ADHD Flashcards
What does ADHD stand for?
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
Three main features of ADHD include:
- Inattention
- Hyperactive
- Impulsive
Examples of inattention behaviour?
- Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork
- Has difficulty keeping attention during tasks or play
- Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly
- Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork)
- Often loses toys, assignments, pencils, books, or tools needed for tasks or activities
- Often forgetful in daily activities
- Easily distracted
Examples of hyperactive behaviour?
- Fidget with hands or feet
- Squirms in seat
- Runs about or climbs in inappropriate situations
- Difficulty playing quietly
- Talks excessively
Examples of impulsive behaviour?
- Blurts out answers before questions have been completed
- Interrupts conversations
- Difficulty waiting for their turn
If untreated may lead to:
- high incidence of substance misuse (alcohol and/ or cannabis)
- educational difficulties
- relationship problems
ADHD diagnosis must follow extensive mental health assessment by a specialist clinician such as:
In addition the diagnosis should follow a full assessment by an
- Paediatrician
- Child Psychiatrist
- Educational +/ or a Clinical Psychologist
Onset of ADHD is usually:
Before 3 years old
Duration of ADHD is usually
6 months and to a maladaptive level inconsistent with normal development
Non pharmacological treatments of ADHD include:
- psychoeducational methods where the education and advise should be based on treatment offered
- parent training/ family centred behaviour therapy
- behavioural interventions (school or pre-school). This will promote social adjustment and reduce hyperactive behaviour
Problem with using pharmacological treatment?
Treating symptoms instead of syndromal control
Should not assume that drugs are more hazardous at the younger end of spectrum because:
Therefore, prescribing and subsequent titration should be on a ___/___ dosing range
Bioavailability is lower in children because:
- Drug is distributed in larger extracellular fluid
- Rapid metabolism
Drug also crosses BBB more readily .
Name two psychostimulant drugs for ADHD
Name on centrally-acting sympathomimetic used in ADHD
Pharmacological treatments for ADHD should only be used after _____ _________. AND as part as care package that includes: (3 things)
specialist assessment
behavioural assessment + intervention
Stimulants more affective in treating which feature of ADHD over which other feature?
Stimulants are said to improve: Overactivity Attention span Impulsivity Aggression Social Interaction BUT what may not improve?
social skills
general academic achievement
Methylphenidate not licensed in children
MOA of methylphenidate?
Inhibits reuptake of monamine NTs (e.g DA) into presynaptic neurone therefore increases DA levels at post synaptic receptor sites
If no response after _____ at ______ dose(and with assured compliance) decrement and stop.
1 month
Adverse effects of methylphenidate:
Decreased appetite
Euphoria/ Depression/ Anxiety
Psychosis (rare)
Dexamphetamine licensed for children > ___ years
Which pharmacological agent for ADHD has limited abuse potential?
Atomoxetine is licensed for patients aged:
6+ years, adolescents and adults
Atomexetine MOA:
Highly selective inhibitor of the pre-synaptic NE transporter. It has minimal effect on serotonergic or dopaminergic transporters.
Psychological response of ADHD is monitored using what rating scale?
Connors abbreviated scale