What disease process may result in the following:
- weakness
- abdominal pain
- fever
- confusion
- vomiting
- Low BP
- Dehydration
Acute Adrenal Crisis-Adrenocortical Insufficiency
In what disease process will insufficient aldosterone result in elevated serum potassium and low sodium?
Acute Adrenal Crisis- Adrenocortical Insufficiency
In what will an insufficient level of cortisol result in hypoglycemia?
Acute Adrenal Crisis- Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Acute Adrenal Crisis- Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Dehydration and hypotension may result in poor kidney perfusion showing an elevated _____ and creatinine
blood urea nitrogen
What is an emergency caused by insufficient mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) and glucocorticoid (cortisol)?
Acute Adrenal Crisis- Adrenocortical Insufficiency
What form of adrenal crisis results from the destruction or dysfunction of the adrenal cortex?
What form of adrenal crisis results from hyposecretion of ACTH?
Can Acute Adrenal Crisis- Adrenocortical Insufficiency occur during stress?
Patients with latent insufficiency or treated adrenal insufficiency with sudden withdrawal of adrenocortical hormones
True or False
Drug-induced adrenal insufficiency
Steroid medications called glucocorticoids (prednisone and dexamethasone) and mineralocorticoids (hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone) are similar to natural hormones cortisol and aldosterone produced in the adrenal gland.
If steroid medications are stopped or decreased to quickly, the adrenal glands may not begin to make cortisol again fast enough to meet the bodies needs, causing what possible condition?
Adrenal insufficiency
Higher doses and longer treatments increase the risk of adrenal insufficiency
Can sudden destruction of the pituitary be a cause of acute adrenal crisis?
True or False
Adrenal insufficiency may follow bilateral adrenalectomy or removal of a functioning adrenal tumor that had suppressed the other adrenal
True or False
Thyroid hormone (endogenous or exogenous) increases the body’s steroid demand, and if acutely elevated may result in a relative adrenal insufficiency
These can be symptoms of what medical emergency?
- headaches
- lassitude (lethargy)
- Nausea/vomiting
- Abdominal pain/Diarrhea
- Confusion or coma
- Cyanosis
- Dehydration
- Sparse axillary hair
Acute Adrenal Crisis
A patient presenting with the following may be what disease process?
- skin hyperpigmentation
- fever
- hyperkalemia
- hyponatremia
- hypotension
- eosinophilia
Adrenal Crisis
True or False
Hyponatremia or Hyperkalemia (or both) are usually present in adrenal crisis, hypoglycemia is also common