Acute presentations Flashcards
- Sepsis is a life-threatening illness caused by the body’s response to an infection.
- Recognising sepsis is often very difficult in children as symptoms and signs can be similar to self- limiting or less severe conditions.
- Bacterial infections are by far the commonest cause of sepsis (can be viral or fungal).
- Sepsis is defined as suspected/proven infection with Systemic Inflammatory Response (SIRS).
presentation of sepsis
SIRS is the presence of at least 2 of the following:
One of which must be temperature or WCC
- Core temperature > 38.5oC or < 36oC.
- Tachycardia (in absence of external stimuli). Tachypnoea for age (or ventilation).
- White cell count elevated or depressed
screening for sepsis
managment of sepsis
- Severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that is acute in onset and can cause death.
differentials for anaphylaxis
- Skin: Acute urticaria.
- GUT: Food poisoning, gastroenteritis.
- Respiratory: URTI, irritant rhino-conjunctivitis, choking, viral wheeze. acute asthma exacerbation.
- CVS: vasovagal syncope, panic attack.
presentation of anaphylaxis
- Angioedema same pathophysiology as urticaria, however occurs in deeper layer of the skin with no itch receptors therefore not itchy like acute urticaria
management of suspected anaphylaxis
classic history for acute urticaria
- Woke this morning with rash:
- Raised erythematous plaques.
- Some have pale centre.
- Rash spreading; plaques coalescing.
- Rash intensely pruritic.
- Agitated, irritable and unhappy.
- No previous allergies; eats all foods.
- No recent new contact – food, drug.
acute urticaria background
- Also called hives, wheals or welts.
- Common condition affecting up to 20% of population.
- Typically intensely pruritic erythematous plaque.
- May be associated with angioedema (swelling).
- Commonly categorized by chronicity:
- Acute: <6 weeks; triggers allergy, URTI, idiopathic.
- Chronic: >6 weeks; spontaneous or physical triggers
presentation of acute urticaria
- Intensely pruritic rash
- Agitated, irritable, unhappy
- Spreading rash
- Raised erythematous plaques
management of acute urticaria
- History and examination to make diagnosis.
- In new-onset acute urticaria where assessment does NOT suggest underlying cause, NO investigations; may consider FBC and CRP if worried about vasculitis.
- High-dose non-sedating antihistamines.
- ± Oral glucocorticosteroids.
paracetamol overdose protocol overview 1/2
history for paracetamol overdose
o Dose
o Timing
o Associated ingestions
paracetamol overdose protocol overview 2/2
management of paractermaol overdose
charcoal only if very recently ingested
defintive treatment: N-acetylcysteine infusion
differential diagnosis
* Pre-septal cellulitis.
* Orbital or Post-septal cellulitis. * Allergicconjunctivitis.
* Bacterial conjunctivitis.
* Trauma.
* Sub-periostal/orbital abscess. * Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
history and examiantion for red swollen eye
- Acuity of onset?
- Recent URTI?
- Local insect bite, impetigo or conjunctivitis?
- Trauma?
- Eye pain, visual acuity, headache?
- Erythema/swelling of lid/surrounding tissue.
- Conjunctiva – white or red/swollen.
- Impaired eye movement (ophthalmoplegia).
- Painful eye movements.
- Impaired visual acuity.
presentation of pre-septal and orbital cellulitis
Pre-septal cellulitis
- Ocular itching is a prominent symptom.
- Bilateral conjunctival redness and swelling.
- Symptoms on exposure.
**Conjunctivitis ** - Redness and discharge from one eye.
- Affected eye ‘stuck shut’ in the morning.
- Colour/consistency depends on cause.
- Caused by bacteria (Staph. Aureus, H. Strep,
H. Influenzae) chlamydia, viruses.
pre-septal vs orbital cellulitis
Pre-septal cellulitis: inflammatory disease of the orbit limited to the tissues anterior to the orbital septum.
Orbital cellulitis: inflammatory disease of the superficial and deep structures of the orbit.
aetiology of pre-septal cellulitis
- 85%+ cases are pre-septal cellulitis.
