (of a person’s face) too red, especially in a way that is unhealthy
Ex: a florid complexion
- not wanting or not able to believe something
Incredulous (adj):
Ex: Lestrade and Gregson glanced at each other with an incredulous smile
- a long step when walking or running
In the sere and yellow:
- ‘Sere and yellow are descriptive of an autumn leaf. Thus “in the sere and yellow” is a metaphor for being near the end of one’s life.
Ex: well, if a man can stride 4 and a half feet without the smallest effort he can’t be quiet in the sere and yellow
- A long article or a short book on a particular subject
Ex: in fact, I have written a monograph upon the cigar ashes
= the forehead
-To force someone to do something
Ex: at school we were compelled to wear uniforms
- To leave suddenly and unexpectedly
Ex: Above whole, why should the second man write up the German word RACHE before decamping?
- The right to vote in an election
- A right to sell a company’s products in a particular area using the company’s name
- A series of films that have the same or similar titles and are about the same characters
Ex: A franchise holder
American women worked for decades to win the franchise
The Spider-Man movie franchise
- A British gold coin with a nominal value of half of one pound sterling
- To be familiar with and have knowledge or experience at the facts or rules of something
Ex:  i’m not conversant with the rules of chess
Be struck/knocked all of a heap
- to be suddenly very surprised
Be none the worse (for sth):
- to not be damaged or harmed despite sth
Ex: it was cold and windy during the parade but we were none the worse for the weather
- To move away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and to talk about sth else
Digress (v):
Ex: the lecturer temporarily digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory
- the appearance of expression of sb’s face
Ex: he was of noble countenance
- making you feel that sth bad or evil might happen
Ex: a sinister-looking man sat in the corner of the room
- illegal activities
Ex: the chief of police said that he was committed to wiping out vice in the city
- to suggest or show
Ex: his letter bespeaks his willingness to help
- the act of killing sb by pressing their throat so that they cannot breathe, or the act of dying this way
—> strangle(v)
Ex: the police showed that the boy had died from strangulation
- an exact copy, esp. of a document
Ex: a facsimile of the original manuscript
- a person who helps sb else to commit a crime or an offence
Ex: the thieves and two accomplices made away with over 25,000 dollars in cash
- to bend the top half of the body
Ex: the doorway was so low that we had to stoop to go through it
- to make a negative emotion less strong or a problem less difficult
Ex: i was nervous, but seeing her allayed my fears
- suddenly and unexpectedly without any warning
Ex: the overnight invasion took the military experts unawares
- calm and not showing emotion or excitement
- (of a thing) not interesting or attractive
Ex: he is a very stolid, serious man
The college is a stolid-looking building with no lawn
- Disappointment or anger, especially when caused by a failure or mistake
Chagrin (n):
Formal / ˈʃæɡ.rɪn/
Ex: amusement and chagrin seemed to be struggling for the mastery
Draw rein:
- to slow down or stop a horse
In question:
- being talked about at present time
- to express (a strong emotion, such as anger) vehemently/emphatically/forcefully/tempestuously/ferociously
Give vent to:
Ex: she gave vent to her anger and jealousy
- Very unusual or of very high-quality and therefore impossible to copy; one-of-a-kind
Ex: she appeared at the Oscars wearing one of Versace’s inimitable creations
- To escape from someone who is following or chasing you
Give sb the slip:
Ex: he saw that he was followed, no doubt, and used this means of giving me the slip
- burning slowly with smoke but without flames
Ex: I left Holmes seated in front of the smouldering fire
- words that are written or cut in sth
Ex: the inscriptions on the gravestones were worn away
- to break a rule, law, etc.
Formal = violate = transgress = breach = contravene
Ex: they infringed building regulations
- to take away sb’s rights or to limit their freedom
Infringe on/upon sth:
Ex: these restrictions infringe upon basic human rights
- to tell sb that they have done sth wrong
- to advise sb to do sth
Ex: his mother admonished him for eating too quickly
The teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams
- having a severe effect or being extremely limiting
Stringent (adj):
Ex: we need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards
- the punishing of sb for harming you or your friends or family
Vengeance (n):
Ex: as he cradled his daughter’s lifeless body in his arms, he swore (to take) vengeance on her killers
- Great happiness and calm
Beatitude (n):
Formal /biˈæt̬.ə.tuːd/
Ex: Here is Gregson coming down the road with the beatitude written upon every feature of his face.
