Acute Oncology Flashcards
When is uridine triacetate used?
In patients exhibiting early onset severe and life-threatening 5FU toxicity.
Which toxicities does uridine triacetate prevent and reverse?
Mucositis, myelosuppression, neuro and cardio toxicities.
What ECG changes might you see with hypomagnesaemia?
ST depression, altered T waves and small voltage
What type of imaging is most helpful in the diagnosis of PRES?
MRI with contrast will show hyperintensities within the white matter involving the parietooccipital lobes of T2 weighted imaging.
What is the management of extravasation of vesicants?
Localise and neutralise. Cold compress for 20 minutes QDS plus topical DMSO.
Name commonly use vesicant chemotherapy?
Doxorubicin, epirubicin, docetaxel and paclitaxel
What is the management of extravasation of irritants?
Disperse and dilute. Warm compress for 20 minutes QDS plus Hylaronidase SC injections.
Name some commonly used irritant chemotherapies
Platinum agents, etoposide, methotrexate, irinotecan
How would you manage a non vesicant extravasation?
Cold compress
When is GCSF prophylaxis recommended?
If risk of febrile neutropenia exceeds 20% or if febrile neutropenia risk is 10-20% and risk factors such as age >65, low PS, significant co-morbidity, previous chemotherapy and high malignant symptom burden.
A MASCC score above what number is indicative of low risk febrile neutropenia
Above or equal to 21
When would you consider surgical intervention for MSCC?
Prognosis >3m, particularly if good prognosis no visceral disease
Ambulatory at presentation
Spinal instability (mechanical pain or fracture)
What scoring system can be used to guide who is suitable for surgical intervention in MSCC?
Tokuhashi score
Which malignancies commonly cause SVCO?
Lung, lymphoma and germ cell.
On failure of steroids in AI hepatitis, what is the next line management?
Mycophenylate usually but can use Azathioprine
Which drug is used specificically for anthracycline extravasating?
Which drug is specifically used for cisplatin extravasation?
Sodium thiosulphate
When will patients need a personal import/export license to travel with controlled drugs
If carrying more than 3m supply