Acute Kidney Injury Flashcards
Define AKI
-> Reversible! renal dysfunction
What is the KDIGO Classification of AKI ?
KDIGO Classification of AKI;
Increase in serum creatinine by ≥ 26 umol/L within 48 hrs
Increase in serum creatinine to ≥ 1.5 times baseline within the preceding 7 days
Urine volume < 0.5 ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
SO NOTICE; Changes in creatinine are a MASSIVE hint to kidney malfunction!
KDIGO stands for; Kidney disease, Improving global outcomes
`Recognise the presenting symptoms of AKI
Depends on underlying CAUSE ;
Whether it is pre-renal, intrinsic, or post-renal
- Oliguria/anuria (reduced or no urine output)
NOTE: abrupt anuria suggests post-renal obstruction
- Nausea/vomiting
- Dehydration
- Confusion
Recognise the signs of AKI on physical examination
- Hypertension
- Distended bladder
- Dehydration - postural hypotension
- Fluid overload (in heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome) - Raised JVP, pulmonary and peripheral oedema
- Pallor, rash, bruising (vascular disease)
Name Pre-Renal causes of AKI
Pre-Renal ( accounts for 90% of AKIs);
Hypovolaemia (e.g. haemorrhage, Diuresis, Diarrhoea, Dehydration, severe vomiting)
Heart failure
Nephrotic syndrome
Hypotension (e.g. shock, sepsis, anaphylaxis)
Renal hypoperfusion (e.g. NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, ARBs, renal artery stenosis)
Name intrinsic causes of AKI?
Glomerular - glomerulonephritis, haemolytic uraemic syndrome
Tubular - acute tubular necrosis
Interstitial - acute interstitial nephritis (e.g. NSAIDs, autoimmune)
Vasculitides (e.g. Wegener’s granulomatosis)
Anything/ drug that wil cause nephrotoxicity so; Cisplatin, Vancomycin. So if the patient is on chemo… red flag -> intrinsic!
Name causes of Post-Renal AKI?
(due to obstruction)
Urethral stricture
Prostate hypertrophy or malignancy
Bladder tumour
Name risk factors for AKI?
Chronic kidney disease
Comorbidities (e.g. heart failure)
Use of nephrotoxic medications ; chemotherapy, infections etc
Emergency surgery
Diabetes mellitus
Summarise the epidemiology of AKI
15% of adults admitted to hospital will develop an AKI
Most common in the ELDERLY
Identify appropriate investigations for AKI
All with aim to identify which subtype and then the casusative mechanism.
Bloods - all including clotting
Urinalysis - presence of blood indicates intrinsic cause?
Virology - hepatitis and HIV
Ultrasound -Check for post-renal cause + Look for hydronephrosis
Imaging; cxr (if you find pulm oedema, then you can say, heart failure cause the aki)
CT KUB - look for renal calculi
Renal biopsy - if you have ruled out pre-renal and post renal causes and are certain it’s a renal parenchymal disease
What very notable systemic disease causes aki?
Is it a pre-renal intrinsic or post-renal cause
It damages the glomerulus so it is an intrinsic cause
What things do we look out for in immunology investigations in AKI? (considering the last card)
Serum immunoglobulins and protein electrophoresis - for multiple myeloma
Also check for Bence-Jones proteins in the urine
ANA - associated with SLE
Also check anti-dsDNA antibodies (high in active lupus)
Complement levels - low in active lupus
Anti-GBM antibodies - Goodpasture’s syndrome
Antistreptolysin-O antibodies - high after Streptococcal infection
Generate a management plan for AKI
Treat the cause • FOUR main components to management: ○ Protect patient from hyperkalaemia (calcium gluconate) ○ Optimise fluid balance ○ Stop nephrotoxic drugs ○ Consider for dialysis
- Monitor serum creatinine, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate and glucose
- Identify and treat infection
- Urgent relief of urinary tract obstruction
- Refer to nephrology if intrinsic renal disease is suspected
When is Renal replacement therapy considered?
Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) considered if:
○ Hyperkalaemia stubborn to medical management
○ Pulmonary oedema resistant to medical management
○ Severe metabolic acidaemia
○ Uraemic complications; seizure, coma, cardiac arrest, death
Identify possible complications of AKI
- Pulmonary oedema
- Acidaemia
- Uraemia
- Hyperkalaemia; palpitations, numbness and tingling, weakness and tiredness etc
- Bleeding
What is the prognosis of aki?
Inpatient mortality varies depending on cause and comorbidities • Indicators of poor prognosis: ○ Age ○ Multiple organ failure ○ Oliguria ○ Hypotension ○ CKD • Patients who develop AKI are at increased risk of developing CKD
what are the 2 overaching ways AKI is diagnosed?
- Fall in urine output
2. Rise in creatinine
when does AKI progress to CKD?
Last for more than 3 months
Doesnt reverse
mnemonic for most common causes of AKI?
S - sepsis
T - toxins eg amikacin
O - obstruction
P - parenchymal renal disease
what counts as rhabdomyolysis?
creatinine 5x of upper limit of normal for age so eg 175x5 = 875