Acts of citizenship and mobilities Flashcards
How do acts of citizenship occur?
Through civil society to change citizenship practices
What is a good example of acts of citizenship in the South?
Insurgent citizenship (Holston 2007) and the right to the city through informal housing to provide basic shelter
Why is neoliberalism dangerous to citizenshp?
Excludes people and perpetuates inequality in the South (Holston, 2007)
What is are 2 flaws with insurgent citizenship (Holston, 2007)?
1) Property rights could lead to purchases (even though informal)
2) Despite gaining a right to the city more powerful elites have political, economic and legal means to disrupt the insurgency
What does Holston (2007) refer to housing in Favelas as? Why is it important?
“Autoconstruction” in Favelas “ legalizing the illegal is the means by which they become urban citizens through the appropriation of the very soil of the city itself”
Why is insurgent citizenship important?
It “challenges the assumptions made by liberal citizenship models of a nearly linear progression of citizenship rights [compare Marshall] and depicts the internal contradictions of liberal and formal citizenship.”
(Miraftab and Wills, 2007)
How do mobilities link to neoliberal notions of citizenship?
Individualism of cyclists seen as earned (compared to car use) because of environmental benefits
Aldred 2010
Who has pointed towards clothing as an inaccessible aspect of cycling?
Osbourne and Grant-Smith, 2017 and MAMIL clothing - also makes people “feel out of place”
Who has discussed “active citizenship”?
Isin 2009 - how citizenship is implicated in everyday life
Who has theorised mobility as a means and not an ends of citizenship?
Spinney et al. 2015
Who has suggested that cycling infrastructure favours wealthier neighbourhoods in cities?
Osbourne and Grant-Smith, 2017
Who has highlighted the importance of knowledge and equipment for cycling?
Green, et al., 2012
Who has highlighted that infrastructure can actually reinforce inequalities for cycling?
Vietinghoff, 2021
- Infrastructure does not solve underlying material and epistemological restraints on cycling
- It can be unevenly provisioned
Who has connected cycling to the right to the city?
Osbourne and Grant-Smith, 2017
Who has highlighted the hollowing out of the state and its effect on cycling?
Lucas, 2003 - cycling and transport treated separately
Good case study for cycling in UK cities?
Aldred and Jungnickel, 2014
A focus on Cambridge and Hull
Where has cycling been used to bolster and rebuild citizenship?
In post-Pinochet Santiago (Sagaris, 2010)