Adolescents and Adult Flashcards
Provide the age range of the 3 stages of adolescence
- Pre-adolescence (9-12)
- Early adolescence (13-16)
- Late adolescence / early adulthood (17-21)
Language Content (semantics: ___ knowledge,
___ knowledge, and ___)
- Vocabulary expands in ____ and ____, particularly with exposure to ____ practices.
- Understanding of ____ and ____ or non-literal meanings (____) expands vocabulary depth
- ____ is internalised – able to refer to people, place and time in narrative discourse (early adolescence)
- Can create ____ ____ of concrete and later abstract nouns.
- Can ___ hypothesis.
Language Content (semantics: word knowledge,
world knowledge, and vocabulary)
- Vocabulary expands in quality and quantity, particularly with exposure to literate practices.
- Understanding of synonyms and words with double or non-literal meanings (polysemy) expands vocabulary depth
- Narrative schema is internalised – able to refer to people, place and time in narrative discourse (early adolescence)
- Can create formal definitions of concrete and later abstract nouns.
- Can construct hypothesis.
Language Form (Morphology: word ____; Syntax: sentence ____; Phonological awareness: ____ awareness)
- Grammatical refinement includes use of: (5)
- ____ ____ of root words, suffixes, and prefixes continue to add to word knowledge to age ____.
- ____ forms used in speech and writing.
- ____ used to refer to things outside the immediate sentence increase ____ ____.
- Increasingly sophisticated ____ ____: ____, ____ & ____-____ sentence structures.
Language Form (Morphology: word forms; Syntax: sentence grammar; Phonological awareness: sound awareness)
- Grammatical refinement includes use of: (1) Abstract nouns, (2) Metacognitive verbs, (3) Metalinguistic verbs, (4) Factive and non factive verbs, (5) Adverbs of likelihood and magnitude
- Morphological knowledge of root words, suffixes, and prefixes continue to add to word knowledge to age 25.
- Passive forms used in speech and writing.
- Pronouns used to refer to things outside the immediate sentence increase text cohesion.
- Increasingly sophisticated clausal links: compound, complex & compound-complex sentence structures.
Language Use (Pragmatics: language ____ and ____ across social settings.)
* ____ abilities expand across a range of genres.
* Skilled at ____ ____ ____ use for various audiences.
* ____ and ____ ____ is used for a range of functions often simultaneously (negotiation, persuasion, entertainment, reflection, information sharing, planning)
* Conversational skills demonstrate ____ and increasing levels of ____.
* ____ ____ ____ are highly valued within peer relationships.
* ____ / ____ language is used to create slang terms.
Language Use (Pragmatics: language function and social across social settings.)
* Discursive abilities expand across a range of genres.
* Skilled at adapting oral language use for various audiences.
* Spoken and written language is used for a range of functions often simultaneously (negotiation, persuasion, entertainment, reflection, information sharing, planning)
* Conversational skills demonstrate perspective taking and increasing levels of empathy.
* Appropriate non-verbal response are highly valued within peer relationships.
* Figurative/metaphoric language is used to create slang terms.
Receptive Language (___ ___)
* Average of ____ words meanings understood by age ____ increasing to at least ____ by age ____.
* Understanding of content across a range of written and spoken discourse increases.
* Uses ____ and ____ of an utterance to ____ ____.
* Understands ____ ____ such as idioms, proverbs, riddles, smiles and analogies.
* Understand sarcasm through ____ and ____ cues (age 10); Comprehension of ____ develops later (early childhood)
* ____ is particularly important within peer relationship for boys.
* Further development of ____ to encompass greater ____ of ____ versus another’s ____ in social settings.
Receptive Language (Oral Comprehension)
* Average of 30,000 words meanings understood by age 15 increasing to at least 50,000 by age 25.
* Understanding of content across a range of written and spoken discourse increases.
* Uses content and context of an utterance to infer meaning.
* Understands metaphorical language such as idioms, proverbs, riddles, smiles and analogies.
* Understand sarcasm through intonation and context cues (age 10); Comprehension of ironly develops later (early childhood)
* Humour is particularly important within peer relationship for boys.
* Further development of ‘Theory of Mind’ to encompass greater awareness of own versus another’s perspective in social settings.
Development ____ in adult but continues throgh the ____.
slows; lifetime
These abilities adapt subtly to the many different environments in which an adult functions.
Social and communicative abilities
Increased social skills help and adult to choose the most ____ ____ and ____ ____ for any given situation, but it doesn’t mean that their language will be error-free or that they are an effective communicator
appropriate words; syntactic structure
With aging, there is a decline in both ____ and ____ language comprehension, understanding ____ ____ sentences, and ____.
It could be because of ____ or ____ difficulties in working memory.
With aging, there is a decline in both oral and written language comprehension, understanding syntatically complex sentences, and inferencing.
It could be because of overload or processing difficulties in working memory.
A healthy adults’ figurative language comprehension is fine but their ability to …. declines.
To explain figurative expression
Define pragmatics
It is how context influences how we interpret and make meaning.
What is “special registers”?
Styles of speech
Mature is language is efficient and appropriate. Why?
It’s efficient because words are more specifically defined and because forms do not need repetition or paraphrasing in order to be understood.
It’s appropriate because utterances are selected fot the psychosocial dynamics of the communication situation.
Less mature language users are less able to select appropriate code because they have a ____ repertoire of language forms.
These are the defining factors in acquisition. Also, registers disappear from a person’s repertoire with ____ use.
Exposure and need; infrequent
At what age do we lose flexibility and ease with word retrieval and made more morpho-grammatical errors?
Over 75 y.o.
Verbal feedback occurs ____ of the utterances and include words “yeah,” “uh-huh” that indicate agreement/understanding on previous utterances.
Adults use shading. What is shading?
It’s modifying the focus of the topic as a means of gradually moving from one topic to another while maintaining some continuity in the conversation.
Male and female are more ____ than ____ in language use.
More similar than different
Lexical differences between mean and women are generally ____ rather than ____
Quantitaive; qualitative
What are the differences between men and women in terms of conversational style?
* Indirect
* Conversation facilitators
* View conversation as a way to create intimacy
* Tend to lecture
* Information providers
* Opportunity for debate and competition
In male-female conversations, only about ____ of these topics become the focus of conversation.
____ of male-introduced topics are sustained.
When compared to younger adults, seniors use more ____ words, such as thing and one in place of specific names.
Supplying word definitions is ____
A comment on or convey the speaker’s attitude toward the content of the connected sentence, such as frankly, to be honest, perhaps, however, yet, and to my surprise.
Adverbial disjuncts
Ex. Honestly, I don’t know why…; In my opinion, it was a…; Well, to be honest, I think…
This is to signal a logical relation between sentences, such as still, as a result of, and to conclude.
Adverbial conjuncts
It is obtained by relating one sentence to another through the use of various conversation devices.
This are cohesive and and connective devices and may be concordant or discordant. What is concordant vs discordant?
Adverbal conjuncts
Concordant (similarly, moreover, consequently)
Discordant (in contrast, rather, but, neverthelesss)
It expresses a logical intersential relationship and are more common in literature than in conversation.
Adults use ____ conjucts per ____ utterances compared to the 12 y.o.’s four
12; 100 utterances
It is knwoing the movements needed to produce different speech sounds. It is an extended process.
Articulatory knowledge
It is a speech process in which sounds that will be produced later in an utterance are anticipated and the mouth is moved into position on an earlier speech sound.
It includes knowing how linguistic seriability conveys or is perceived to convey a speaker’s membership in different social group.
Social-indexical knowledge