Acute Inflammatory Dermatoses Flashcards
Lesions develop and disappear within hours, but episodes may last for days to weeks.
Trunks, extremities, ears
Urticaria (hives)
Antigen induced, mast cell degranulation through IgE abs
Follows exposure to various antigens - pollens, foods, drugs, insect venom
Urticaria (hives)
Subtle histological changes.
Superficial dermal perivenular infiltrate > neutrophils > mononuclear cells
Collagen bundles widely spaced due to dermal edema
Dilated lymphatics from absorption of edema fluid
No epidermal changes
Urticaria (Hives)
Includes contact dermitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Acute eczematous dermatitis (spongiotic dermatitis)
Inflammatory rx caused by exogenous chemical
Irritant and allergic forms
Contact dermatitis
Produced by substance that has direct toxic effect on skin
Ex. Acids, detergents, alkalis, frequent hand washing
Not an immunological condition.
Rash begins shortly after exposure
Cell mediated, delayed type hypersensitivity rx (type 4)
Antigen on skin taken up by Langerhan’s Cells > migrate via dermal lymphatics to LNs > Present antigen to CD4 Thelper cells > effector and memory cells
Sensitization of skin 1-2 wks after first exposure to allergen.
Re-exposure causes dermatitis in hours-days
Common allergens - poison ivy, mangos, iodine, nickel, rubber, cosmetics
Produce urushiol as common allergenic substance
Fluid in vesicles do/do not contain an allergen and can/cannot induce a disease in others for allergic contact dermatitis?
Do not
Erythematous papules and vesicles with oozing > crusting and scaling
Very pruritic
Chronic, waxing and waning, extremely pruritic condition beginning in first year of life
Family history of allergies, asthma, and eczema
Worse in winter due to decreased humidity
Etiology unknown
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Papules, vesicles, oozing, and crusting
Babies - face, diaper area, and extensor surface of extremities
Children and adults - neck, face, axillae, antecubital, and popliteal fossa
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Atopic dermatitis also known as
Skin very dry
Itching > scratching > itching
Chronically can lead to lichenification - epidermal thickening
Coin shaped.
Itchy red plaque with vesicles and distinct borders
Young adults.
Same treatment as for eczema
Nummular dermatitis
Winter itch.
Older people in winter.
Dry, cracked skin becomes itchy
Asteatotic dermatitis
Avoid excessive bathing, use room humidifiers, moisturizers, topical steroids if inflamed
Asteatotic dermatitis
Spongiosis (intercellular edema)
Exocytosis of lymphocytes
Acute eczematous dermatitis
Intercellular edema also known as
From mast cell degranulation causing microvascular hyperpermeability
Urticaria (hives)