- locked away safely
Under lock and key:
Ex: her jewellery is securely under lock and key at the bank
Sub lieutenant(n):
- an officer of low rank in the British Navy
- pleasing and satisfying
Ex: it must be very gratifying to see all your children grown-up and happy
- sb or sth existing or happening before, especially as the cause of something existing or happening later
Ex: many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents
- Trying to appear wise and intelligent, in a way that is annoying
Formal /senten…/
Ex: “To a great mind, nothing is little”, remarked Holmes sententiously
Make a clean breast of sth:
- come clean of sth
- to criticize sb
Reproach (v, n):
Ex: you have nothing to reproach yourself with/for
- A feeling that something is going to happen
Ex: she had had a presentiment of what might lie ahead
- a guess about sth based on how it seems and not on proof
Ex: there was the dead dog, however, to prove that his conjecture had been correct
- the fact of believing sth is true without any proof
Ex: the article was based on pure supposition
- to confuse sb by being difficult to explain or deal with
Ex: it is a mistake to confound strangeness to mystery
- very or very much
Ex: travel is infinitely more comfortable now than it used to be
- Unusual, strange, shocking, especially a humorous way
Formal / ˈuː.treɪ/
Ex: He wrote an outré comedy about life in the White House.
- sudden and unexpected
Abrupt (adj):
Ex: an abrupt change
- wrong, not suitable, or not as expected
Ex: i could see by the look on their faces that sth was amiss
- the state of a place that is empty or where everything has been destroyed
Ex: a scene of desolation
- to treat sb or sth in a way that is fair and shows their or its true qualities
Do justice to sb/sth=do sb/sth justice
Ex: this postcard doesn’t do justice to the wonderful scenery
- Snow-capped mountains and hills have snow on the top of them
- high (denotation and figurative)
Ex: A lofty ceiling/mountain
A lofty attitude/tone
Lofty ideas (high standards or principles)
- rough and with sharp points
Ex: jagged rocks
- To be connected to or belong to
Appertain to sth:
Ex: she enjoyed the privileges appertaining to the office of chairman
- to be connected with a particular subject, event, or situation
Pertain to sth:
Ex: we are only interested in the parts of the proposals that pertain to local issues
- (esp. of a crime or sth unpleasant) done without being planned
= spontaneous
- farming
Ex: He gave a lecture on crop and animal husbandry
- (The use of) a clever trick or something intended to deceive
Ex: amazingly for Hollywood, she seems almost entirely without artifice
- Morally bad and making you feel ashamed
Ex: An ignoble action/idea
- cruel or like an animal
Formal / ˈbes.ti.əl/
Ex: The soldiers were accused of bestial acts against unarmed civilians
- all the weapons and military equipment that a country owns
Ex: the two countries signed an agreement to reduce their nuclear armouries
- repeatedly asking for sth, in a forceful and annoying way
Importune(v)=scrounge=sponge off
Ex: an importunate beggar
- tội phản quốc
Ex: In 1606 Guy Fawkes was executed for treason.
- behaviour that deceives or is not loyal to someone who trusts you
Ex: From his cell on board ship, the captain wrote about the treachery of his crew.
- to hit sth/sb repeatedly and hard
Ex: many fierce storms had buffetted the coast before, but this one was worse than usual
- a fault or a problem
Ex: there are so many defects in our education system
- to make sb aware of failure or of having done sth wrong
Formal /ˈtʃeɪ.sən/
Ex: he was chastened by the defeat and determined to work harder
- a private house built in the past where old or poor people could live without having to pay
- a sudden desire, wish or idea
Ed: we booked the trip on a whim
- xiềng xích
—> manacle(v):
- Repulse(v)
Ex: The people revolted against foreign rule and established their own government
 We were revolted by the dirt and mess in her house
- cây thánh giá
- the act of crucifying sb
- to avoid work or duty
Ex: i will not shirk from my obligations
- the simplest and most basic facts about a subject or activity
The rudiments(n):
Ex: it only took me an hour to learn/pick up the rudiments of skiing
Old use
- items of food
Ex: the table was laden with the choicest viands
- using more than you need
Ex: she said that industrialized countries should reduce their gluttonous consumption of oil
- a lack of basic things that are necessary for an acceptable standard of living
Ex: several villages suffered serious privations during their long isolation during the war
- The personal characteristic of being too proud of and interested in yourself, especially in your appearance or achievements
Ex: he wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition
- to remove or destroy sth completely
Extirpate (v):
- to do sth that is different from the usual or common way of behaving
Ex: the recent pattern of weather deviates from the norm for this time of year
- sth that has no value or no use
Ex: so much of what is on TV is pure dross
- lament
- to criticize sb strongly
Revile (v):
Ex: the judge was reviled in the newspaper for his opinions on rape
- The expression or suggestion of physical pleasure or satisfaction
- making you feel weak and without energy
Enervating (adj):
Ex: i find this heat very enervating
- completely obedient
Slavish (adj):
Ex: He was reviled for his slavish devotion to rules and regulations
- Not able or willing to take decisions or actions
Ex: an irresolute reply
- to rest or lie
Formal /z/
Ex: she reposed on the sofa
- to place your trust or hopes in sb/sth
Repose trust/confidence/hope in sb/sth
Ex: we repose a lot of hope in this project
- control of your own behaviour, the habit of avoiding extremes of behaviour like not drinking too much alcohol
- đá hoa cương
- to prepare sb for an event or situation, often by giving them the in4 they need
Ex: the president had been well primed before the debate
- to question sb in detail about work they have done for you
Ex: the pilots were thoroughly debriefed after every mission
- thảo nguyên