adolescents Flashcards
Adolescent definition.
Bridge b/t childhood and adulthood
-ages. 10-20
early. 10-13
middle 14-17
late 18-20
Females grow an average of how many in after menarche?
Interview process with adolescents
-Establish trust
-diagrams and visual
-structure part of the interview alone
-be alert for cues that the adolescent doesn’t want to discuss certain. issues in front of parents
-HIPAAm adolescents right to privacy from parents regarding contraceptions and sexual activity
-encouraged to express feelings and concerns
-fully dressed
-HEADSS assessment for the adolescent
-Home, (living situation, who, where, how many rooms)
-Education and employment, (school. performance, empty,memt Hx)
-Activities, (church, hobbies, TV)
-Drugs, (personal use, family Hx)
-Sexuality, (orientation, pregnancy/. abortion, STIs)
-Suicide/ Depression, (any sleep disorder, appetite changes, Hx of suicide)
CRAFT screening tool for adolescents
Screen for alcohol, drugs use
-have you ever. ridden in a car drive. ny someone or yourself using drugs/alcochol
-Do you. use drugs to relax
-do you do drugs alone
-do you. ever forget things when using drugs
-do family or friends. ever tell you to cut down on drugs
-have you gotten into trouble while using drugs and alcohol
Vaccinations for adolescent
Meningococcal Vaccine (series of two shots)
HPB (boys and girls)
Dental assessment for adolescents
-cleanings every 6 months.
-encourage flossing
-brush after meals and before bed
Adolescent visual acuity
may alter with hormone surging
Adolescents Vital Signs
Vitals at each visit
Pulse: 55-85
Respiration: 12-18
BP: systolic 110-124
BP: diastolic 70-79
Assessment of the adolescent for scoliosis
Females: once at age 10 and once at age 12years
Males: once b/t 13 and 14years
-use Adams bend over exam
Laboratory test for adolescent
-Hematocrit: good for heavy periods
-Syphilis test: VDRL or RPR, gonorrhea (GC)/ Chlamydia (CT) from all sites (oral, anal, vaginal) and HIV if sexually active or Hx of sexual abuse
-Pap smears: begin at 21years of age
-Liver function test if Hx of drug use: street drugs and anabolic steroids
-Cholesterol if indicated: once at age 9-11 and again at age 17-21 years
(additional screening if DM, oversight/obese, family Hx of dyslipidemia and cardiac disease)
Adolescent male may experience gynecomastia if?
-marijuana intake
-anabolic steroid use
Adolescents taught self-exam of what?
-testicular self exam
(perform return demonstration)
-takes 2 min
Tanner stages for boys
1-preadolescents tests, scotum, penis, - BABY
2-enlargement of scrotum and testes, scrotum roughens and redness
4-Penis enlarges in breadth and development of glans, rug appear
5-adult shape and appearance- ADULT
Tanner stages for Girls
1-Preadolescent breast, -BABY
2-Breast buds with areolar enlargement
4-Areola and nipple project as secondary mound
5-Adult breast, areola recedes, nipple retracts -ADULT