Adjetivos 1 Flashcards
adjective definition
A “describing” word that tells you more about a person, place or thing such as appearance, color size (i.e. pretty, blue, big)
Descriptive Adjectives used with Ser
Point out characteristics such as nationality, size color, shape, personality and appearance.
Adjectives that end in -o.
The feminine singular is formed by changing the -o to -a. The plural is formed by adding -s to the singular forms. El muchacho alto - Los muchachos altos la muchacha alta - las muchachas altas
Adjectives that end in -e or a consonant
Have the same masculine and feminine forms, but have singular and plural forms. el chico inteligente - los chicos inteligentes la chica inteligente - las chicas inteligentes el examen difícil - los exámenes difíciles la clase difícil - las clases difíciles
Adjectives that end in -or
Variable in both gender and number. el hombre trabajador - los hombres trabajadores la mujer trabajadora - las mujeres trabajadoras
Adjectives that refer to nouns of different genders
Use the masculine plural form. Manuel es alto. Lola es alta. Manuel y Lola son altos.
Adjectives of Nationality ending in -o
The feminine singular is formed by changing the -o to -a. The plural is formed by adding -s to the singular forms. chino - china, mexicano - mexicana chino - chino, mexicana - mexicanas
Adjectives of nationality that end in -e
Have the same masculine and feminine forms, but have singular and plural forms. canadiense - canadienses
Adjectives of nationality that end in a consonant
Form the feminine by adding -a. alemán - alemana español - española japonés - japonesa inglés - inglesa
Adjectives of nationality which carry an accent mark on the last syllable
Drop the accent in both the feminine and plural forms. inglés - inglesa alemán - alemanes
Position of Adjectives
generally follow the noun they modify. El niño RUBIO es de España. la mujer ESPAÑOLA habla inglés.
Adjectives of Quantity
Are placed before the modified noun. Hay MUCHOS libros en la biblioteca. Hablo con DOS turistas chinos.
Bueno/a and malo/a
Can be placed before or after a noun. When placed before a masculine noun the forms are shorted. bueno - buen: Joaquin es un buen amigo Joaquin es un amigo bueno. malo - mal Hoy es un mal dia. Hoy es un dia malo.
When GRANDE appears before a singular noun
It is shortened to GRAN - and the meaning of the word changes: gran = great grande = large Don Francisco es un gran hombre. (great man) La familia de Inés es grande. (large family)
mas conocido/a
best known
bored; boring
happy; joyful
nice; friendly