- Commonly follows URTI and sinusitis (ethmoid commonest).
- Respiratory pathogens (Streptococcus, Haemophilus) commonest.
- Other sources: spread from skin, lachrymal ducts, middle ear etc.
examiantion for pre-septal vs orbital (more serious) cellulitis
management of pre-orbital sepsis
- Admit.
- IV access.
- FBC/CRP, cultures.
- Nose swab.
- IV Ceftriaxone.
- ± IV Metronidazole
- (if sinuses involved)
- Prompt ENT and
review. - 4h obs.
- Consider CT scan.
pneumonia differentials
- Bronchiolitis (Viral CAP). * Pertussis.
- Heart failure.
- Sepsis.
- Metabolic acidosis.
- Non-infectious mimics.
pneumonia differentials
- Bronchiolitis (Viral CAP). * Pertussis.
- Heart failure.
- Sepsis.
- Metabolic acidosis.
- Non-infectious mimics.
signs of pneumonia
fine crackles
bronchial breathing
reduced air entry
Fine crackles:
- Short, explosive, non-musical sounds.
- Heard during mid-to-late inspiration.
- Sounds like Velcro being gently separated.
- Made by sudden opening of small airways.
- NOT affected by coughing.
- Also heard in: pulmonary fibrosis.
heart failure.
Bronchial breathing:
Bronchial breathing:
* Heard in both phases of respiration.
* Sounds like tracheal sounds.
* Indicates airway surrounded by consolidated
lung tissue – transmitting sound to surface.
Reduced air entry.
- Consolidation with embedded airways blocked by inflammation or secretions
- High-pitched usually expiratory sound.
- Suggests airway narrowing.
- Can be present in pneumonia.
investigations severity assessment for pneumonia
bacterial vs viral caap presentation
management of CAP
ALL suspected bacterial CAP need antibiotics
Oral for moderate CAP unless can’t tolerate.
IV for severe/complicate ± moderate.
Duration depends on severity and response.
- Non-severe: Amoxicillin ± Clarithromycin.
- Severe: Co-amoxiclav ± Clarithromycin.
-or- Cefuroxime ± Metronidazole
define Brief Resolved Unexplained Event BRUE - formerly acute life-threatening event
A sudden, brief, now resolved episode in an infant with:
- Cyanosis or pallor,
- Absent, decreased or irregular breathing,
- Marked changes in tone (hypo- or hyper-tonia),
- Altered level of consciousness
Applies only when no other explanation after assessment
1. Brief = <1 minute.
2. Now resolved = infant asymptomatic on presentation.
3. 3. With = 1 or more criteria.
BRUE risk screening for discharge
- Age >60 days
- If premature: born at gestational age >32 weeks and
current postconceptional age >45 wks. - Only 1 BRUE (NO prior BRUE i.e., first event).
- Duration of BRUE <1 minute.
- NO CPR required by trained medical care provider.
low risk BRUE management
- Educate caregiver; offer CPR training.
- ± ECG and O/N monitoring.
high risk BRUE management
- Admit for continuous oximetry observation.
- ECG.
- FBC, bicarbonate, glucose, metabolic screen.
- Blood and urine culture.
- Respiratory virus testing; Pertussis testing.
- Observe/evaluate feeding.
- Prescribe anti-reflux medication.
- Home monitoring.
Asthamtic history
- Acuity of onset?
- Potential trigger - recent URTI? allergen exposure?
Background asthma history?
- Regular asthma medication.
- Frequency of preventer use.
- Frequency of/last course of oral steroids.
- Previous ED and GP attendances.
- Social impact – days off school.
Risk of severe asthma?
- Repeated ED attendance esp. In last year.
- Previous admissions, esp. in last year.
- Previous near fatal asthma (ICU admission).
- Pulse and respiratory rates; SpO2 in air.
- Work of breathing – use of accessory muscles.
- Breath sounds – unequal, silent chest?
- Amount of wheeze.
**Other causes/complications? **
- Pneumonia
- Pneumothorax.